Others - Haydee 2 [v1.0.18] [Haydee Interactive]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    No amount of proof is required for this "Game". It is not a game, it will be an insult to other games if this was called a "game". The amount of trial and error you must pass through, the amount of backtracking is abysmal. Mines are everywhere on spots there shouldn't be just for the player to die because they were "careless". There is literally a spot in the cafetaria, that has a mine that NOBODY, not even the most inexperienced game developer, WOULD ever place a mine there. Only the one that wants to hurt you personally, the one who wants to insult you.
    Save stations are limited and you're forced to go back to your first station so you can save your progress, breadcrumb by breadcrumb progress otherwise, get KILLED by the most stupid mine spot. The player is the target here!
    The developer is insulting the player at every moment, a game that insults you, wastes your time, has "mechanics or features" that are useless(Protagonist can spread her legs but that's it? No masturbation or anything? SHE DOESN"T HAVE AN ANUS as well, what's the point of this?) and other useless concepts is UNACCEPTABLE and you as a player; must take responsibility.
    Play games that respect you as a human and your time. Don't play games just because they have a "concept" that attracts your flesh. "Oh bosoms, how great, let me play", only you get baited by the worst "gameplay" manageable. Grow up, people who you think such things are meant to be spent time on. Read between the lines and please, we are in 2024, make/play actual good games.

    Seriously, there is no tutorial, there are no tools tips to know how to use items. In order to disable mines, you must have the correct tool in the hotkey and use the hotkey on it, otherwise get instant killed.
    This isn't a survival horror, there is no horror unless the horror are the proximity mines.
    It is all about trial and error, going back to your save spot to keep progress. Because if you waste ammo needlessly, or go to wrong spots and fighting the wrong enemies at the wrong time, you won't have any ammo and you will softlock yourself. It isn't Resident Evil where you can kite and avoid enemies. That game enables you to move through rooms without using ammo or just using the knife. Here? Good luck? You don't need luck, there is no Haydee here, robot is not here, just a faceless character that should use her bosoms to kill enemies. Her hitbox is larger than her breasts, don't you even dare to crouch near mines, her headbox will betray you.
    ACTUALLY, don't play this, not game, abomination, peroid. Only the Ghost in the shell poster is hot, that's it.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Pretty fun. The fact that a modder hand-made every level from Haydee 1 and made it publicly available is a bonus. There are other mods as well that introduce entire levels, and the modding scene is still active.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    Mod does not work. I downloaded, extracted, and ran the file, but nothing changed. Everything was the same, it ran with no problem whic was good, but there was no sign of the mods installation anywhere in the menu selection.
  4. 4.00 star(s)

    IoPzK Creations

    So I am giving this a pretentious 4 stars.
    Its a 4.5 there is a reason its not a 5.

    First of all I appreciate it, okay? This game already does more than expected of it.

    I like the graphics, the difficulty, and the completely random/seemingly unfitting adult thematic of the main protagonist made as thick as my HS2 card collection(In my sig;) dont get distracted !)
    Worst part is I would have kept quiet about the meaningless problems I have with this game.

    For fresh starters and to prove my main point is - THIS UPDATE IS ABSOLUTELY UNDERWHELMING !
    And thus that brings me to the biggest problem.
    The vanilla AND modded customization levels are beyond poor and in comparison to lets say how some Sandbox type games flood you with customization mods and accesories and you cant even try it all on !
    ... .
    You have ONE character in this game... and the best you did was a making a PS1 Lara Croft effect ...

  5. 2.00 star(s)


    Okay fair's fair if you like unforgiving gameplay I can see this being a bit of a diversion (maybe it could be more polished but hey it's free here). I just find it so frustrating personally, being forced to go by trial and error for the most part, but errors are punished by pretty much unavoidable death and having to restart from a save point, just makes me want to quit and play something else rather than take another shot and try to do better. Especially since with zero tutorial I'm not even sure I'm using the tools I've managed to find properly (like is the pistol supposed to be that pathetic, or am I just using it wrong?)

    It's annoying because the atmosphere, while a bit on the cheap side, makes me think Sexy Portal and that's such a wonderful idea. The character models are fun, the jiggle physics are cute, I think I'd really love exploring this creepy facility and finding clues and puzzling together its secrets, which hopefully would involve I don't know automated dildo machines to open doors and so on. But whenever I'm actually playing the game I just feel like I'm just going to be punished for making any wrong turn from the walkthrough I'm supposed to memorise by dying every time I get one thing wrong, so curiosity is the furthest thing from my mind and frankly I can't even enjoy the tingle-down-spine thrill of being naked in an unfamiliar world because how can you focus on your boobs swaying around when you're busy checking every corner for surprise mines? Like I say if the intention was totally unforgiving survival... it's not even horror really, just "survival rule 34", okay, but whether it's not what the makers wanted to do or they just didn't have the imagination to focus on puzzle solving (i.e. thinking, not trial and error) and worldbuilding, to me this whole thing just screams frustrating missed opportunity.
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    Well, if you want to play a porno version of an older resident evil game that doesn't explain anything, has no map, no tutorials, and over the shoulder shooting, and basically nothing really good about it here you go.

    So, the good this are that the animations are decent, there's mod support if you like the game, and the main character's design certainly appeals to many people.

    Then there's porn images in every room. Pretty much just posters of porn parodies of video game posters / covers. They're so many of them they just become visual noise honestly.

    The bad:
    The game drops you in with a difficulty selection (which I assume just affects enemy damage) and nothing else. There's not even a splash screen to say "these are the movement controls".

    The controls are a bit odd in places. You're limited to standard wasd movement, sprinting and crouching. The wired thing is that crouching is defaulted to control as a toggle, which is fine. Standing from your crouch is defaulted to space. Unlike basically every other game where the crouch key will also toggle standing back up. Nothing else, other than the lack of jumping and other movement options that I heard were in the first game.

    The complete lack of any explanation of anything. There's literally nothing telling you how to do anything in the game, basically the difficulty as far as I got to was along the lines of "oh hey, there's enemies there you died". "We didn't tell you how to disarm that mine, too bad you did it wrong and died." Basically the "puzzles" as far as I got are just "did you think of the specific thing the developer didn't tell you about"

    And my ranting of how far I played in the game, mostly to get it off my chest:

    So exploring after the first safe room (again old school resident evil style, you ca only save at specific locations) you find what turns out to be a land mine. No problem, by crouching you can interact with it and that should disarm it... Nope, that sets it off and instant kill. Then you realize that the developers decided to not have any kind of game over screen, it just sits there until you manually bring up the menu and load. It also doesn't pause when you open the menu, which is just a weird design choice in a single player game.

    So then you explore other areas and find some laser grids, which in basically every game are instant kills so you ignore them for now. Going the other way you find an easily dodged enemy in one room, and another room with an enemy locked behind a gate with a gun behind it. You release the enemy, and fail to get the gun or kill it since even if you get the gun it's not loaded and enemies stun lock you out of all your animations.

    Then you look up online and learn the normally death in any game laser walls are just alarms. So you get a tool to disarm mines and thing hey, now that I have the pliers equipped I should be able to disarm that mine. But just hitting the use key sets off the mine again. You need to use the item number that the pliers are in to disarm the mine, which you can then pick up.

    You get to the second save room and explore around a bit running low on supplies sop you dodge enemies as much as possible. Then after a little while you realize that enemies keep their changes in position and if they were chasing you between loading rooms and it's really just a shitty survival horror game with nothing going for it porn wise you quit and delete the game.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    In a greater scope, this is a high 3 or low 4/5, as it's just plain not as good as the first one in that a lot of the complexity was removed. It is significantly better polished though, and handles some other aspects better like sound design, lighting, and the metroidvania aspect is both better in some ways and worse in others, but overall comes out as a slight improvement in that regard. Individual room design and difficulty takes a huge nose dive as every shred of verticality is gone (there isn't even a jump or climb button anymore) and crouching is almost never used in any remotely meaningful way.

    So why a 5/5? Because it's not being compared on a grander scale. As far as games on F95Zone go, this is one of the most polished and fun experiences that can be found on the website. It's not exactly a porn game, but if you compare the overall experience, there's a lot to be found here that makes it 5 stars.

    Note that while it is EASIER than the first game by quite a bit (though the metroidvania aspect can be a bit tougher and less intuitive here...) navigating its corridors and rooms and staying alive through it all is still a big challenging. This game in no way, shape, or form is deserving of a 1 star review, and the fact that there are several of them is indicative of how even that moderate level of challenge or frustration that "it's not the exact same thing as the previous game" is too much for some people here just trying to look for a braindead fap and they almost definitely ragequit after 10 minutes. You should NOT listen to these, and do some further research into the game yourself. A fair review for someone unsatisfied with this game or unsatisfied with it as a sequel should land it somewhere in the 2-2.5 star range.
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    I think I'm not the only one who played the first Haydee because of how the protagonist looked. Big titty robot/cyborg lady. They removed that and instead turned her into generic human.

    The gameplay seems worse than the first game too and it's not like the first one was some masterpiece, the puzzles and especially the platforming could become a pain in the ass at times, with its near pixel perfect jumps at crappy camera placement.

    The graphics seem worse and cheaper in certain places, it looks more like an asset flip cashing in on the first game than an actual sequel.

    Stay away from this.
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    I want to bone that protagonist so bad, they must have put effort into making the game as subpar as it is to make me drop the rating so much with that render. In almost any other rendered game that chick would be worth bonus stars but here... and they want how much on the platforms it's for sale on?!?!... 1 star. This game would have a ways to go to get a 2 and would have to vastly better use that heroine and add some serious sexual content to even hit a 2.5 or 3.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    About half way through, nice design and I appreciate the puzzle solving element. Would be nice to have a bit of a tutorial. While I appreciate a challenge, its easy to get stuck after the first 5 min purely because one doesnt understand the mechanics. As an example, I didnt realize the lasers dont kill you. Their visual language is more deadly than that of the mines, so only after frustration did I try and just walk through them.
    I do like the look of the main char, she could be a bit higher rez, especially he body I can see a bit of pixelation so that would be really cool for the full release.
    Making the interactable area for the mines a bit larger would be nice. Theyre easy to diffuse after the first one but do take a bit of time. Just to make it less frustrating to people who are struggling.
    It would also be cool if we had the option to crouch and stand up with the same key, just more consistent with modern AAA games.
    So Ill be keeping an eye on this one, fun so far, still needs a bit of work. Look forward to future releases
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    This game is dogshit. Barely worth $5, if even that. The fact that its on Steam for almost $20-25 USD is laughable. I completed it today, just out of curiosity. It's all in all just a tech demo. Nothing more. I love the environment and the attention to detail in many areas. The game had potential, but it feels like it was rushed to release at the 90% mark or something. Many of the gameplay systems could have easily been improved with some work to make the overall experience far more enjoyable. The developer clearly doesn't lack the skill to do it in my opinion. If you're going to make a lewd game inspired by Resident Evil, then you might as well clone/copy what RE did right. How about a detailed map that is accessible ingame, that shows you which rooms are discovered/completed and which are not? How about improving the inventory system just a tad bit more, by adding titles and descriptions to all of the items, so tha you know what do with a random white coffer with a colored icon stamped on it? Would that have made the game far too 'easy'? Perhaps. But you can still choose to omit those things for the Hardcore difficulty.

    Things that annoy me the most:

    • No sound feedback on enemies and mines
    • Enemies have a hard-coded attack cooldown that they repeat over and over. Zero variation. If you get cornered, you're dead, because they just stun-lock you.
    • Gun play is unexciting and generic
    • Malicious placement of mines that have one sole purpose: to brick your run.
    • Very barebones inventory system (as mentioned: titles and descriptions would have helped tremendeously; especially for people who haven't played part 1)
    • The 'lore' is all over the place, scattered and confusing. Many of the notes (I would estimate half of the 58-ish documents) don't add any value or information for the player. Why include them at all then?

    Things that I enjoyed:

    • Boobas and protagonist looks
    • Overall level aesthetics
      • The clean and sterile environment of an underground complex remind me of Portal or Resident Evil; games which are nice in their own right
    • Although there is little music variation, the endless loop of the main soundtrack doesn't get boring, repetitive, or annoying. It was very well chosen. Conveys a fitting atmosphere
    • Good game engine/performance

    I can appreciate a challenging game that doesn't hold your hands, but I would much rather have some fun / enjoyment in this case. For an expert game, I don't feel like the right choices have been made. The game's strong suits should have been the erotic element, a mysterious story that you have to piece together on your own and a little bit of gunplay without cheap jump-scares. Instead, there is a very heavy emphasis on memorization that stems from the forced trial and error. Walk into a room and die because you run out of ammo? Reload the save and rethink your approach. Walk through a new section of the complex and didn't check every single fucking corner? Boom, random mine hidden behind a tiny-ass crate bricks your run. Restart.

    But I have to admit. Now that I completed it once, I kind of want to start a fresh hardcore run and see how well I have memorized everything and how fast I can indeed complete this game. It's a very ambigious love-hate relationship I have developed with Haydee 2 personally.

    My biggest gripe with it all is this: The game is just a relatively small maze. That's it. It's a labyrinth tech demo in my book. The game world isn't large and despite that I've spent a good few hours to complete my first playthrough. Why? The majority of the time you spend with beating this game does not come from meaningful progression, but rather it stems from endless amounts backtracking, memorization, walking into dead ends, walking into rooms you've previously cleared over and over and over and over again . . . There is no indication if you still need certain key items, so naturally you will carry them around for far longer than necessary. The RE2 and RE3 remakes again are examples for games that have done a good job at solving this problem pretty easily. Once an Item is not needed anymore, it allows you to delete it. Not before that however. If you look at a Haydee 2 map, you will see that it's just a handful of rooms, but your progression is forcibly hindered by a jillion different colored key cards and roughly 10 key items to break and open new path ways. Ugh.
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    This game is ass compared to the first one.
    The new face is ugly as fuck and they removed the design appeal of Haydee.
    The model hasn't been improved anything significantly either (it's 50% the same).
    Interactive game objects don't stand out so it's hard to know what to do i certain situations.
    The first confrontation where you need to run past the cyborg really shows how shit this game really is.
    You can get stuck by being blocked by the cyborg and die.
    Which items can be used is hard to see so you die.
    The game doesn't teach you how to use items so you die again.
    Then you try to interact with the item but the cyborg hits almost as fast as you can equip and use it so you die again.
    Some of the controls can't even be configured like the toggle crouching.
    I'm so dissapointed.
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    If you were a fan of the actual gameplay of the original game then this fails to live up to it. The game is infinitely easier and more linear to the point you cant even jump any longer.

    What was once a tricky and well thought out game has turned into just a series of rooms covered from floor to ceiling in porn of this new version of Haydee.

    Its a lazy asset dump from the original game for a quick buck riding off the porn.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    Update: increasing my rating by 1/2 star. Rounding up to 4. Finished the game. In contrast to others I like the female face. Also appreciated the collectable internal documents giving more context than Haydee 1. Although the complete mystery of Haydee 1 also has its charm. Lastly the atmosphere. The game was a much nicer visual experience than Haydee 1 which had very basic interiors.
    4 members liked my 3 star rating.
    Original review:

    Giving this 3 stars based on the excellent Haydee 1.

    The game follows a buxom woman(predecessor was a buxom cyborg) in a maze like series of indoor settings full of attackers in a futuristic cyborg brothel. The MC is a silent big bewb beauty who the player can gape at from all angles. Mods for Haydee 1 also offered a wide range of alternative models for the MC.

    Haydee 2 is a shadow of the first game. The original required the player to solve a large number of navigation puzzles in order to progress. After 3 hours of play, I have yet to enounter a single puzzle in Haydee 2. Maybe they will show up later. I've read some reviews where players are thankful for the lack of puzzles and emphasis on shooting. The original game required some thinking. Now it's mostly a monster shoot em up. The game has also eliminated all platforming. Climbing, hanging and jumping was a core necessity for progressing in the first game. That verticality made it much more complex and fun to play. Haydee 2 is so far just an endless corridor and staircase run around. A bizarre decision from the devs and a clear downgrade of the gaming experience. Not remotely as fun as the original.

    Haydee 2 offers basic gun play and a big bewb MC. Not comparable with the original and not worth the current price. At a major discount recommended for the nice ambience and curvy MC.