RPGM - Completed - Hazumi and Pregnation [v1.11.1] [Mihiraghi]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    This is a fun game especially if you are into pregnancy stuff... however I felt the game got stale after a while and could have used a bit more variety with the sex scenes. I got sort of bored going doing the same things every day while going through the actual pregnancy cycles so I feel there could have been more added to keep it fresh, but overall I thought it was an enjoyable experience
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    This is probably one of my most favorite game involving pregnancy. I love so much characters and story where you have to play someone who's going to be pregnant in the enterity of the game of for mechanics.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Loved this game, got all scenes and items after 3-4 replays. the scenes and the art is brilliant, the gameplay and the mechanics in this game are well explained, and fun, whilst having the game be challenging at times (especially with saving money for rent on certain days in-game).

    5/5, would play again and again.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    A fun game with good h scenes and good art the story is not bad pretty simple concept but gets the job done and is better than no story a good download to kill some time support the creator if your able to and share the game
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Solid game if you're into the whole pregnancy/birth thing. The main gameplay loop does get a little grindy and repetitive and there's only three possible positions. But it is a simple enough game that doesn't claim to be anything more than it is.

    Plus, there's some pretty decent mods out there that can help add to the experience and make it a little less or more grindy depending on what you're looking for.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is perfect for those who loves pregnancy/birth content.
    The game is very simple, you control a hot girl named hazumin who enters on the prostitution business because of the govermnent is paying the girls to have babies because of the declining birth rate.
    The gameplay is very simple, you can gain money by working as a whore, working at convenience store, selling your milk at slums and others types of jobs.
    Each client has his own sexual preferences, if you fill their sexual preferences, you will gain more money.
    The pregnancy mechanic is pretty good, the MC can get pregnant by having sex with guys specially on the dangerous days, you can check her status on her cellphone to see if she is or not pregnant. Also to raise her pregnancy chance, you can just buy some special ovulation drugs at the slums.
    If she gets pregnant, the game will continue normally, you will be able to see her different pregnancy phases until she gives birth. You can turn on or off the childbirth scene.
    Perfect for those who enjoys some preggo and birth content :sneaky:
    Also dont forget to download mods to improve your gameplay.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    the base game is a good foundation but mods are a must-have for a worthwhile experience. sex encounters lose their novelty pretty quickly and you'll end up speed running them just to get pregnant. pregnancy system is great and hits all the marks. translation issues take away from immersion. all that being said i've put in over ten hours already and intend to keep playing here and there for awhile yet
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    The story albeit simple is very well written, and leads the player with a bit more intrigue than you would normally expect from an h-game. The entire concept seems particularly original, with the pregnancy/whore scenario usually not going alongside one-another. The graphics, renders and overall sprite-work is especially well done, with a lot of complicated shading.

    As far as play-ability goes, the game is entirely functional. I've not encountered any bugs or glitches. It runs well on Desktop but sucks up battery on mobile, as probably expected. The animations, vocals (SE), grammar and overall content are about average given the size of the game.

    It's quite good. Most certainly worth your time, and a try.
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    In terms of the actual genre of this game I should be inclined to like it alot. And you'd think with well over 100 pages of comments that the game would be flush with great content. But, neither is true. The game, despite the schear number of comments, has about three static sex scenes that play ad nauseum no matter the client.

    The games only measure of progression is either in awwing at the numbers in your stat window or in buying furniture for your apartment. Any concept of a story is abandoned after about 5-min of play. No effort to make new H-scenes or CG. This entire game was probably made in a single lazy month and it's, I'm sure, been soaking up Patreon dollars ever since with nothing more than "bug fixes."

    If you like this game you should question yourself - not your fetishes - but your ability to discern shit from, well... not shit.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    TL;DR: probably the best pregnancy simulation you'll find, but most other parts of the game are subpar

    This game definitely delivers on the pregnancy kink, with a side on the prostitution portion. Alas...that's pretty much it, as it falls short in many other aspects: too much reuse of graphics, no animation, bland sound effects and repetitive gameplay

    The only reason I give this 4 stars is because the dev went full ham on the pregnancy and did so marvelously. Otherwise it would be a 2 stars game, maybe 3
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    If Violated Heroine is often crowned as the gold standard of pregnancy mechanics, then I shall make the bold claim that this game is as close as it can get to reaching that standard.

    Does it have a good story? No. It is essentially the tried-and-true trope of yet another government mandated system. This time, it is due to sudden mass infertility disease that has rendered most men and women infertile, so it is up to you, one of the fertile few to help do your duty to the world to help repopulate the world. However, there is some variety here since you aren't forced to get knocked up, just highly encouraged to do so with lots of monetary incentives by the state.

    Does it have good music? No. It is mostly default RPGMaker tunes.

    What it is good at above all else, is the execution of the kink. It does not do so through elaborate scenes filled with dialogue, nor stellar animation, or even through battle-fuck systems ala VH or Vitamin Quest. Instead, it does so through its strong core mechanic that revolves around the pregnancy kink.

    You have menstrual cycles, aphrosidiacs, fertility drugs, forced ovulation drugs, birth control, pregnancy tests, actual bodily changes induced by pregnancy and birth. Hell, it even has an OB/GYN clinic that you can go to for have checkups, have ultrasounds to figure out the gender of your kids and even how much they probably weigh to determine fetus health.

    True, it does sound like what some users here call a 'pregnancy sim' or 'woman sim' since, aside from prostituting, working at a cafe or pimping out your apartment and paying rent, that really is all to it. However, the standing CGs are amazing since they not only show the darkening of nipples and growth of the belly with each progressive trimester, it even has X-rays that show the fetus(es) growing from zygote to full-term. The growth of the belly is also affected by the number of fetuses present and also if the baby/babies are overdue.

    Yes, you heard me right: fetuses. This to me is what makes this game stand out from the rest since it not only portrays multiples but the mechanics are evidently made to appeal to that aspect. VH and VQ might have better overall kudos for gameplay but they don't have multiples. Granted, they have their own aspects that make them shine. Some games like Accidental Woman or the popular Fenoxo lineup do have portrayals of a multiple pregnancy but they lack the focus that Hazumi has.

    More importantly, this game has full mod support from the devs and there are an impressive list of mods that you can add-on to the game available on here to further enhance your enjoyment. Or make your own if you have the know-how!

    Hence, as a self-professed connoisseur of the impregnation/pregnancy kink, I highly recommend this game. In a sea of cheap buggy RPGMaker schlock and ghoulish 3D-render games that simply slap the pregnancy tag, this definitely stands out above the rest.

    Of course, if you aren't into the kink or aren't exactly that into it, then don't. There is only one ending (that I know of) and the new game+ is essentially the same gameplay loop but with carried over stats and money along with a higher requirement to end the game (cough up dough to care for the kid yourself instead of handing them over to the state for mandatory adoption).
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Base game is well built. There are some odd quirks, but most elements of the "story" are somewhat believable. The interactions and graphics are not fantastic but are immersive and responsive to player action. There is a bit of a grind, but it is not punishing. I really enjoyed the charm system and purchasing each piece of furniture felt like a big event. The CGs (and 18+ gameplay) do get reused and are kind of bland, but those could be supplemented with mods.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Well i think i very like this game (and i say, the best ever now i played H games). unlike the other, this can use some mod and i just can make progress in game by my self. and this is the main point, i don't have always determined by the main qust so so(like basic rpg, meet ending, the end, back to new game(new game+), cannot continue from where i want -> not free played).
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    tbh I don't know why this game is recommended so highly among most raters. there is little to no content for a 2019 game, they reuse the same 4-5 sex scenes. honestly, I don't get why this game isn't fully released yet. if you check the logs they haven't added anything substantial in a very long time

    the are only a few good things I can really say about this game, the very few reused sex scenes it does have are pretty good, and the pregnancy aspect of all of it is pretty decent but that's really all its got going for it.

    honestly, if you looking for a decent size porn game look somewhere else, if your into impregnation and you don't care about rewatching the same sex scene 100 times... you found your game
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    The game are cool because he is not what did you think .
  16. 5.00 star(s)

    Asia Argento

    Simply put: It's a get pregnant sim. A good one held up by being great by the ending alone. Country has a birthing problem so they pay women to have babies. That's where you come in. Get paid to get fucked and try to get pregnant. Its pretty straight forward, but there is nuance to be found to switch things up little by little. Do you want a Big D? Someone that makes Hazumi cum? Do you want to see her mercilessly skullfucked? Choice is yours.
    Problems? The ending. It happens and at least they want you that its an ending but that will be the only special thing from it. You will ask, wait... thats it? Yep. That was it. No anal. Why no anal in a game when you sell your hole? Especially in a hentai, that makes zero sense. Couldn't Hazumi sell ass for more money to reach the endgame faster? IDK.

    Overall, its damn good. Especially if you just keep going and ignore like endgame.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    Reviewing this on v1.4.8
    -Simple story (no weird backstory, just get straight into main point)
    -Good concept with those mini game, house remodel, etc
    -Sexy CG (play it to find out why)

    -Sex mini game is wonky (dev should have simplify it)
    -Fuck RNG for pregnancy chance (mods can take care of it)
    -Totally need more updates and expansion on other CG

    <Subject to change when this game updates>
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a very, very interesting game. The game has a very large development potential. Wonderful mods. Very beautiful and authentic art. There are not many animations in the game, but it's nice to play the game. In this game it is impossible to lose and there are no bad endings. It's fun!)))
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    This is an interesting game with a very compelling and detailed impregnation and pregnancy system.

    The game has a compelling female protagonist and all sex scenes are voluntary on her part.

    That being said I can only recommend this game if you've got a strong pregnancy/impregnation fetish as the game is somewhat sparse as far as other content goes.
    It would have also been nice to see more ways for Hazumi to have sex and get knocked up that just prostitution (with occasional cafe sex). The game starts to feel somewhat repetitive, you can buy out the store fairly quickly and there aren't too many other long term goals.
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    Pretty decent if you're into pregnancy, though limited scenes and details only for the MC (seriously, if the Cg changed when you were having sex with a futa I'd give this a higher rank, but it's the same semi-fat hairy dude). There are mods for the game, but they never seem to work, which only holds it back even more.