Others - Completed - Heated Shifts [Final] [HEATED_red]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    This is a two handed H game with an obtrusive crt filter.
    Rapidly flashing lights, dark scenes ruin the visuals while the gameplay is just having a hand on the keyboard and your other on the mouse. Not worth playing.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    The game is good, the characters are great and the animation is correctly made. Tho, i am a bit dissapointed from the little amount of content andd also the fact the gallery only shows picture of each three characters and not any of the animations. If the creator were to make a sequel or update this game i'd recommand adding more character, allowing you to see theanimations in the gallery without the effects or the screeching. (Or at least turned down a bit.) Maybe the creator could also add a 'bonus shift' after the third shift seeing the end of the game. it could be interesting to see. Anyways it's a great short game and if you don't mind flashing lights and loud screeching sound, i'd reccomend you try it out
  3. 4.00 star(s)

    The lost saint

    Very good short game, it is simple but then it had gameplay later which surprised me and made me fail the night.

    It was a good quick nut if you are looking for something nice and sweet.
    Anyways have fun and goodnight~!