Others - Heavy Hearts [v0.55 Hotfix 1] [Dammitbird]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    For being advertised as something players can actually "play", the game-play is not even remotely challenging. Even when I'm trying to lose to see if there's any CG (there's not), it takes ages of sitting still for the enemies to even pose a threat. It's uninteresting. The music is overbearing, and the story is clearly just a sexual fantasy.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    This is the first time I'm leaving a review. The style and art of this game is amazing and full of potential. Scene Spoiler The scene where MC sucks an orc dick for the first time and thoughts racing through her head is incredibly hot. Only to get absolutely railed after ^,,^. I hope a completed version will appear someday and dev's get their money worth for making but right now im gonna wait.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Heavy Hearts is a really, really good hentai game overall. The animations are obviously of very high quality, but what enhances them even more is the dialogue during the scenes which brings the eroticism to the next level. The creator has obviously taken to heart the saying that the brain is the most erogenous organ in the human body, hehe. Even the dialogue and lore outside of the actual sex scenes helps to improve future, yet-unseen scenes as it fleshes out the characters and gives them some actual "character".

    The combat system is relatively simple, but very dynamic and thankfully doesn't boil down to just mindless button mashing. The combination of regular/charged/elemental melee attacks, magic attacks and blocking works surprisingly well and brings the combat to a level rarely seen in hentai games.

    The top-down exploration of new areas is very RPG Maker-like but that is perfectly fine. Most hentai game players would know exactly what to expect thanks to the countless RPG Maker adult games out there.

    And now, we come to my least favourite part - the platforming. Some of the jumps you are expected to make with a certain wolf are straight out of the NES era - unforgiving and almost pixel-perfect, especially when the jump needs you to go to the edge of a staircase and you can't tell where the edge is due to the wolf's sprite being so wide. The other 2D side-scrolling segments are actually pretty fun though. There is a flappy bird segment that gave me a good chuckle even.

    Overall, I can tell Heavy Hearts is going to be a really successful game when it releases in full! I wish the creator the best of luck with this project!
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    love the art and character dont see why i would give any less than 5
    the gameplay is easy to learn and gradually becomes challenging and im really hopefully for its future! also big tiddies are a win
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Unique gameplay, solid story telling and great animated art. Looking forward to seeing how all aspects develop from here. Best of luck to you Bird. I'm sure many other people share this sentiment, even if they do not type it out.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is an enjoyable change from the standard adult game out there and actually has some gameplay to it.

    The main character is seriously hot and well drawn and the world has a nice theme to it that is credible and well built, combat isn't really too grind or difficult from what I've experienced so far, it is definitely designed as more of a game than just a VN, so don't go in expecting a VN.

    I got the Spicy Edition through Itch, and I immediately noticed it has sexual content, so the game definitely contains it.

    Keep up the good work DammitBird!
  7. 1.00 star(s)

    Dracula Belmont

    You can tell this game is really bad when they call enemies as glithe and they are locking sex content behind a paywall and to salt the wound they post it here without sex content to make people there to buy it honestly I would rather spend money on a hooker than supporting this scummy business.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    Hello my name is Siderophilia and I have played Heavy Hearts v0.2.5 by Dammitbird.

    I understand that this is a game in its early development, but what I've seen so far I feel is enough to dissuade my interest in waiting for further updates, so I might as well leave a review.

    First things first the controls for this version are broken. What worked for me was pressing F1, entering operations settings, rebinding the arrow keys to WASD and then restarting the game. While I won't keep this in mind for my review score as it is likely to be fixed in future releases I thought it'd be nice to leave a note for others about how I resolved the issue. I also keep pausing the game by pressing enter trying to advance the dialogue but I can't even rebind that in a sensible way since the same key is used in combat. Finally you can hold SHIFT to run, as walking is very slow and doesn't seem to have any purpose. I don't know why the game neglects to tell you these things.

    Beginning with what pulled me into the game, the art i pretty great. The main character is cute (though she seems to be drawn a bit off model in the sixth picture) and sex scenes are fully animated. Other than that I feel the first sex scene, which we are supposed to understand from the story is a recollection of a past trauma for the main character, looks rather devoid of emotion, but in all everything looks great. I can't say much about the sound design as I muted the game upon starting it up the second time as it blasts you with that obnoxious metal theme.

    Actually getting to the core gameplay, I found it pretty lackluster. I believe the game claims to be an ATB RPG but it feels pretty devoid of RPG elements. You have three actions, Attack, Magic (which is just a charged attack) and Block. There isn't any movement or really any tactics to it and the only way I see this system being built upon in the future is making it more difficult to time your blocks and attacks, which to me feels rather unsatisfying. For the most part the player is just tasked from one series of such one on one battles to another by navigating a Super Mario Bros Style overworld. Other than that the game sometimes opens up for free navigation in rather uninteresting 2d environments, but I really can't tell if there's any thought behind that. The way battles are (at least this far) entirely separate from the freely navigated parts of the game means the only things to do are finding items (which I assume are consumed automatically, though it's kind of hard to tell since there's no inventory) and finding the clumsily delivered story. This of course leads me to my next point.

    The story and writing as usual is the component which makes or breaks the game for me, and in this case I just don't feel it is there. The story is thin to begin with but the main problem isn't even so much in the writing itself as in how it is delivered. They way the letters appear so slowly on the screen means I often unintentionally skip through it, and the whole exposition device of the blue crystals just feels extremely clumsy. Not once did I actually discover these in the intended order, and I never really felt like going back to read them again. The game simply manages to make getting the story together feel like a chore. Luccia as a character doesn't really feel consistent, from the memory fragments I feel the player is supposed to take away that Luccia is traumatized, but scenes like the lake masturbation or the orc encounter rather make her seem like a carefree girl who enjoys casual sex. Not saying characters can't enjoy sex despite past traumas, but if there's one thing the blue crystals actually do it is convey the impression that Luccia is still processing said trauma. I suppose from the overview I had expected the story to focus more on how the protagonist fits into this world the developer portrays, more interacting with the other races of the world instead of them just being obstacles with some single lines of dialogue.

    What strikes me is how you could really cross out all the freely navigated portions and just deliver Luccia's past as just a memoir or something between the actual combat levels as the player navigates the overworld, and it would streamline the whole experience a lot and nothing of value would be lost. None of the individual parts here are terrible, but the way they come together really lessens the overall impression. It's a harsh rating for a game early in development, and from what I can read the developer didn't really set out to make a story driven game, but in the end I find what little there is to be flawed and I just didn't get a lot of enjoyment out of this one. 3/5
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    So far, there are 2 (3?) animated H scenes and one image AFAIK. The animations are great, the character is hot, the scenario is intriguing. The gameplay itself is pretty bland and easy, but is serviceable and will probably be improved. There seems to be a bug wherein revisiting the orc camp does not allow you to access the red crystal cave... I'm not certain about it as it is hard to replicate bugs since there is no manual save.

    The lack of a manual save AFAIK is the main negative point for this game. Not being able to play around with choices or revisit H scenes sucks. That said, the game is still deserving as a 5 / 5 for me because of how great the potential is. I think this game could really blow up and the moment a manual save is available I will probably become a patron.
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    first things first: unless i understood it wrong this has NO SEXUAL CONTENT!
    the game itself says the "SPICY STUFF is only available to patreons"

    so thats already a no go for me.

    now to the issues i have: z x and c all seem to fully skip text. (tutorials, cutscenes, regular dialogue everything gets skipped) which sucks. one of these buttons should either fast forward text or just insta display an entire box while ctrl should skip it. i skipped a majority of the tutorial by accident (not that it matters, its easy).

    enemies have no attack animation, blocking them boils down to counting in your head how many seconds pass between each of their attacks.

    no pause button.

    no options/settings.

    boring missions on levels (literally use a regular attack. use a magic attack. block an attack)

    no balance: you can just spam z (regular attacks) without ever using magic or blocking and get past everything (at least from level 1 and 2)
    level 3, enemies drain your poise, if its below 0 you cant do anything... problem is they drain it faster than it auto generates. basically if you use magic once in this level (which also drains poise) you will lose. boss will take 2 minutes to kill you and in those 2min you literally cant do anything but watch

    all these issues together resulted in me stopping after the 2nd level.

    the art is very nice, animations on the player character look decent but the rest (right now on version 0.2) is a mess.

    might be worth keeping an eye on this game if they iron these flaws out id say the game has potencial.

    as always, leave a like