A pure evil, "Breaking the girl(s)" style story is surprisingly rare, and I was looking forward to exploring this game's take on it. Most devs that explore the "corruption" theme riddle it with silly jokes and a protagonist that is supposed to be the good guy. Which is fine, but lacks the edge that playing a believably evil sunuvabitch can have.
That said, the story gets one star for the models, and another for a promising premise.
It lacks the other three for being riddled with bugs (I can't even buy a potion without a fatal error popping up, images are missing, and you can't leave the castle without backtracking at the moment), but most egregiously: extremely stale dialogue and exposition (the setting is fine, it's cliche but it can work. The MC is supposed to be evil and vengeful and, you know, a fucking DEMON, but his dialogue is portrayed way lighter than that. Things like "You're my best friend! There's no way I'd abandon you!" just don't fit for this imposing demon who is swinging his cock around like a chad).
The bugs can be fixed fairly easily, the decent but somewhat lackluster character models (particularly the best friend, and how she is 'perched' sometimes on things) can be improved, but rarely is a game's dialogue and overall storywriting ever improved on. Dev needs to hire a writer to either write it FOR him, or fix what he's written to have more character and life breathed into the narrative.
As it is I'd prefer little to no story, and make it a quick break-the-girl corruption game. Having to slog through tiresome dialogue is my number one pet peeve. Game has potential since it's in the early stages, but I don't see it getting above a 4-star rating unless the writing is significantly improved.