[Help] Added pics are blurred

Jun 15, 2018

I have scoured the internet for this and even though I did find some, Nothing really helped.

When I add picture in an event, the picture is blurred with jagged edges, no matter what resolution I take the screenshots in. I am using honey select screenshot manager to take screenshots so I am getting high quality images of whatever resolution I desire. The shots look good when I view them out of game but when I add them in an event in my RPG MV game, they get blurry.

Im sure many people have encountered this issue and I was wondering how they resolved it.

My RPGMV resolution is set to 1280 x 720.

The screen shot resolutions I have tried are: 1280 x 720 with 100% scaling in rpgmv
1280 x 720 with 100% scaling in rpgmv
1920 x 1080 with 66% scaling in rpgmv
3840 x 2160 with 33% scaling in rpgmv

I understand that there will be blur when i go to full screen (F4) but is there a way to reduce it ?

Is there a way to optimize the images for full screen ?

How do others have high resolution images that do not blur when i press F4.

Please do note that I am a novice at RPGMV and HS2 but I do understand loss of resolution due to scaling. I just need to know how to fix it.

I am playing on a 4k display but I want the game to be optimized for any display (when played on full screen ) if possible.