Identify Help finding a game(Probably abandoned)


New Member
Nov 9, 2022
I had played it over a year ago only once. Since then I don't think I have seen that game, so possibly it's abandoned. I remember one scene. It was around the end of the available content for that game. The MC was on a possible date or similar event. Not sure if it was a date cause there was another LI who was kind of doing strip dance. It wasn't a strip club as far as I can remember. There was a choice of either staying with your date or go talk to the LI who was doing some erotic dance in that club type place. If you go talk to her then your date leaves and there was a lewd scene with the second girl in public on the spot where she was sort of stripping but not sex. That was the end of that update.
It was possibly Renpy(could be unity too). The CGs were very high quality or at least it felt that way among other games that I played back then. It wasn't a harem game.