Identify Help Identifying Game - Found


New Member
Jan 31, 2021
I am searching for a game I played a few months ago to a year or so. It was on here and I cant remember the premise of the game but not the name.

What I can remember: You start off in your apartment where you are discussing that you are escaping the city and moving away. You got one last night with the woman you were working with/hooking up with before you departed. Once you depart you stop at a gas station and flirt with the worker which results in a blow job in the gas station bathroom. By the time you arrive, it is late and the owner of the house you are moving into says that the main road is blocked because of the rain so you must meet them so they can show you another way in. You make it to the place and it's a real fixer-uper which leads to the premise of the story. You must now venture into town to gather supplies to fix the house where you meet the shopkeeper, a real chipper man. You also meet his daughter. This I believe was all the unlockable content at the time since the game was new.

I don't remember what engine it used. The genres were probably pretty mild. It had what seemed like a hand-drawn art style instead of something like rynplay or UE5.

Thank you all in advance if someone remembers this game and its name.