Help learning Game Maker: Studio 2 or Unity


Nov 4, 2017
Hello, everyone. This is my first post. I'm generally a forum lurker (I'm sorry for this) and I don't want to say what I think because my english is poor. But I need your help.

I love playing videogames. Every type of videogames (who knows why I'm here, eheh). In this years I always played videogames, and I was happy like this. But 3-4 years ago my passion has evolved in something new. I found out that I don't want only play, but I want to MAKE videogames. But I don't know how to start.
Two years ago I buyed a copy of GameMaker: Studio 2 (it was at an extremely low price), and I started to learn a bit of it and Java. I followed some tutorials online, but they were too general and sometimes poorly explained.
So I want to ask you if you know if there is a tutorial (it's better a complete tutorial) well explained that can help me to learn Java and how to use it in GMS2. I can try to learn also Unity.

Can you help me? Any advice is well accepted.


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2018
Here are some great tutorials for learning some key things about programming, I highly recommend the "Objects" tutorial.

Now it is in Java, however, it uses the "Processing API" to make the program simpler to draw things with, it was meant for artists, not programmers.

Would you believe me if I told you there was a time GameMaker sold for $29.70?
It was well over 8 or so years ago before they changed their business model
Back then the game had its own proprietary language called GML or Game Maker Language.
about 8 or so years ago the price went from $30 to $999, which made me and a lot of the community sad, so we dropped that like hot garbage.
I think unity has its own language as well, Mono I think. Godot has GDscript. But at least both unity and Godot can also use C# which is what I use.
Now I haven't even looked into GameMaker since I burned so long ago, but I wouldn't be surprised if they did support Java.


Nov 4, 2017
Thank you!
I saw that GM has also a restrictive policy on determined type of content, so I wonder if is better to switch to Unity or Godot, at this point. I hope that I will find good tutorials online for this two.
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