Others - Help Me, Brave Sir Knight! [R6] [Papel]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    This feels like something out of mid 00's Newgrounds, it's a 2D platformer with a bit of puzzle solving involved. Right now, it's not particularly good. The controls have a small delay that make it feel like you're walking on something slippery, the enemies have very simple AI but have annoying respawning points and tend to cluster in places where you're supposed to jump, carrying the princess back to the starting point is an interesting premise, but the execution is a little botched. The level design has too many spikes and death pits, and has a weird difficulty curve where the first two levels while annoying are very simple but onwards there's death traps spam gallore. The H-scenes are animated and remind me of early flash games, but sometimes there's this weird bug were if you try to have sex with another enemy a frame of the prior H-scene will be stuck in front of the new animation.
    As of right now I can't really recommend this game, but I can see someone's putting the effort so maybe in the future when it's more polished it will be a nice game.
  2. 4.00 star(s)

    Dr. Lewdwig

    [Reviewed for the initial release. Subject to change in the future.]

    This is a cute little 2D side scrolling platformer with great potential. Only a few levels for now but what is there is solid enough to warrant monitoring for future releases.

    More Context:
    There is not much to add really. Each level starts with you platforming your way through some female kobolds (all use the same model) getting to a damsel in distress and carry her back to the beginning.
    Some kobolds get knocked down after beating which gives you the chance to initiate one of the 3 possible scenes with them.

    At the end of each level you get a repeated scene supposedly with the damsel you've just rescued.

    Understandably more will be added in the future. So to judge this release for its small amount of content is unfair. I finished what was there in less than 10 minutes and I died a lot.

    This game seems to have been created with Flash. The platforming is solid enough.

    The combat needs improvement. Sometimes you get hit and you can still move and go through the enemies and sometimes you are staggered in place for 3 seconds. The latter doesn't seem to be intentional.

    One criticism regarding the sex scenes. There is no climax. You can increase or decrease the speed but there is no climax. Only disengaging; which I found quite funny and it was the first time I'd seen this.

    In conclusion, this game is a decent version of what it tries to be and this version is a respectable proof of concept.
    Looking forward to the future releases.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    I mean, it's a platformer with tight responsive controls, there's animated H-scenes when defeating enemies, but it's far too difficult, you need to navigate these levels with spikes and many instant death pits everywhere, and you have only 5 lives, reach the princess and manually carry her on your hands back the exact same trap filled obstacle course you came from, oh and enemies respawn infinitely. All it needs is some tweaks to the levels, some more H-scenes and this will definitely be a 4/5 at least, right now I can't rate this any higher.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Reminds me of good old-school Flash platformers with clunky graphics and animation. The good point is that the game doesn't lag as it progresses.
    SCENES: Not much of content for release 1 -- basically, two scenes with female kobolds, and none with the princess. To be honest, I would expect some scenes with a damaged/fallen princess, either started by Enemies or by the Main Character, and scenes with the fallen MC, as it's quite common for such game genre. Probably even puzzles where you need to 'feed' the princess to an enemy to progress and then get her back to finish the level. Female or Futa Knights with all the consequences would also be welcomed. But it, of course, depends on the dev themselves.
    GAMEPLAY: For its platformer part the dev did a good job, on the difficulty scale between Super Mario Bros and Meatboy, it's on the same level or even easier than SMB. I passed all levels and didn't experience any troubles with fighting, jumping, carrying the princess or controlling the character in general. The only thing I didn't like is that some kobold huts are invincible, so they constantly respawn your enemies.
    USER INTERFACE: Everything is clear and done in the same style, although not polished, of course.
    STORY: It's a proof of a concept, so no story is expected.