Identify Help me find dat game and you'll win a imaginary cookie and my thanks


Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2017
Once upon a time I found a good html game and I can't remember the name.


- the mc's mother was Ava Adams or Lisa Ann or maybe someone else with similar features
- had a clean interface very professional, never seen that shit before
- mc is male
- there was some grind involved, but it was a good grind imo
- remember the mc's mother was in a kitchen washing dishes/preparing a meal when I corrupted her

If you have found dat game I was looking for please lemme know <3


Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2017
I've checked both of them out and they are not what I'm looking for.

The interface wasn't a classic black, but greenish or another bright colour (was really well made).

Now I had some more time to think about it, it has aspects of a html game with real porn but it isn't a game you open in a browser. Very similar but it might be a renpy game using real porn and elements of a standard html game.