Help me finda GIF of an Asian singer?


Aug 8, 2016
I guess this is a weird request even by this forum's standards. A while ago I saw a GIF of an Asian singer (JPOP I think) dancing and singing. She took her skirt off (she had white hot pants under the skirt I think). She was on a stage outside, it was daytime. I can't find that GIF anymore. Anybody can help me out?


Aug 8, 2016
Hmmm, how about this: I assume that some of your are members of other forums. Some of those might have threads where members post GIFs like the one described above. It would be great if someone could send me a link for a site containing such threads (or post it here if it's not against the rules).

Yeah, I know that I'm weird but this is really bugging me and considering that your are members of this particular forum, are you really in the position to judge me? :D

I tried asking on 4chan and 8chan, no help there.