RPGM Help re-creating MilkyQuest battle system in RPGMakerMZ


Feb 26, 2020
Howdy Y'all,

I'm struggling trying to re-create a "battle sex" combat system similar to "MilkyQuest" within my own passion projects in RPGMakerMZ,
I'm somewhat new and inexperienced with RPGmaker so any help would be appreciated. I even pulled up the editor for MilkyQuest to learn from his logic to incorporate it into my own with no avail.
Screenshot 2024-07-14 223112.png
Screenshot 2024-07-14 223501.png
I'm primarily a nsfw artist over at
i don't feel comfortable sharing the artwork for my game yet since I'd like to learn how to get my art moving in the game first like milky quest,
here is another example of what my game might look like just for curios people