Help with a 3D Rendering/Animation project


Nov 8, 2016
Hey guys,

Not sure if it really is the right place to post this kinda thing since it has nothing to do with either porn games or comics but it related to anatomically correct 3D renders and animations so here I go anyway.

My wife is an obstetrician in her 3rd year of what would be called residency I guess (she is not an MD yet but works in an hospital full time) in France. As part of this residency she is currently trying to validate a special training that would help her CV down the line which is called (translated) Obstetrical Manoeuvres and Techniques. To this end, she has to present an original project.

Her idea is to create a video explaining to women who are about to see their pregnancy medically induced exactly why and how this is happening in simple terms and several languages.

Here is where you can help.

What she wants is anatomically correct computer generated animations for parts of the video (about 5 minutes of content). It doesn't have to be really advanced stuff, it needs to be both simple and clear.

I know next to nothing about 3D rendering or anything of the sort and don't really know where to look to find an affordable solution to this. If you or someone you know would be interested in this endeavour, I would gladly discuss it in further details. We will, of course, pay for any work that we commission.

Once done, this video will be used in the Ob/Gyn wing of the Carémeau Hospital in Nîmes, France and potentially extended to other hospitals if it ends up being helpful enough.

Thanks for reading!