Identify Helping find a game


Aug 26, 2018
Hi all,
I'm not sure if this is good place to to create a thread about it but I need help finding a game that I saw here not too long ago.
I remmeber there being some low level succubuess / strong ones / and martriach type one.
They cansex fight you, and get pregnant during the fight and create an offsrping that fights you too.
And so on.
And if you get defeated then your items lie where you got killed, and all those will be standing next to your body.
There were many images to it, but I accidently close the page and can't find it xD
This game was still in making, btw.
Anyone have any idea what is this?
I know for sure I found it somewhere here... My bad for being stupid and not pinning it immediately xD
Would be gratefull for any help in this matter.