VN - Ren'Py - Henry's Adventures [v0.7 Alpha] [Lenovic]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    The Dev doesn’t speak English, or at least it’s not his primary language. There are most certainly big props for trying, but they aren’t doing a good job at the moment. They need to hire a proofreader/editor. The problem isn’t that there are some mistakes, but that almost every sentence has mistakes. It gets really old after awhile. Since the game has been out for almost a year those should have been cleaned up.
    How old are you? … I have eighteen.

    Should I clean to see her?

    Get Lily! Take all! (yelled during sex)

    The storytelling isn’t very good and also suffers from some typical issues of some first time devs such as instant sex, poor animations, and lack of flow for the story.

    The first time the MC meets a girl, he tells her she’s beautiful. She says, I hope he’s telling the truth, takes her clothes off, gets in the bath with him, and then has sex. (The mc literally just says 1 or 2 lines to her and she strips)

    Next he meets the shy sister of his traveling companion. She has trust issues so doesn’t jump into bed with the mc until that evening.

    The artwork and images are basic, but perfectly suited for Henry’s Adventures. The darker images were a bit too dark on my system so it was more like a black screen with some outlines...almost.. The animations are short and mainly just a few images looped. They aren’t very good so far.

    Since the writing was so-so and the instant sex with everyone was so silly I went ahead and just deleted the game. It’s been out for a year so I’m not sure how much it has improved but hopefully it will get better in the future.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    I really enjoyed playing this game, MC is badass and the girls all look fine, story is fun and engaging too, few grammar mistakes here and there but it wasn't a problem at all, I can't wait for more updates in the near future.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    Had a hard time to figure out if this is a 3 or 4 since it does alot of things right but also alot of issues so i couldent really justify giving more then 3 due to that.
    Alot of people just trows around 5 stars reviews on games that really is no where near 5 stars and then they get mad at people making real reviews.. its a bit idiotic but it is what it is, ill keep my review honest.

    I would still recommend to try this one out, its not bad but it is an average game.

    Story 3/5
    I liked the story which is about MC either getting teleported or captured in a artifact for 100s of years? not really sure since its not really made clear in the story so far, MC dosent even know what hes own race is and apprently no one else does either.

    In any case MC starts hanging out with vamps and helping them even though he dosent know anything about anyone but is still totaly fine trusting the first people he meets and start killing for them so it is a bit weird or maybe just rushed, it does seem to lack in backstory.
    MC then has to make somoe money and meets diffrent people/races with the option to pretty much fuck whoever he wants to.

    So you can play this as a fuckfest but more importently you can say no to anyone i belive, so nothing is forced well other then anal you cant say no or pick what MC does in sex scenes.

    As for the sex scenes they are a bit to childish and reads like a b-porn movie in dialogs, its all "you want my huge dick in your tiny pussy" and "i feel so full, cum in me fill me up" thats pretty much it for sex scenes so quite bland and boring.
    As for virgin scenes theres no deflowering, no blood, no pain and for some its just extremly weird that they are even virgins like a 151 year old vamp? i mean come on....

    Overall quality in renders are lacking and some scenes are to dark and theres quite a few spelling issues that makes you stop thinking wtf did they just say, first one i noticed was when someone asks MC how old he is and he replys something like "i have eighteen" which makes ya wonder what does he have 18 of? :) so yeah nothing serious and still readable but its still happens quite often.

    Girls 3/5
    They did a pretty good job trying to make something for everyone, theres anything from big tits, saggy tits down to smols, still low quality hurts it a bit, i did find most of them pretty ugly and some stright up weird like Slime girl, but thats fine aslong as there is something to like as well.

    Animations 3/5
    They are pretty average, ok to enjoy but some feel very stiff like girl riding MC and arms not moving an inch.

    Music 0/5
    Its a silent game which is never good.

    Choices 4/5
    Most choices if not all is a yes/no to fuck someone and thats about it, to me that is the most importen choice in any game though.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    Henry's Adventures [v0.5] is an incredibly amateurish project. The writing is bland at it's best and stupid at it's worst. The visuals are decent but dated. The story is intensely boring. There is nothing about this project that I can point to and go "this is great". I guess that the grammar is almost good?
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    There are a few spelling/grammer mistakes and the writing is fairly simple, however the premise of the story and variation of the characters is very good, I've not had an issue with any of the characters.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    review for v0.5.

    was pretty fun, loved the mc, one of ma fav mc's in a while.
    girls are cute, gobbo was best.
    scenes a bit short, but good.
    writing is a bit scuffed, needs some proofreading.
    really lookin forward to see where this goes.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    A great game with an interesting story. the visuals are not the best out there but it's good enough. the characters are likable, and the writing is decent. There is not much playtime now, but it's updated fairly quickly. A 5/5 game at least give it a try
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    Games of this genre can only be carried or considered top tier with their plot and story, so I would suggest dev to improve as a writer and definitely this game can be a big one. As for animations and graphics, it's pretty good. Not that top tier.
    Overall liked the premise, the MC seems to be a bit too much of a Giga Chad but it's okay. This is Dev's first work so I won't judge much. But will ask the dev to play other games of this genre and pick what's missing because the writing seems a bit Meh in this AVN.
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    I like the plot.

    I don't like the story... or more specifically, I dislike how the story is told. there's a huge difference between illustrating a memory with a few scenes of backstory, standard exposition through relating that memory verbally, and what's done in this VN, which is a half-sentence summary of what happened. so, I don't get to experience the story, I don't get to hear the story, I just have to accept in short, broken English that the story happened when the main character wasn't around to see it.

    the characters are mostly great, including the MC.

    the renders are good. the posing is not.

    I'm hoping to see more of how the plot develops, but honestly, the storytelling needs to improve to even meet "porn game; little to no story" standards. if the next release improves there, I'm probably in for the long haul to see where it goes. if it doesn't, as good as the renders are (with terrible posing), I won't need to play the game to experience decent renders. there are better mediums in which to do so.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    I like it, although it is too early to know for sure, it is on a very good path, not much is known about the story yet so they must have a lot of work ahead of them, I like the genre, so I want to continue seeing it in the future. Good job.
  11. 4.00 star(s)

    Digital Pimp

    Not much by way of plot so far, and it still feels like we're in the "set-up stage". But I like the character dynamics, the overall feel of the game world and general premise. In the right hands, this story can both soar and shine. I'm cautiously optimistic.