Unity - Completed - Hentai Asmodeus [v1.0.3] [Hega Studio]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Art 10/10
    Really high quality art had it been paired with a better script or a more compatible game play type it could've easily carried the game, but that's pretty meaningless since there's practically nothing there, and what's there you won't be looking at if your actually playing the game.

    Animation for still images 10/10, for sex animations 1/10
    Honestly, I haven't played any games with these types of still animations in years so they really stand out, maybe to due to modern tech rather than it being particularly good but it stood out to me, the sex animations sucked though, even decade old games with better sex animations.

    Writing 1/10 (there's an arrow at the top that let's you skip the story segments so this doesn't render the game unplayable)
    The writing feels like out of one of those really bad mobile app ads that give the impression that there's no way the in game writing could be this bad, except it really is just that bad in the case of this game, it gets even less and less bearable every time you clear a girl's story.

    Soundtrack 2/10
    with the exception of I think only one girl that just out of nowhere get's a fancy soundtrack during one of her rounds the entirety of the soundtrack just consists of the same boring melodramatic music on playback.

    Gameplay 3/10
    The gameplay itself just consists of this old mini-game I remember enjoying as a kid years ago but with level progression that somehow made it feel worse to play, and much fewer levels

    H content 2/10
    You get two scenes per girl a weird foreplay menu where you get to see a wonky animation of your choosing, and a wonky sex scene slideshow where you get to go from slide to slide until it's over they consist of 2-4 slides.

    Opinion of the game as is
    Honestly, it has high quality art but it's not worth downloading for like 5 animated still images of fully clothed girls, and a boring retro game that you could easily find a more fun version of

    Constructive Criticism "hopefully"
    Maybe if they either dropped the drama and just made it a silly fun game with more levels and a free play mode that doesn't just repeat the same level over and over again, or they got a better writer to redo the story this would be a good game, alternatively the bad sex scenes that are just kinda tacked on to the game for no reason could use some work but honestly they're completely forgettable anyway so maybe just remove that and go for a general audience release instead of an adult one I think that might go over better, though honestly I'd rather that route not be taken since I hope to see future adult works by this artist and I'm not really sure that would necessarily do better, since as it is right now it's still pretty bare bones aside from the art and basic game design.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    My Rating: 8/10

    The art style is magnificent, the animations are really nicely done.
    Scenewise it's a bit lacking, you have 5 girls, each one of them has 2 scenes.
    1 H-Scene, 1 Foreplay scene. If the girls had one more scene to them (because they are really nicely drawn and animated, they deserved more scenes) then it would be a five star game for me.

    And gameplaywise it's a simple minigame (that gets a bit trickier each time you play) You gain money for beating and failing, you upgrade your strength, health etc. Minigame part was alright, despite the fact that some maps are a bit unfair, but overall easy. You play the minigame for 4 times for each girl. Not going to remove a star or add one for the minigame part.

    If you haven't played it, definitely play it to at least see the artwork and animations even if you don't like the minigame part.

    Will play the new games from this studio, that's for sure.

    Art: 9/10
    Animations: 10/10
    Gameplay: 5/10
    Content: 6.5/10
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    It's a ZUMA style game, with small twists on the mechanics to suit a hentai game. Animations are fucking excellent and the character CGs are great. Only rating down to 4* because the audio on the animated scenes really needs work.
    Likes: kkai