VN - Ren'Py - Abandoned - Her Android Tears [v1.0] [L8eralGames]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Her Android Tears [v.1.0] review

    What it is:
    Branching-path VN about a moustached ex-mercenary hotel manager in a Sci-fi world. It's a comedy and a porn fest. And what it sets out to do (light-hearted funny sci-fi porn) it does very fucking well.

    It's quite short at the moment, but there's definitely plenty of good stuf in here.

    Art: 5/5. Hot girls, nice environments.

    Writing: 5/5. It's a comedy, and L8eralGames does comedy very well. No spelling errors.

    The only thing that I feel is missing is animations. If you're going for a porn romp, then animations kinda have to be there, for maximum fappability.

    Also I wouldn't mind some sound effects like moaning and such during sex scenes.

    All in all, this is definitely worth a try. Just don't come back here bitching about the amount of content! That's just not nice, man.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Reviewing v1.0 (initial/first release. Only includes chapter 1 so far)

    Off to a great start.
    Normally I don't pay attention to the story in these types of games, but the premise intrigued me so I actually did the reading for a change. :LOL:

    Story's set up with a decent launching point. Dialogue is both smart and witty at times, and at other points it intentionally veers into leaning on dumb/cringey one liners.

    Renders, backgrounds, girls, posing of the models all look great.
    So far I'm really liking Kelly (the cop) and Olivia.

    Honestly the only negative criticisms I have for the game right now are

    (1) How short it is (finished it in under 30 minutes), but it's still on the first release so that should expected.

    & (2) The lack of animation. Maybe it's in bad-form for me to bring it up? I dunno. But it just feels weird to me these days when I a new h-game come out and the sex scenes aren't animated. Sure, 2 or 3 years ago that might have been the norm, but times have changed since then and animating the adult scenes has become the new industry standard since then. Most VNs I skip around through the story until I hit the parts I can fap to. This one though I was reading it for the story in specific, and even though the girls look great, I just ended up skipping past the sex scenes because they were just a bunch still frames. Again, I dunno. Just my tastes here. YMMV.

    Over all I'd say it's a great read right now.
    If you like the cyberpunk genre I'd recommend either trying it out or at least tossing it on to your watch list and checking in on it later on once some more content for it gets released.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    (Note: Review is for version 1.0. Will update accordingly on full release)

    It's not a bad story as far as VN's go, and it is meaty enough for a first release. Good balance between plot and the main character getting some "action"...IYKWIM.

    My main beef though is that the story feels like something I've read a hundred times before (but maybe that sentiment will change as the story goes on, we'll see).

    Same goes with the renders/non-playable characters/backgrounds. Nothing stands out that much, but they're serviceable enough.

    Plus point for the main character's design though. It's nice to see someone that doesn't look like random generic DAZ fuckboi model #3451 (who knew simply adding a Mario mustache can actually improve shit). Shame that his backstory doesn't sound as unique as his design though (then again, I guess a merc-turned-horny-hotel-manager-with-a-kind-soul does sound like a slightly odd life path...slightly).

    Overall...just a flat "okay" first release.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Disclaimer: I'm barely a few chapters in; have played no further yet. Actually stopped playing to come here and throw some stars.

    This is the second time recently that I've had this specific feeling.

    I've started a game with low expectations and then I find I'm literally laughing out loud and being steadily charmed by what appeared, at first glance, to be apparently charmless characters.

    The last time was that Shag the Hag game... ah I see a pattern.

    No game will please the huge range of people here with their vast array of predilections and turn-offs but if anyone wants some actual fun while they're exploring the kinkiverse, this developer seems to have reliable form.

    You're funny and original. I don't know how you manage to capture comedic timing and comic reaction faces so well in bloody Renpy. Thank you for the chuckles.

    Diversity will rule the world and, as has been said in the main thread, you be you.
  5. 5.00 star(s)

    Frim der Wel

    Seems to be the third of the planned VN. (The version number is a bit confusing.)

    In any case: Great story! Fantastic writing, funny and interesting. Interesting characters. Original models and renders. Good audio.

    Regarding gameplay, well there seems to be hardly any; it is more of a kinetic novel than a game; but as such it is excellent so I don't mind.