V0.1 hotfix
MC surrounded by relatives and all want his dick. premise to deliver this is a letter from yet another dead father. it is genetic.
something new? no. by now it is a flogged dead horse for this site.
however, the writing is not as bad as the visuals and delivers dialogue that is at least coherent if not intriguing. the dots all connect at least.
art is the usual guff we get when devs show no constraint for sliders and just stays shy of crossing the line between morphed and grotesque. Mr stay puffed from ghostbusters had some kids who wanted to do porn. et voila!
it is part of the plot but still goes beyond what is required to deliver this.
no surprises and, for me, no hook for anyone looking for the N as well as the V. if it floats your boat it may find a space in your spank bank.