Unity - Abandoned - Hero College: The First Year [v0.21 Beta] [BerryCake]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    The project seems interesting to me, so i decided to write my review as detailed as i can. Before we start let me note, that i am a DMC (3, 4, reboot, 5) and MGR:R enjoyer and i did not play any Batman or spider-man (aside from the "amazing" game-series and some older ones, but that was a long time ago, so i don't remember shit). Oh, and 1 last thing: i am not a native speaker, so...expect plenty of spelling errors :D. Aight, let's start

    Graphics: nothing special, but that doesn't mean it's bad. Also ME personally did not see THAT much of a difference between low and high settings. Especially the shadows, but that's not that much of a complaint.
    Character customization: decided to put it as a side-ah...point(?): I like it. Player has plenty of options (plentier for female chars ofc), but for hips, breasts and what-not, i'd prefer a slider over what we have now (i don't know what it's called Q~Q).

    Optimization: I'd consider my pc low-mid tier (AMD FX Quad-core 4300, 8 gb RAM DDR3, GeForce 1050, windows 7) and the combat was pretty smooth. 60+ fps for sure (i was playing on mid settings tho). Set all setting at their highest and was stable 60+ outside and inside the school. Didn't check the shower and combat as...i felt pretty lazy about it honestly.

    here comes the juice

    COMBAT: It feels...kinda too snappy. The BIGGEST issue rn is that if you turn after the air-boost...how to say it...you turn relatevely to the point BEHIND the pc and thus you can turn WAAAAY to much than intented. Make the character the O-point of the turning axis and it will get better (i reeeally do hope i could say it comprehensevely). The rest of the animations imo should be a bit more smooth: make dash just a bit slower and camera follow it (like Dante's trikster dash from DMC 5), (maybe) add a little more build-up frames to normal attacks (not sure about that, but normals feel kinda woody and snappy). Also, seeing how the combat is not inspired by Soulsborn games- PLEASE make animation cancelling possible. Cancelling normals into dash or whatever will make combat better and smoother (imo).
    As of now, being stuck in the key-frame of the normal hit, not being able to dodge the incoming enemy attack sucks and makes the combet feel unresponsive. And as i mentioned the issue with the air boost, navigating the character after it is kinda hard...or at least takes getting used to, because, again, the character itself is not the...turning point(?)...i hope you get what i mean.
    Ther rest(lack of combo-variety and overall moves), i'm sure, will be solved during the development of the game, so not complaining about those.

    H: Not a lot to be said here. I think that giving control over the camera in POV scenes would benefit alot and i realy liked the titty-playing moment. I mean REEEEALY liked it, thanks C: . Would be cool if you could choose to a-sync the hands (i don't know how to say it lul). I mean: For example you hold M1 and one of your hands rotates the booba in the opposite direction compared to pc's other hand. That's what i mean. But that's just a wish, not a complaint.
    Also, come on: several insertion position and no cumshot? A huge let-down.

    I guess that's about it. Wish more clothing and character customization, more combo and playstyle variety (parry-oriented, trikster-like and so on) and more H ofc! I'd actually rate the demo like 3.7 or 3.8, but i can't so a 4 it is! Def watching this game and bookmarking
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    v0.1 Beta

    Solid demo.
    It felt very polished for everything that was shown.

    Be warned it is just a demo. You will get maybe 10 to 15 minutes of messing around, but it is a small download and worth looking at for future interest.

    The art was pretty good. Anime vtuber-esque.
    Physics were solid.
    Animations were pretty good, including the sexual ones.

    The sex itself didn't feel very rewarding as it was just a script with no options or anything beyond speed.
    I would want a lot of sex scenes to be worth trying for them with the way they are now.

    The implied dating grind looked a lot like Kohaku or whatever it is called.
    Not terrible but hopefully kept to an event based progress and not a grind for grind sake.

    The combat was decent, but slightly frustrating with no real ability to dodge or block attacks, making skill not a very big factor in progression.

    All in all it was surprisingly good and I hope it gets finished.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    A really promising game, completely different from 95% of other adult games out there.
    I believe that the implementation of a combat system with a non-adult focused gameplay can make a real difference, as long as it's not extremely grindy.
    The character creator is fairly nice and a pleasant addition.
    Hopefully some kind of voice acting will come to it.
    Overall a game to look forward to.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    This review was made for version 0.1 Beta.

    This game is very early in production and has a short battle sequence, as well as a few scenes that you view in succession at the end. I will say it is quite unique, with ideas such as character customization, free roam, 3D platforming, and interesting movement mechanics (double jumping, wall running, dashing, etc.) in the works. My only complaint is that the movement can feel a little bit weird at times, with momentum seeming to be one of the largest issues, causing a lot of under and overshooting of platforms because of unexpected speed at times. The movement itself is a little precise and takes a little to get used to, but it is very satisfying.

    I look forward to following this game and updating this review over time! I wish the dev luck and hope they are able to continue this game, as it is quite a unique experience.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is actually pretty well built for a first release. It has very little content and quite a few bugs, but it feels like a game that I would pay for so 5 stars is deserved. Looking forward to seeing the character creation being more in depth.