VN - Others - Abandoned - Hero Cummy [v0.8.1] [CummyStudio]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    TlDr; 3 out of 5 stars
    Pros: MHA parody art that's good and has some animation. Has some variety in it's gameplay.
    Cons: it's abandoned and what's here is pretty subpar in every category aside from the art. The mini games are underwhelming and don't really feel like they add to the experience of the game.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Very good game with great animations
    Too bad its abandoned, I'd support that otherwise
    I still gave it a 5/5 since its a good My Hero Academia game
    Someone really needs to take this over though...

    There aren't much good Boku No Hero Academia games out there, if someone know some lemme know, I'll love to get some
    However this was great and should've never been discontinued
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    Was nice to play, pretty unoptimized candy crush.
    The idea of an antihero in the middle of the school that just has fun with the girls by mindbreaking them is great and also something that is fun, since he besides using ochaco as cash grab, he doens't really do something too evil.
    But as soon as I got to the rope part with Bakugos Mom, this turned into a total shitshow. Not worth your time, the art isn't too great.
    Likes: naoc
  4. 4.00 star(s)



    Great Work, this game has immense potential.

    The art style is very nice and true to source for the most part. The animations, although few at the moment, are very well executed. I actually really enjoyed the main bejeweled-esque minigame - I thought it was very snappy and quick (unlike some implementations I've played in the past) and the different buffs you could have add a nice variety .

    I thought the characters and setting were also great, although the incredibly linear nature of the game threw me off a bit, but that's probably because I'm not used to playing these sort of story driven VNs, so take this with a grain of salt.

    The writing was, in my opinion, nice and appropriate for the setting and I found the story to be entertaining and likewise appropriate.

    One issue I had, that I think could really help polish the game, is to add more transition images to the sex scenes. There is some form of this but I think the game is too quick to jump straight into it,- sometimes the text even has to catch up to what you're seeing - The animations are nice so I think they could be highlighted by building up to them more.

    All in all, I'm looking forwards to seeing this project develop, great work!
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    I'm impressed by the artstyle. While the game is still quite early into development, I look forward to following it and hope it grows to be better.

    I think the world needs a good MHA game, and I hope it's this one.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    I feel that this project has great potential. The art and animation are pretty decent if I say so myself. The main character is kind of an edgelord, but the developer knows this and even pokes fun at him looking like an emo. I like how they made the minigame whenever you try to use your quirk into one of those bejewled type of games. It's easy enough to not take away from the real reason why you're playing the game, while hard enough to be relevant. If the developer made it a little more intricate, I think it'd feel more rewarding. The lack of freedom is a problem i'm sure will be fixed as progress is made on this game. All-in-all, I think we can look forward to this games growth.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Review for the 0.3 version

    As a big fan of MHA, I was glad to see that a game has been made around it, but also a bit anxious to what it would be.

    First impression wasn't very good. The main menu hurts my eyes (it's too colorful imo) and I was a bit disappointed by the main protagonist being a random dude with mind control powers.

    Beyond that, you quickly meet the female casts which is nicely drawn and close to the original artwork (except for one ochaco scene maybe). Lewd scenes are animated too. There is a handful of them for now.

    The story is quite simple and the progression is smooth, except for the mini-game parts. A skip button would be advised as it relies on randomness and can force the player to load a previous save because of bad luck.

    Speaking of saves, the UI is very quick to respond to user commands but the save system is confusing right now. Maybe a labelling system or fixed slots could be implemented, because it's nearly impossible to organize correctly your differents save point if you follow different routes.

    Not that it matters really, as choices doesn't have a huge impact in this version, apart from missing dialogue or altering some of them. The Love/Hate UI bar for each character is a good addition.

    Overall, a good experience if you like the original source. It only needs some minors adjustments to become great.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    artwork is okay, could use a proof reader for grammar but hero aca stuff is rare soooo I'm inclined to overlook a lot. Really hope you keep going with this!
    Keen to see how this pans out and fits in with the narrative. Has the potential to be a four elements trainer level success
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    Meh its basically a visual novel none with a very basic repetitive mini game. None of the choices matter, cut out the mini game and there is 20 minutes worth of content.

    Mini games... Who wants to play Bejeweled multiple times whilst fapping.

    As far as I could tell there isn't any full screen.

    Art works okay but quite a lot of it is hidden behind the text box, like the girl whos always crouching. Yes I can hide the text box, but come on design it a bit better. If it was a higher resolution/Full screen the text box wouldn't need to take up so much screen real estate. If you have a main character who is always crouching shes always going to be hiding behind the text box. Find a solution...

    FYI - cheat engine works on the mini game, just set the CE value to one below the amount required and match 1 set of 3 images. its the same memory reference for every mini game.
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    Art is almost similar to the anime.

    Story is yet to be seen.

    The MC is portrayed as blunt perverted idiot with the almost too convenient power of mind control. (Sad)

    The Ochako HJ scene is triggering something wrong and I don't know what it is. (Maybe it's the eyes?) The plus side of it is that it's animated while using a Unity engine.

    Also the overview... I don't think mind control is counted as "lewd abilities"
    Then there's already a student with a similar quirk Hitoshi Shinso .

    Also clever releasing it the day of S04 premiere. Kudos to that and free advertising.

    I've found Juna Juna Juice's My Harem Academia Premise quite good.
    Arousal quirk amplified with OfA. Is good.
    Mind control is just about played out.
    Mind break would be ok.