Ren'Py - Hero Party Must Fall [v0.5.4 Bugfix 1] [Nitrolith]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I love this game. I have played lots; i have seen lots; i have nutted to lots. But this game... It is something else entirely. To me, if this game was not a game but a manga, hell, a book even, it would be good if not great. The story is well-written and holds great, not at all obvious turns. It is a gem. A gem that contains good art that has its own style, contains story to nut all over and... Has themes that provoke thought. I have not yet finished the game (to its end of content right now), but i constantly want to get back to it, and not because of horniness, but because... The story is captivating.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    The dialogue is super cringy. The pacing in this game is off, things take waaay too long, and you are forced to waste an absurd amount of time reading stuff that honestly seems like it was written by a teenager.

    It has a lot of content in a imo subpar style, which in no way makes up for the frankly unbearable written aspect. I do not get the hype.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    This game is awesome, it has an excellent story and great writing in my opinion, BUT it is not completed, the art is like very inconsistent, some parts look good and other not, they need to work on that, the animations are not good either.

    I recommend you to wait to the game to be in a better state.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    I played this to nut and stayed for the story (nutted as well)

    This game is very hot and erotic but is way more than that, the MC (Mars) may look blunt and another typical "Villain" that corrupts the heroine but he is much much more than that, the story has you thinking and gasping the more it unfolds, not one single character in this game is boring or dull, when I thought I knew where the game was going it took a totally different turn.

    This game deservers all the support it can get, it's a masterpiece on my book, not only as a hentai game but as a game itself, if this game was a light novel with no pictures I would read it and love it still 100%.

    Never seen more clever righting in any other game in this genre.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    The best game I've played on this website. It's wordy but the dialogues and the characters are absolutely worth it. It's very interesting how the dev changed his view of his own characters and had them evolve throughout the years working on it. I think the game is good enough no matter your kinks, even if only to enjoy a beautifully crafted story.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    OK game in the first half. Had a good slow burn with a lot of development in the story. Sadly the story turns pretty generic. As for the art style, its OK. There is a lot of inconsistencies in the coloring and quality which makes it seem pretty amateurish. Otherwise an OK game.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Don't usually make reviews but this game is great. MC(Mars) is one of the most interesting characters I've seen in this genre, One minute he is the cruelest POS and the next he's oddly kind and endearing. Most NTR has the generic delinquent womanizer and while mars is a delinquent womanizer he is anything but generic, tragic even.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm not usually into NTR, but the art and the aspect of introducing people to kinks really grabs my attention. The plot that's going on between all this is surprisingly good as well. Nitrolith has a lot planned from what it looks like and I hope that once this game is done, we see more from them.
  9. 4.00 star(s)



    The game holds lots of artistic value to it, hence almost unanimous praise, yet I cannot turn a blind eye to it's many flaws:
    • Verbosity - there is simply too much text for me to care about. I have come to read an erotic VISUAL novel, not Tolstoy's War and Peace in 4 volumes. Don't get me wrong - quantity is not the only problem, it's really boring too. The amount of small talk, character thoughts, needless narration and overall yapping puts me to sleep.
    • Inconceivable amount of foreplay and repetition. Erotic scenes (first half of the game) in this bore me to death, not because they're bad but rather because I've seem them hundreds of times. And it's not by choice, I have to sit through them to progress the plot.
    • Iris character's story is unsatisfying. I mention this because dev stated that they have no plans on adding more content to her and that ending is pretty anticlimactic
    • UI - game is 4:3, and I don't mind side borders, though they are the same regardless of the scene which is lame. What I do mind Is non transparent text box that actually covers up a quarter of the image. We know there is supposed to be something, since full images are shown during transitions, so why the fuck it it there simply blocking the view?
    • Lack of visual representation. A lot of actions are either only described or heard with SFX, but not shown. That's not news for visual novels, but overused here, which demonstrates lack of graphical assets. Like sometimes sexual acts are purely described in text while you're staring at a background or a black screen.
    • Art is super inconsistent. MC is supposed to be tanned, but in some scenes he is just straight up black for no reason. Sometimes it's the opposite - he loses his tan and becomes natural white. Heroines constantly shift between different body proportions, faces and style. Sometimes 2 characters standing next to each other on the SAME panel are drawn in different styles. This is not a fucking Space Jam, it looks really bad.
    • Sex minigame is broken: if you quickly switch between two actions or sometimes even spam click the same action, it increases pleasure modifier, which when it gets to like 40x+ makes the girl cum instantly without spending much of your stamina. Has been broken for a while btw. This is really bad because after you fill their curse bar you still have to visit them for a set amount of times (doing nothing) just to read yet another pillow talk.
    • I don't understand affection stat at all. How it's raised? It was increasing with Sera at the beginning, but not with Cecille. Then it dropped back to zero. Then it went into negatives all of the sudden. Does it actually raise when presented in dialogue choces? Does it actually affect anything?
    • Most choices are fake and have same consequences. I assume they are placeholders and will be functional in future updates, but you never know.

    So far I've done nothing but complaining, so why the 4 stars? Well, most illustrations are lovely, but image to text ratio is absurdly low and some scenes would really benefit form being actually illustrated, rather than just narrated. And animations are of a solid quality. But the real catcher is How events unravel after THE sex scene and with introduction of Elena. The drama, the immoral power fantasy, the internal struggles of MC, the relation dynamics between all characters and their evolution, and it's all just so fucking hot. Besides Elena is so sweet, I might have gotten diabetes and I love it. Also this game features not one, not two but THREE breedable femboys. That's totally bussin' and amounts to at least one additional star to the rating on god fr.

    As of now main storyline is not yet finished and there is ONLY ONE placeholder ending (and several short bad endings) that you can get to by fully progressing one of the 4 heroines paths (yes, including Erin). Each of them get their own cutscene, but no, no matter which one you chose, it doesn't affect the ending in any way.
  10. 5.00 star(s)

    2 0 0 4 f o r e v e r

    just busted a fat nut to the game, have to go straight to this

    incredible game, the mc is a generic netori guy, tall, buff, big dick,... acting like a generic dickhead, but at the same time, different from other netori games like ntrholic, ntr legend, he shows regrets, shame, self-hatred for what he had done, but at the same time he cant change himself, he still follows his instinct, his instructions, because thats what he has been taught from the beginning of his life, like Guts only know the way of the sword and that he has to kill strangers on the battlefield to survive and have no real purpose no dream, Mars also only know to corrupt, to steal, to fuck, to "spread the disease that he is" as much as possible. he cant change it, and throughout the game you can see it, how much he hated himself for the selfish, brutal, cruel that he only knows. but if he only acts like a monster for the whole game i wont talk about him rn, because unlike other dickheads from similar netori games, he shows kindness, sympathy and remorse. the event with iris really fucked me up, because not only that im not really the chastity cage? idk how that called but it stuck with me for the whole game because of how demoralizing the dialog is, that one Leopart the dreamer is no longer, he completely broken fucking kills me man, some people said that its his fault for being a simp or whatever, but still how Leopart confessed that he want to kill himself, how much is hurt, and how Iris just manipulated him like fucking Johan from Monsters, really fucked me up man, and Mars acknowledged it, saying that he should have killed them both before the tragedy happened, how bad he had fucked it up this time, brutal shit. kudos to Nitrolith, idk if you the one wrote the dialog but if you do you did a great job man. and thats just one example, there are so many scenes in the game that make me just stop beating my meat and stare at the screen like how Shinji looks at his hand after nutting to Asuka lol idk how i managed to actually cum, most of it if not all sex scenes in the game are devastating af. but in those cruel evil wicked moments there are also this unbelievable feeling of longing, connection, of intimacy, a real sense of belonging. like the sex with Elena, of course the game gonna start with how Mars dehumanized Elena, and how shes just acting like totally unreal, and Mars just fucked her in the most vulgar, perverted way possible with a fast tempo rock music in the bg, but then the game just hit me with the aftermath, a calm ambient bg with Elena peacefully leaned against Mars on the bed while he smokes a cig. at first i was like pls dont be like those drawings on pixiv, then turn out he smokes a herb to calm his mind, and they just share it, talk about feelings, life, how the other means to them. its just sweet, genuine and mature i might say. shits like that really make me love the game, how crude. vulgar the sex, the training was just to finish it with a ease, tranquil aftermath, really bring me back to those Evangelion days lol, how the anime fucks you up with the most painful thing then sooth your mind with the calmest song ever. even with Sera's training, which is a fucking mess of the most disgusting, evil, cruel aspects of human manifesting into play. even her aftermath scenes focused on how she isnt a human being, how low she is, whatever but Mars still shows his kindness, humanity in those moments, even for a demon. i still remember when Sera completely broke down for the first time, how panic Mars was and the way he consorts, comforts her, show me his true color.

    And thats just the MC, the casts for the game are one of the most amazing, colorful in a porn game that ive ever played. of course because this is a corruption game, therefore most of the LIs character development with revolve around how they slowly become more unhuman, the lowest, the most disgusting version of themself. personally, im not a fan of heavy corruption, like turning the girls into mindless pieces of flesh with the purpose of existence just to become a filthy dump, not a fan of this. but to say that the characters are bland or dont have personality is wrong and even ignorant. i dont like some if not most of the transformation of characters in the game because of the reasons above, but i still have to say that i really love the casts of the game.

    with that being said, that doesnt mean there arent things that i dont like about the game, mostly just fetish stuffs so i cant complain, but the game is sometimes buggy? like i had to spent quite sometimes in Ceci 2nd curse because of Lavi quest.

    there are a lot of great things about the game like arts, music, story,... but many reviews already talked about it before so i dont need to say any in this anymore

    lmao i have to put on mr kill myself by sewerslvt to write this shit because the post nut clarity hit fucking hard man great job Nitrolith

    P/S: long hair Sera is just as beautiful, adorable as long hair Rei, thank you so much for letting long hair Sera happened
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    Solid NTR themed visual novel, although the NTR is being done by the player character for the most part. It's a very standard kind of coomer content dispenser spread out through repetitive grinding and a half-assed dungeon minigame.

    The coomer content is very good, with the animations being the standout feature of this game. The art itself is alright, but the developer really knocked it out of the part with the animatinos which feel like a very detailed pixel art style. Much like a lot of porn these days it has more hardcore fetish stuff that might turn certain people off.

    Make no mistake, this a very generic game based on a very generic hentai porn concept which itself is based on a very generic kind of anime. There are the standard cast of characters like hero, demon king, priestess (childhood friend), and the cool antihero guy which you play as. The plot is nonsensical, which is fine since this is porn, and the overall characterization is pretty straightforward: you are a badass half demon gigachad, the hero character is a whiny incel soyboy, and the women are all super into you for your massive dick and sensitive understanding of their hearts. For some reason the demon lord's master plan involves putting a lust curse on the two women in the hero's party where the only cure is getting it on with you, the sexy demon hybrid chad who's working as a double agent for the demon lord.

    Despite all that, the dialogue is somehow pretty good for a porn game. The conversations between the player character and the women are surprisingly written competently, and there's actual chemistry between the lead and the various other girls in the game. Much of this is in the specific context of the pillow talk after the bread-and-butter sex scene content, which is the best blend of animation and dialogue. The structure of the dialogue kinda gets repetitive after a while but the animations are nice enough to watch multiple times.

    This game is technically mostly finished, and is worth playing if you're okay with NTR themes. But man does it feel like there were several different concepts that the developer was trying to juggle in terms of gameplay and narrative that give this game a very inconsistent feel. The minigames and side-stories feel a bit undercooked and I think the effort would have been better spent on the primary gameplay loop and 2 main girls. But still, definitely worth playing.
  12. 2.00 star(s)

    Penetrator God

    I kept coming across it in game recommendations and decided to give it a try. I literally fell asleep during the prologue. After a unnecessary long and kinetic opening, the game continues from the sandbox section and at that point I had no idea what was going on, I couldn't even understand which character I was controlling. After a while I realized couldn't care enough about the story and the characters to continue. The font choice is very bad and makes it difficult to read the dialogues. Lastly, I didn't like the drawings and animations at all. I think the popularity of the game is because of the anime art design and I'm not a fan of that kind of thing anyway. I found it to be a very overrated game.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    Really liked the writing in this game, cecilles first "caught" moment has stuck with me for years and now i've actually advanced to the end of the demo(0.5.3). hard binged the entire thing over like 3 days. my wall of text thoughts:

    (about the other reviews) the writing is indeed good, which is why its extra disappointing to see how things end up. im not entirely sure yet if its just my personal preferences not aligning and my disappointment clouding my judgement or if it really does fall off.

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    maybe its just me and not liking how far the corruption genre goes in general. almost every time in ntr the best part is the inital steps on the slippery slope, and seeing characters go full slut and wiping all previous character traits isn't nice to see nor exciting. I got really invested in the characters here but pretty much everyone besides sera and mars has character development where I like them less by the end. idk if the upcoming content is gonna rationalize everything but the direction towards city lord mars isn't very exciting. the appeal was all about drama and characters and that kinda switches the genre at the expense of the those. pretty much just looking forward to the actual aftermath of the sera ending now. and maybe a vi ending.

    really enjoyed my time with it and will probably just try to wipe the way some characters end up from memory. biggest criticism besides the character story is how all over the place the art is. most of it great, and it gets much better as it goes on but boy is it jarring whenever you switch actions in training and have very different characters there. sometimes the designs change too, especially cecilles breast size and bangs in different pics and seras skin colour when she went berserk(looks better but still).
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    I was actually gonna come here to whine about this game taking 5+ years to complete with a story written by someone who is sick in the head and doesnt know when to put an end but oh boy i was wrong.
    This is literally some of the best writing for an adult game. The dialogue is crafted to such a way that is unique leaves you with and awe. Yes its cruel and twisted at times but if u see the bigger picture it is really good crafted.
    The artstyle, models and animations are good. Good looking characters with amazing drawn expressions. 10/10
    I didnt expect so many minigames. All of them are great and worth exploring.
    BGM and lewd voices are always a plus. Music fits with certail tone changes.
    Preg content++
    Definitely worth trying it out even if you're not into the NTR.
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    It feels uncanny. The writing is very mediocre, trying to parade as something more. The psychology of the characters is very unintelligent and meme-like. Overall, the plot is sloppy and soulless.

    The fact that the game seems to have no identity is also strange, it is like a makeshift doll trying to simply appeal to feedback and to suggestions, mixing everything together without anything behind it.

    Even so, I want to be fair, I cant give it one star, because the art improved overtime.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    I've never written a review before, but after years of playing games on the F95, this is probably the best written story I've seen. Not too many options to interact with, but the fighting, changing the state of the characters is really great. As for the graphics, it's pretty good too. 9.5/10
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    The game is really good the art is great the story is interesting the only real problem I have is it feels like it takes ages to progress to the next thing I stopped at the beginning of the third arc. Besides that I really enjoy the game.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is incredibly good with lots of content and really good writing. The animation, story progression, characters development are just excellent. Anyone who played NTRlegend or Ntraholic or Handyman Legend or Summer Memories or Self-defense Dojo Secret will love this game.

    Overall 10/10, If your a netori lover like me this game a must try.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Tested at version 0.5.3 :

    The story and setting is quite refreshing as it is more mature and darker than what I expected, both in terms of story and art style. Obviously it isn't polished for several aspects (mini games) as the dev already mentionned, but the core is pretty solid and you can at least have 1 "general" ending and a few route choices before reaching that ending.

    Once some minigames / income (you can use cheat for now by talking to Vi) are finished or polished, I think this game will be a true gem for those seeking a eroge with a pleasant, unexpected good story for its genre.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    I avoided this for a long time because corruption and cucking isn't really my thing, but let's be honest with ourselves the game is a masterpiece. The world is interesting, the art is really great (imo) the character designs are awesome, the dialogue is good (although there are spelling mistakes but w/e), etc. The worst thing about it is the minigames imo, they're very easy to 'game' and you can break the curses within one night and afterwards just watch the scenes on your own time. I also wish some characters had repeatable scenes or a gallery to watch them back afterwards.

    Also I have no idea what the dungeon is for other than existing for the sake of the plot. I didn't even realize I could visit the dungeon until like 5 hours in, and even then I visited it once, got to floor 10, quit, and never went back.

    If you're not really interesting in corruption or bulling you can at least take solace in the fact that everyone kind of sucks - like, you're not breaking up a happy relationship here.

    Also Sera is best girl and deserves to be happy.