This game is strange, very strange. I tend to stay away from games where you play as a villain, or you're a bad guy, and I tend to favor romance and love stories, but this is a game where you play as a villain and with a heavy focus on cheating.
However the plot really hooks you in, and draws you forward. The main character is a villain because of circumstances, and he doesn't really enjoy it, he even laments that in another life he'd be a mentor to the hero and enjoy helping him become a great man. Similarly the hero is an insufferable twat, but that's a matter of circumstances, and in another game you could absolutely see him blossoming into a good person.
What ends up happening is this game makes you feel like an utter bastard, but it directs your anger towards the people forcing you into this situation, which, I'm hoping will have a satisfying ending where you get revenge and make the end justify the means.
As for the sex, well, it's very good, there's a lot of it, and it varies considerably in tone and kinks, but the through line is good art, and good writing, I'm not a huge fan of the whole trainer thing in general, but it makes sense thematically, so, what can you do.
All in all, I can't say I enjoyed this game, because it makes me feel like scum, but the story was enthralling, the sex was hot, and the characters well written, and that's worth five stars.