Heroine Conquest gets points for its art and being an actual game, but it falls in to the common trap of not really integrating porn and gameplay. The gameplay itself has lots of flaws as well.
To quickly describe the gameplay, in each stage you're given a set of monsters that you can spawn in order to capture a heroine. Once you run out of spawns and all your monsters are dead, you fail. If you beat the heroine into submission so your capture monster can do its thing, you win. Each time you fail an attempt, you can spend experience points to upgrade your monsters' abilities. For each new stage you get a new set of monsters to raise again from scratch.
On the plus side, the overall gameplay concept is solid with how it consistently creates a satisfying power escalation up until you capture your current target and it fills out each new stage with a set of new mechanics which would normally be enough to keep things fresh. But things get stale anyways because the balancing sets you way way behind even the starting line of each stage. So you spend roughly the first five attempts suiciding your units until you get enough experience points to be even vaguely effective. It wasn't too egregious in the first stage, but after that it's just forcing you to click through a bunch of unwinnable attempts until you're allowed to actually play the game. Let me add that I was under par for the number of attempts on my first try on all stages but one, so I think that this will be the average experience.
The other repeated mistake is how poorly the unit abilities are explained to you. You get a vague idea between attempts because what upgrades you can buy implies what the units can do. However, there's not a clear way to tell what's happening until you brute force your way to understanding. But the poor balancing means you don't even get to start experimenting until several attempts in because it's impossible for your monsters to survive long enough to actually do anything. So it's pointless frustration on top of pointless frustration. The sheer number of spawned units and attempts mean you'll figure it out eventually, but the process can and should be a lot smoother with some additional descriptions and visual effects.
Interestingly, it's not until you get late into the game that there are serious design flaws in the stages itself. On the priestess stage, the sort of exclusion zone around her where you can't spawn monsters takes up 75% of the play area and you can only damage her by chasing her into trap monsters. So all you can really do is chase her into a corner, which creates really stale, finnicky gameplay where you're pretty much guaranteed to accidentally click off of the game. For extra fun, you have the opportunity to make your units worse by upgrading them, because you can apply a speed debuff on the heroine but all that does is make her get into the corner slower. I suspect there was an earlier iteration of the stage where you had enough room to place units where that could have actually been useful. The final stage is just disappointingly shallow and easy. All you really have to do is buff your attacker unit's range until it doesn't need to walk in front of the defender unit to attack and then every attempt turns into placing a blob of each unit type until your base stats are high enough to win.
The final score is more a 2.5 star than a 3 since it's pretty hard to recommend in its current state, but I'm rounding up for actually having gameplay. That, and its most frustrating issues could be fixed in less than a day of tweaking balance numbers which would bring it to about a 3.5. So for now I'd say wait for those balance changes.