Others - Heroine Rumble 2 [v0.31 HF] [Enlit3d]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    The base game is a 2.5, maybe a 3 at most. It's an okayish fighting/sex wrestling game. It plays well enough but there's not much variety in terms of positions, costumes, and customization to keep you going for long. On the upside you can jus

    ...but like all the other games this dev has made it has robust mod support and modding community working on it that saves it. Suddenly most of the problems of the base game disappear. Now there's tons of sex positions, plenty of costumes, and even an extensive anthro mod that adds like 30+ characters from various IPs (pokemon, digimon, palworld, etc.) that you can fight and acquire. Even with their own special movesets and perks; goddamn that's one devoted modder.

    Anyway, this all takes some time to track down, download, and install from the Discord and LL and the game is, IMO, no really worth it without it. If you are okay with doing all that, this is well worth a play.
  2. 5.00 star(s)

    (Former Member) Rnero_BBC

    Best game IMO
    Could be better if I could replace character model because I don't like the face structure at all and would like anyone to make a better face mod like an Asian one and stuff....

    About the game:

    Jiggle Physics (SurverX's Asset Packs)
    Clothing Is My favourite and could be improved if those didn't interfere with the big ass size and breasts too

    Most customisation available and slight optimised for lower end devices like mine

    The Animations are top notch..

    Best Modders Available

    Best Game Developer And Story Could Be added more and more and be way lengthtier
    Likes: SurverX
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Throwing in my 5 stars of this game since it is incredibly underated.

    The game is a simple combat game with not fair fighting mechanics you can abuse with relative ease, the random npcs start off good but I see how that could get boring quickly. What really sells this game for me is the modding.

    The game starts off with a lot of content don't get me wrong but the mods you get from the discord are top tier, I'm talking more animations more clothes pokemon/digimon hotties new dicks did I say more animations? I mean MORE animations. If you're a perv like me this game is great so don't count it out for it's not 4 star rating. One of my favorite games and IM a perv so def try it out with an open horny mind.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    After HRT, this is the 2. game from Entli3d that i create mods for. Here are my impressions :

    The modding support is absolut great. I do not know ANY other game with such good modding support. Also, to apply mods for users is very simple.

    I like the look of the basic model and physic engine. The characters can be widly changed (body form, hair, colors, dress...).

    Game Control:
    You have to adapt to the controls (i use JoyToKey and a controler), when you get used to it it works very well.

    Game Story:
    There is a game story but i think this is not the strongest point of the game. For me it is more the "sandbox" like customizing of the characters and playing with other people mods. But i do know that other user like the story and asked Enlit3D for more story content.

    For me it is a superb game that offers all i want from a sex game. For me as a modder, it is a dream :D
  5. 3.00 star(s)

    Abe Bee

    After spending a little bit more time playing, I take it back - this sequel isn't in the worse state than the original. There's definitely more shit to do.

    1. Economy is practically nonexistent. 200$ items are worthless, 1000$ boxes take ages and savescumming(and even yellow items aren't anything special). You can farm it along with XP, yes, but this brings up the 2nd point.

    2. AI is shit. AI level 4 is debile. It has weird desyncs, pauses and whatnot(and I don't mean standing over an lying enemy that you can't grab, because there's no frame). It needs manual input, but the COMBAT IS CANCER. PURE JANKY CANCER.

    3. To make matters worse - lewd is broken. Straight up. If your character has any kind of weakness - it will be exploited nonstop, AI won't help, and your own input is too cancer to bother. And getting hit by enemy ult = lose. Missing your ult = lose. Orgasm reduces ult gauge. It's just cancer. You can down an enemy 20 times with no effect if you go physical, but it takes like 6 downs for you once your suit is broken to be chain-orgasmed.
    And that's partially what the "weapons" are for - just to abuse lewd even more. No chairs, no whips or anything. No BDSM.

    4. Grabs are overabundant, but also thematically poor. It's like every grab of WWE, but no proper BSDM. Beatdown is literally the weakest grab(because it's default and there's no indication of grab power value), throws are utterly useless, stepping\rubbing is lewd and the only other way to punch requires magic binds or 2v1. No trampling, no crotch kicks, no breast punching. Just a few DOZENS of ways to stretch your opponents' bones.

    So... at the end of the day, I can't change the rating and give it any more than 3 stars. The game requires cheat engine for gold, XP if you can find it, speedhack to automate exhibition farm... Enemies rapidly outscale you, your HP barely grows - the balance is terrible.

    One small positive is being able to mod it, I didn't try any model changing, because... why even bother, but I managed to mod audio, but only by replacing the original one. Compared to other games(like pain:rein) the process is relatively simple, but you either need to change every file(and reduce voice volume), or you need to change your new file's gain to be in line with the native sounds, otherwise the ingame volume control won't help.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    The lack of overall story or direction means the game lacks staying power it deserves. Heroine rumble 1 had less of an issue with this somehow. It's got variety and the combat is okay..kinda. Often unbalanced depending on patch.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    This is a review on Version 0.291

    TLDR: Customization good. Gameplay is confusing and does not have enough navigation. 2v2 is too messy. Why are the RPG elements being a major part on the game. Would try further after that has improved.

    The customization system is actually very good, with lots of stuff to customize. Hope there will be victory poses interacts with the enemy in the future but hey that's only my personal taste.

    With that out of the way:

    What am I supposed to do in a match?
    From what I've gathered through playing, I am supposed to decrease the motivation from enemy through my grab moves so that I could pin them. The problem is, the game barely(if there is any) tells you about this.

    Yes, there is a move list but that's not enough information given. Having a thing telling me I can pin the enemy now is always better than that option sneakily showing up on the move list.

    On a personal note:2v2 is too chaotic especially with that targeting.

    What are all these bars?
    The green bar is stamina, The blue bar is Mana, the red bar is finisher gauge, the yellow bar is the block gauge and the pink bar is the pleasure gauge. Now, where and how can I check the character's motivation?

    This wouldn't be a problem when the game could just give me a way to track it. Or just be more straightforward with how motivation works.

    Does my controls mattered when grabbed?
    When preforming a grab move, I can hold J to make the escape bar fills slower with the price of my mana drains like crazy(move also ends instantly when it reaches 0). I don't have too big of a problem with that. But I barely feel my controls mattered when being grabbed.

    Why are RPG stats being introduced as a main feature?
    This is the part that baffles me the most. As they seems to be applied to all modes, including customized matches. A fighting game should at least have a mode for both sides stand on the same ground with stats, right?(I could be wrong, I've little to no experience on fighting games)

    From what I see on Patron, the dev seems to be more focus on developing the customization system.(Which could be the reason why customization is way better) Really hope the gameplay will be improved after the dev is satisfied with the progress.

    For now I'll just have to wait and look forward to future development.
  8. 4.00 star(s)

    Jacob Kururugi

    Like all of Enlite3d's games, this one is interesting and has all of what I enjoy. However the question is: will this project be seen through until completion or abandoned like many others in the past. Only time will tell but as always its a fun game and the mod support is excellent.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    gameplay kept me playing for hours! love the combat! hope more moves come, weapons, better progression and bigger fights would be nice! also saved outfits is a must...

    good story mode,
    combat keeps you entertained along with a challenge if you try harder difficulties.
    love the customization and cant wait for more,
    mod support? bruhhhhh
    ai is not stupid, you will get your ass beat!
    no controller support yet but i run it through steam with a decent bind and have no issues!
    graphics are mid but its fappable,
    too busy getting my ass beat to fap...
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Very nice stuff
    I have every time fun with Enlit3d games I follow his for the other 2 games and this is like a sequel from first one with the improvement with the shop and item from dungeon but in the ring.
    I hope he can this game better then other, only problem I get with the camera in 2 player mod or in scoolroom. all rest is fine
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    Game needs a manual or something to explain the mechanics, because I'm either missing a lot of it or the AI can do stuff that the player can't.
    I can't do a dash attack unless I'm full sprinting, and I can only do that running upwards or downwards, going forwards or backwards just ends with a short dash. Meanwhile the AI seems to be able to dash attack at will, and they seem to be unblockable.
    The AI can also somehow parry me in the middle of me landing direct damage hits on them.
    The AI also has some stomp ability that has amazing range, and they can dash during it to increase its range knocking me down while I'm on the other side of the arena.
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    In my opinion, the game is in too early stage of development to be published at the moment. It only has basic mechanics implemented and not much else. I remember the first part, it was messy, but quite fun game, what justifies sequel? So far there is no improvement in gameplay, nor in the visuals, nor in the story. I don't see major features to be implemented that would make it any different. If after a year or two devs will demonstrate I'm wrong, I would be more than happy to change the score, but so far I would recommend to play the first part which plays better and is a complete game.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    10 Minutes in and I thought the controls are clunky.
    30 Minutes in and realized how wrong I was. The most enjoyable H-Fighting game played.

    Don't be fooled by the graphics and PS2 background as this is a good fighting game. The controls are actually so polished with skills, counter and block all work together smoothly. Signature move is a little bit OP but you get plenty of warning for that.

    Multiple Grapple types to suit your playstyle
    -Damage type to wear down HP
    -Teasing type to increase lust
    -Pleasure type to increase pleasure meter
    -Restraint type to give debuff
    (Honestly I just put the debuff, damage the clothes and pleasure til they give up lol)

    This is basically battlefuck! If you enjoy wrestling and clothes ripping with randomized enemies, this is the game for you.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Review from a Fighting Game Lover.

    I've played almost all the 2D/3D fighters on this site, and this one, in my opinion, is one the very best. Ignore the 1* comment by guy below.

    If you're here because you love fighting games and are thinking about giving it a go, you can end up on it for hours.

    Learning curve:
    The learning curve is low, and pressing S&K is to 'Grab', whilst 'J' is to attack, 'L' block, J&L Parry. All of these moves are DISPLAYED on the left hand side of the screen, so are the grapple moves.

    You can assign skills in the Roster and can have up 8 - yes, 8x different types of grapple attacks.

    This is nice because it means you can see a lot of different animations on 1x character. Leveling up your character is fun and I recommend stagger resistance if you want easier fights against harder opponents later.

    Full body customisation, quite a few outfit combos for the girls.

    This is the first negative as the guys literally have 3x options (lower) and 2x (upper). Could be more, but tbh I play as girls and my guy character I do have just wears tight pants for the lolz

    Dick Size, Boob Size, Height, Weight, there is actually a LOT going on here.

    Mission/Story Mode
    This at the moment is ok, it's quite short at the moment (about 5-6 fights in total) but at least its there.

    The reason for the 5* is because as I said above, compared to other fighting games on this site, this game is up there, easily top 3. But there is scope for improvement:

    - 'Restraint' Grabs. These, whilst aesthetically look nice are just a pain. You can have: Ballgag, Tied Up, Blindfold etc. They don't actually serve a purpose except button mashing to remove them. They are good later in the game when you want to be able to get some cheap kicks/grapples in but otherwise, I feel like with some of them you should still be able to perform a 'basic' attack (which isn't possible you just have to mash until it comes off).
    - 2 vs 1 - This is almost impossible mode. I have a level 20 character and even struggle against 2x beginner levels because you're grapple spammed. Only workaround would be traditional tag team/corner matches and being able to 'target' you own teammate and 'tag' them in and then 'double tag' for a limited time.

    The negatives don't affect the game to bring the score down/these are more like a way it could be improved.

    Long story short - if you want a fun fighting game that has some nice animations, this will be good to play.

    P.S. BONUS TIP - You can buy people you have fought against as long as you beat them. Later in the game you will fight 'Intermediate' (level 8) and 'Skilled' (level 16) and they cost the same as the level 1/4s. Rather than grinding multiple characters, just beat the level 8/16s buy them from the shop then edit the character to how you want. In my case all my chars are level 16+ now because I just beat the 'skilled' ones lol.
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    The idea of the game is okay, but overall it is incredibly difficult to do anything, and my character generally feels not only under-powered, but seemingly out of my control entirely. The key-combo actions never seem to work when I want them to, whenever I accidentally press the block key it takes like 5 seconds to stop blocking, getting up after getting knocked down takes a seemingly random amount of time, and overall the game feels like a bad NSFW parody of those old clunky WWE games.

    Understanding what actions I want to complete during different grapples requires reading the text that appears, which then quickly disappears as the enemy escapes the grapple, so I basically lose any chance to do anything I want. Additionally, whenever I actually successfully read the action I want to complete, actually inputting that key combo doesn't seem to work. Pressing at the same time? Doesn't work. Pressing one at a time? Doesn't work. Holding in the order shown? Doesn't work. Oh wait, spamming those keys randomly made it work????? Why?????

    All of the animations take anywhere between 1 second and like 5+ seconds, which makes the game feel extremely slow and clunky. If the animations were faster, then you wouldn't be able to parry, sure, but a game like Punch-Out!! makes it so that the player is fast, the enemies are slow, and PvP makes both players slow, and that felt powerful and like I had control. Like Gabe Newell said in a recent documentary, feedback is fundamental to having fun with a game, and not receiving feedback for your actions (or even receiving feedback way too late) feels awful.

    Sometimes things will seemingly work only sometimes at random, like the Dash Attack. If I dash, sometimes I will start running and can slide-kick, but other times I don't, and can't?

    Punching requires spamming the button, but somehow it feels really clunky to use. Holding would probably feel a bit better, but I feel like a better solution is to make the punches faster and possibly to add a coyote time to the punches (pressing the button early works, as opposed to just dropping the input entirely). Dunno if this would actually make it more fun, but whatever.

    What do the bars at the top mean? The big bar is health, that's for sure, but what about the others? No explanation is given for these.

    What do the actions do at the bottom left? S+K equals.... a hand? What does that mean? L+K+J equals.... another hand, but with a different background color??? Okay, so S+K is grapple (which took like a minute of trying every possible combination of pressing/holding those two buttons), and now I can't use it for like 6+ seconds? Why? To prevent spamming? Why should spamming the grapple even be a bad thing? If a spam limit needs to be added, the mechanic is too overpowered and should be nerfed. Grapple should probably be easier to break out of, plus some other things to make it less powerful, more fun, and generally less limiting.

    I can't seemingly blacklist/filter for which gender I want the opponent to be. What if I want to be female with a male opponent? What about Female with Futa opponent? What about Male with Female opponent? Sometimes the dice roll means I have to choose an opponent that I do not want to fight against, and although I can just use the Custom Fight option, what about the missions, which have seemingly randomly generated sexes?

    And lastly, the escape mechanic isn't fun. Holding the key down doesn't move the bar, spamming it does, but spamming it faster or slower doesn't do a thing. If the mechanic was instead a QTE that required paying attention, or even that you could try to move in an opposite direction than the grapple to escape faster, that would be much better than just pressing J, K, or L occasionally.

    Overall, idea is fine (I may be biased though because I don't really care for the fighting game genre, because games like Sifu comes out and only one bad mechanic is needed to make me hate it (the age system that forces replaying old levels and losing abilities just to continue), or Ghost of Tsushima sounds and looks like fun, but isn't on PC), but the execution of said idea is extremely clunky and makes the game so awful to play that I can't play it without raging at the lack of control.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game for killing some time. Only problem I think is that moves could be unlockable, instead of having them all at start. It would give some more motivation to play longer and overall make for better design
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    I've been following the evolution of HR2 since the beginnings of "scuffed rumble", and I must say that with every update this is getting better. Everything is well-explained or is intuitive enough to not need an explanation. Now, with the start of the Story Mode (quite limited for now but promising) and 2 vs 2 matches, things are getting really interesting. Of course, there are always things that can be improved, but all is going on the right path for sure.

    Anyone who find this complicated maybe should not play any kind of videogame lol
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    The premise of this game could be good, but the execution is very poor. The controls are very clunky. The two vs two fights are just dumb and chaotic. The two on one grab is a very boring animation and defeats the purpose of being able to choose your hold animations. None of the mechanics are explained well and the first few fights are easy enough you don't learn the mechanics and will still win. Overall, great idea but terrible execution.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    This is the Best Sexfight Game I have ever played
    The Character Customisation as well as the moveset are plenty as well( still needs to add more tho)
    Hoping in the future updates that there be a captivating storyline which matches the Quality of the Gameplay