Hey horny peoples!


New Member
Aug 1, 2022
Hello, my name is WonderLust and I'm an aspiring game developer. :)

I have many years of general programming experience, but I've never branched into standalone game design, let alone adult game design. However, I've been a connoisseur for a number of years now, and I can't wait to get started!

F95 has been my home for these types of games for a couple years now (on a different account, I'm a sneaky-boi and created a new online persona for these types of projects), and I'm excited to share my games here, in the future.



New Member
Aug 1, 2022
(I don't wanna get bonked for advertising, so someone please just ask me to remove this if this is not an appropriate place to put this.)

So, along the lines of being an aspiring lewd game developer, I've created a relatively short google form that I was hoping I could get some people to fill out to help me see what kind of areas / things people would want to see in a game!

Everything is completely anonymous, and your email isn't shared with me. It's only required to make spamming the test a tad more difficult.