Hey, Long time luker first time... game dev?


Game Developer
Jan 29, 2020
Hey there, I'm Captain Allegretto, Lotta people just call me capt for short.

I'm a professional programmer, amature writer, and now I guess part time game dev. I've been a lurker a long time , enjoy playing the games and basically thought "well, I can do that." So here I am.

It's worth noting that I am in fact not an artist. I've picked up a thing or two in regards to editing but all the art in my game is actually commissioned. I've been having a blast workin with the various artists and if by chance you play it and think "wow i like this art but this game is trash" please by all means use the credits and go support that artist. They all deserve it.

The games name is "An Alchemist's Tale" and will be having a first soft release soon.
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Reactions: Papa Ernie


Only in madness, do you find beautiful death
GFX Designer
Jun 11, 2017
It might be your trash but It could be a Gold Mine to another person.

Welcome! Enjoy your stay here and good luck with your projects and endeavors.
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Reactions: Papa Ernie


Game Developer
Jan 29, 2020
Thanks, and exactly lol, I'm very undisturbed by people not liking my work. or even the works of artists I use. but if they do like those artists I want them to skip me and go right there, "you don't gotta support me, but definitely support someone if you can"


Valley Breeze
Game Developer
Nov 14, 2018
I'm on the same path as you, feeling like I can do better than most. But we have to be careful not to be arrogant, often the games we consider "trash" know very well what they are doing and the audience they want to reach. All artists deserve our support.

Good luck on the new journey! (for us)