

Jul 1, 2020
Well, I'm relatively new. I went away for a few times because, I'd keeping forgetting the name. Loverslab wasn't too hard to remember because it was funny but, F95 Zone? LOL Sorry. I know there is a real meaning of it. Anyway, like the rest us "weirdos", I have various kinks. However, the odd thing is that I'm almost the opposite in rl. Almost all of the kinks I like, in games, I would be repulsed by or could never do it in rl. That's why we call it "fantasy" to all of the people who judge.

It's like the ridiculous and, for the most part, debunked idea that video games "cause" violence is false. 1) the majority of time most people who are arrested for rape, murder, and theft don't even play video games therefore one could make more of an argument that video games REDUCE those who are inclined to do those acts are that way because they don't play video games 2) This leads into the catharsis theory of video games that many murders, etc are PREVENTED because someone got to take out their rage on online FPS targets and not real people (although most fantasys depict a form of role playing another persona that will never see the light of day) 3) basically the same as I mentioned before, most people who watch or play violent games with rough sex acts are not even remotely interested in doing them finally 4) Unless I'm mistaken; murder, rape, incest, etc has been going on for 100's of thousands of years before the very brief time we've had video games, it's not like games came about because of video games 5) Finally before the world started going nuts with a pandemic and other craziness, violent crime rates in the US had been steadily going DOWN almost ever year for 20+ years but, did anybody in the media say that just maybe games (catharsis) reduce violence??? 6) Finally, the psychological studies have found very little to know evidence of causation. Even those who do, are dubious since they suggest only as far as correlation. Two things can happen together but, that doesn't mean one causes the other and sometimes it's the other thing that causes the first thing. Anyway, I'm off of my soap box now. Anyway, I live in North America and am glad I stumbled upon this forum.


New Member
Sep 8, 2019
Hey welcome and that's quite a lengthy introduction! Enjoy your time here and glad to have you!