RPGM - Onhold - High Pressure [v6.1b] [SteamUP]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    [Review of 6.1b as of 2/19/2022]

    There's a lot of neat things in this, but it's just got too little content.

    There's the bones of a dress-up system with no other clothing in it yet. There's the bones of a conversation system, with some deviations that are very suggestive and work great as foreplay... but they don't have any content to follow them up with. There's all original assets and pixel art, but it's only one tiny, quickly explored map of a bar and club, and no actual world or even properly developed gameplay.

    There's one groping scene, and then there's the client's "story" scene, which is you and a client essentially telling a naughty story together. You know, that's what I play porn games for -- even more layers of abstraction!

    Don't get me wrong, there's good text-based porn games, but this isn't one. It's way too early in development. This game desperately needs more sexual content added to it, as well as some actual... game. There's no mechanics, no challenge, no threat, and no reason to play except for the lovely atmosphere.

    Unfortunately, I can't jerk off to atmosphere.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Hello my name is Siderophilia and I have played High Pressure v6.1b by SteamUP.

    High Pressure is a female protag RPG with a rather impressive surface, which unfortunately soon gives way to a bland and empty game.

    What strikes me when playing this game is how many features are actually introduced, but barely used by the game to any meaningful extent. The game has a unique combat system (although the interface is a bit hard to read right away), a custom clothing system, and a stat system with 7(?) different markers for the MC's personality. This all seems to hint that there are some rather ambitious ideas for the gameplay, but from the moment you end the introduction and enter the freely navigated part of the game you realize how little there actually is to do. The maps are huge and most screens don't seem to have a single point of interactivity implemented so far. The Barmaid minigame looks like it could've been fun but you see the first placeholder dialogue on the first day. Also it's a buggy mess since you can softlock yourself by picking up two orders at once. Same thing goes for the events at "The Monocle", it shows how this could be interesting if it actually progressed, but so far it doesn't go far enough to provide an interesting experience. In short gameplay consists of a lot of walking around to find what minuscule events there are.

    The art is probably the high point of the game, the main character has a cute and interesting design and the only complaint I can think of is that there isn't more of it. Basically everything else is stock RPGM assets.

    The story similarly manages the follow the theme of having an interesting surface but disappointing once you get into it. The setting and worldbuilding are cool and look like they could make for a very interesting experience, but so far the game does nothing with this premise. In addition to that the writing is riddled with spelling errors and often feels very unnatural in its delivery. Small details like grammatical errors and characters pointing out things in ways people normally wouldn't are normally minor issues, but when the story is this lackluster they really start to bug me.

    As always I'm aware that I am reviewing a game in development but I feel that if this is what the developer has to show after more than 2 years development is not likely to come much further in the next few years either. It's a short review by my standards, but it's really hard to pad this out. There is barely anything here and therefore barely anything to say about it. 2/5
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Well made game so far, obviously not a lot of content to go through now, a lot of placeholders and missing scenes but what is present is near perfect, wouldn't be surprised to see this on steam or more mainstream places as the quality is very polished. The environment is responsive, the story comes together and is believable. The game leaves everything up to the player but there are no real stat thresholds for scenes so far from what I have seen, would be interesting to see how the dev eventually adds consequences to the choices such as dressing and how flirtatious she is, rn there's progression but not super reliant on stats, just happens regardless of choices afaik.

    It will probably take a long time to reach completion but it is a reasonably ambitious project that doesn't leave any holes in terms of the base game design, which is underrated.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    Good looking rpg maker games and concept but has 0 Hentai content since 2019. Karryns prison took 3 years and had hentai content all the time.

    This are supposed to be HENTAI GAMES and this one has no HENTAI . Sorry but this is Trash

    btw why the fuck is this game having high reviews like 5 stars for NOTHING? You guys realize that Bioass and Karryns prison had content from the get go and are old games, not to mention old shitty visual novels games from the 90s have more hentai content than this, so why 5 stars reviews? looks scummy as fuck
  5. 3.00 star(s)

    Pretentious Goblin

    NB: There are two versions, v5 is the main game and v6 is a proof-of-concept for a future minigame and sexual trait system.

    What I liked:

    • Steampunk setting
    • Nice artstyle
    • Non-stock RPGM assets
    • Potentially unique combat system (if it ever actually gets used in a consistent way)
    • Interesting premise
    • Stat system pertaining to MC's personality traits
    • The sexual traits in v6
    • Potentially intriguing minigames (the bar in 0.5 and club in 0.6). If they ever get fleshed-out, that is.

    What I didn't like

    • Generally bad English. Might seem okay in the first scene, but it quickly falls apart after that. Not good at all for a RPG, severely mars the experience. Shouldn't be hard to clean up, any fluent English speaker could at least pick out the multitude of errors, and possibly also help with awkward sentences. That said, v6 is a lot better in this respect.
    • Little to no real gameplay to speak of. Almost every location is a placeholder. Even the somewhat promising minigames are a proof-of-concept.
    • Very little content in general, including sexual content. I think this game got a promising first release and then stalled soon after.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    I'm not sure why there are so many high reviews for the game, there is simply no content to actually review.

    To save you time: no sexual content in any significant way, a bit of groping or whatever.

    Game has nice idea and art, so hopefully the development speeds up so there's an actual game - I'm just not sure why there's even a release now when there's nothing to do.

    2 star because as a game, it is very poor. Hopefully with more content soon it'll jump up quickly, but if it's actually been in development for two years and this is all there is to show, I wouldn't hold my breath.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    This is Demo, But it will really awesome.. The Art work is really fucking Good. And please continue your work and launch game with more and more fucking options and scenes. That Girl is really fucking awesome and the cloth module is too good, i never seen in any game.(Please if anyone know a game with cloth change module.Please reply). Please continue the game.Its damn good
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    Think I first tried this game about a year or two ago. Looked barebones then, but I have a goggles fetish so played anyway. Absolutely zero content past the first 4-5min of (barebones) introductory exposition.

    So, tried it again 1-2yrs later. I have a tophat fetish, I guess. What's been added?

    Absolutely. Nothing.

    99% of this game's dialogue is "locked." and "not yet implemented", the other 1% is "this is a placeholder event". A past review said choices matter... what choices? The choice to walk bravely or timidly through an alley, and the choice to give or not to give flowers to some streetrat? Those were the only two choices I saw in the game other than yes/no, and they were in the first 4-5min.

    The single positive factor in this game, is the main character's art and the clothing system. However, I'd actually say the clothing system is a negative because it does absolutely nothing. You can unequip all clothing and go stark naked from the very start, and not a single NPC will care. Not even a "!" or "///" bubble--- nothing. In fact, not only do they not react to nudity, they don't react to anything. Nearly all NPCs are decoration with no dialogue.

    The sheer lack of any content additions to this game in the years it has been in development is absolutely baffling. All I can think of, is that it's another patreon scam with nice art to draw in lemmings, but at least those other patreon scams pretend to be working on their projects.
  9. Y
    5.00 star(s)


    1) Magnificent art

    2) A huge varuety of choices that actually matter

    3) Interesting story

    4) Steampunk (Haven't seen any hrpg in steampunk before, this genre is underrated)

    5) Beautiful heroine

    can't wait for full game, but anyway gonna support the devs, they are underrated af
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    [Rev @ Demo 3]

    Promising, but a rough start.

    The art that's present is hella nice; all the images of the MC are beautiful and polished. Effort has gone into upgrading the standard RPGMaker chipsets, though that effort does more than occasionally cause hiccups with the technical side of thing.

    Plot is nice as I understood it, but the writing fluency is very rough and badly in need of a native English editor. Intrigue is less intriguing when I can't understand what the hell is going on in the first place. As hinted above, there are technical errors in the writing too; multiple characters' lines frequently appear unseperated in the same dialog box making things that much more difficult to decipher. I also kept getting frequent missing shader errors I had to ghetto-engineer solutions for until finally a fatal and unsolvable one stopped my playthrough.

    I didn't find anything I'd consider porn in the art, and the text descriptions thereof wouldn't even upset a Midwestern pastor's daughter.

    TLDR: Pretty, has potential, needs work. Godspeed.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Godly art and extremely promising plans for the future, from the highly intricate equipment system to the stated intentions for character and plot development.

    Sadly, is not yet ready for play as of the time of this review - clothing system is not interacting with the rest of the game yet, and there're some obnoxious bugs, but I'm looking forward to playing it once it gets a few updates.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    I loved the art and even though it doesn't have too much content at the current state, I can see that the developers are putting their heart on trying to make a rich environment and storyline.
    The clothing system seems very promising and the main character has a nice design!
  13. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 557432

    A little buggy, but it has great potential. Hope It won't be abandoned. The setting is great, the plot is nice and the images are on point, very nice artist. Hope the devs will get support They need and will finish this game.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    For a vote for the game it is actually too early. This is rather a vote for the potential. (Demo: October 2019)
    + a beautiful avatar
    + a pleasing menu
    + Clothing system
    + Corruption system for clothing
    + Story, although you can vote here for the first time only for the announcement of the developer.
    However, the game needs attention and to give one of the writers in the thread right, a better banner.