[R>Artist 3D] Paid Hiring 3D Model Designer


New Member
Apr 14, 2022
I am a web developer currently working on a new project. I need high quality animations of sex scenes. This is a paid demo-project so I can start developing and go from there to see what I really need.


Employment Type:
Paid - project based

Job Description:
I am looking for 1 realistic female character with customizable attributes (just to be clear, I will implement the customization options programatically, I just need the graphics from you) :
- skin color
- hair color
- butt size (3 sizes)
- breast size (3 sizes)

I need her in 6 different sexual scenarios with a male in high resolution (we can talk about which ones, if you already have some ready made templates we can use those, same goes for the female character herself. If you have templates that makes your work faster for the face and so on - lets use that for this demo)
I am generally looking for a finished video file of each version - if possible we can also use a filetype like .fbx - I am looking to implement the animation within three.js so if that works with a moving animation i obviously prefer it over video files

Please send me some past work you have done via:
- Discord: streamadoo | STEPN#0435
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