RPGM - Holding Hands [v0.41] [Kirantiplayer]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This game as not completed is already very good! Awesome and exciting storylines of you can choose from, netorare, netorase or vanilla. Hot and very well made CG's except it could be MUCH better if they were voiced or at least with sound effects hoping for them to be added in complete version. Anyways looking forward to this game which is worth to play for ntr game fans.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    The game starts great and explains the system very well, the plot and the setup is amazing... But was really disappointed that after few days you are locked in a path that you cannot alter, meaning the system is only for the beginning of the game rather than multiple paths diverging.

    Ignoring the path system, the story telling, plot and the renders are all great! Bit outdated and simple, but still really enjoyed the game.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    (Based on v0.35a )

    I spent many hours finding this game's content without walkthrough, and while it was annoying going through all paths due this being made in rpgm and having many choices (not a good combination imo), i'm still glad i gave it a try.

    - Story, characters and writing

    The premise is basic of ntr genre: antagonist (axl) is friend of mc's gf, she decides to let him stay in their house cause he got evicted, obviously he will try to get laid with mc's gf.
    You play as the male mc and can choose different paths depending on your choices: vanilla, netorare and netorase. You can also get in sub-routes in those paths.
    It's good that these paths also don't feel memey so far, it's interesting to see how some characters changes in attitude and agenda can happen depending on which choice(s) you made.
    For example, if you hate axl, you will really apprecidate the vanilla route because how much snubbed he gets there, haha. Also the introduction of new heroines, and option to cheat on gf.
    Or the ntr path, in which obviously axl gets more control over the gf, or maybe he loses her to another antagonist...? this path can happen with or without mc's knowledge of the cheating.
    The nts path obviously involves sharing, mc encourages his gf to get lewd with axl, it also branches depending when the mc discovers he has this fetish.
    The routes above also have the involvement of another heroine at some point, who i'm really looking forward to for more content...
    And there's s-ntr route, which imo is the worst route, due to how much mc's denseness and gf's bitchness turn up to eleven, not sure if i'll continue playing this route in the future due to how much it annoyed.
    Overall, except for s-ntr, i enjoyed all other routes in different ways.
    The text sometimes has grammar mistakes and text box gets cut off, but it's not impossible to understand what's supposed to be conveyed.

    - Gameplay

    I don't like the engine choice, but i don't feel this was such a chore to the point of making me drop the game. It's pretty much a walking simulator, but at least the map isn't large and the game makes use of all its map's areas (mc's house), also there's also no grinding, which it's good.
    There are two stats: love and sexual desire. Love for mc, sexual desire for antagonist, and you change them depending on your choices, they affect which route you're getting in.
    The game also has a recollection room, but i wish it had the option to have the scenes locked out until you find them, they also could be better organized.
    The recollection room also has a maze with interesting filler/extra scenes.

    - Visuals and sexual content

    Art is done in honey select. While i do think renders are in the okay side of quality, it was decent enough to give me good faps. It also has slightly animated scenes.
    Girlfriend is really hot, redhead with blue eyes, and big tits and ass. MC and antagonist both have big dicks, and even tho at several points in the story is pointed out antagonist has bigger cock, i don't see much difference tbh.
    There's a lot of ntr/nts content, and pretty hot scenes, some of the staple tropes of the genre are there: hidden sex, phone sex, voyeurism, sexual bullying, etc. Though i have an issue with how easily the gf falls for the antagonist, at least she mantains some level of guilt throughout these routes.
    Vanilla route is good catharsis to finally see axl getting what he deserves, also to get along with other heroines.

    - Final thoughts

    Tho a bit rough, the game is a gem that i much liked it. Even tho i liked the sexual content in this, the main selling point for me was the variety of branchings it offers. Only downside is the engine, but i still don't think this is a skip, especially if you like ntr/nts.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    This story consists of maybe ten different diverging story routes, guided by player choice, which all paint different aspects of progressive NTR; routes from netorare, netorase, cheating, cuckold, to annoying side dude, kind of douche bag. With three female characters involved. I'd suggest to play this with the guide next alongside, as the routes diverge early and this can appear resolute.

    Besides diverging, so far all story lines that I've come across are well written in the sense that they are original and interesting, although there are a few a bit trivial spelling mistakes here and theirre.

    The scene renders displayed could be more polished, but few games that score in this aspect produce scenes that are equally enticing or in harmony with the story, which counts in the end, IMO. The game similarly has animations that are a bit simple, but equally erotic.

    This game's world is pretty simple, with just a few maps, as are the interface and corruption system (at least the in-game observable parameters). Though I personally enjoy a bit more complex corruption system, if done well, in this game all of these simple setups do the job. Corruption is all about the progression of the character, which is very well done. It must be pretty difficult to keep this up for so many story lines.

    The only thing I'd say is that the game could benefit from well chosen music, as this can further affect the viewer's emotional state. The choice of music can be tricky, however. Default music reused in so many games easily become a turn off.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    So your girlfriend loves you very much, and everything's great. One night you don't compliment her cooking and bam she fucks the other guy! I like NTR games but this one, not so much. The story isn't interesting and the corruption happens instantly. It's not about the destination it's the journey that matters, but not in this game. the renders are not bad, not good either. All in all, I didn't like it but it's not terrible. There are better games to play.
  6. 4.00 star(s)



    This is a lot better than it looks at first glance. Anyone who is into NTR or netorase should give it a chance.

    The writing is actually quite good. There is definitely some minor issues with the grammar, but it isn't something that is constantly sticking out like a sore thumb. The characters and dialogues are actually pretty well written. The GF is a hypocritical cunt that will probably make you angry on certain routes, but that is obviously intended.

    There is something to be said about the pacing. The initial hurtle of corruption found in most NTR games is pretty much non-existent. People who really like the slow corruption style of NTR might feel disappointed. That said, it makes sense in this case due to her past which will be revealed in some routes. This game is wider than it is long. Thus, bypassing the initial stages of NTR set up works from a game design standpoint.

    The thing that stands out the most in this game is the large number of routes and subroutes. There should be a route that satisfies your favorite type of NTR/NTRS. That said, it's not always apparent which choices will lead to a specific route, so you might want to refer to the walkthrough (although it's very incomplete) to find the entry points for a specific route. Once you enter into a route (happens very early) you are generally locked into that route, but the choices can still lead to a whole lot of variance and even subroutes.

    Looking at the recolleciton room, it seems like NTR/NTRS routes make up like ~80% of the content. That said, maybe it's worth trying out for vanilla fans too. I have not played it yet, but the vanilla route had some preview scenes in the recollection room that seemed pretty cool.

    RPGM is a hit or miss for many people on this site, but I didn't feel like it got in the way too much. There are a few annoying sections, but mostly, it's very streamlined. There is just enough sense of immersion provided by the exploration, and the map is small enough to not feel like a chore.

    The game uses low res HS for the CGs and the render count is really small for any one scene. Animations are choppy and seldom used. I do like the models since well... I like the HS look, but the visuals are probably the weakest part of this game. That said, the scenes are still quite good.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Even early in dev, one of the most in-depth games with lots of routes. Really appreciate the options that the dev gives to let ppl enjoy the game in their own fashion. Gameplay itself could use some polish but the writing is stellar.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    One Word - Disappointing.

    Let's start with the bad.

    The game started out great giving you a nice introduction to the characters, the household dynamic, the desire and love system, special events and some instructions about countering said events right before falling flat on its face.

    Within 5 minutes of those instructions explaining how you can purchase condoms and use them to have sex with your partner in order to counter the advances of the unwanted house guest, you come to find that whatever choices you made on days 1-2 basically lock you into a generic story with a single path.

    It may occasionally offer what looks like a choice but more often than not once you're on a path you're stuck on that path till the end, which makes all those instructions, in-game items i'e condoms and the desire/lust system a complete waste of time.

    They don't do anything except give you this fake perception that you are somehow in control of the story.

    Advice regarding the bad.

    It's fine to have a game that gives you just a few choices to direct the story what bugs me is you have missed the opportunity to make what could have been a very enjoyable player experience.

    A game where every choice matters, a game where you could change the direction of the story at any point as long as you haven't hit that point of no return assuming the point of no return doesn't occur on day 2 of course.

    Where do you go from here? In your position, I would make 1 of 2 choices.

    1. go back and remove all the dialogue and stuff in regards to giving the player real choice that matters and turn the game into VN.

    Hell, you could even port it to renpy and remove the need to walk around the house as it's also pointless.

    2. go back and rebuild parts of the game so that system actually matters, break away from this single choice dictates the story going forward approach and try to get creative with how the mechanics could work if the love and desire values were fluctuating back and forth throughout story progress.

    This will also increase the replayability of the content tenfold as it will leave room for players to experiment.
    • What happens if I just ignore the girl?
    • What happens if sleep with her every chance I get but don't actively block the an-tag scenes with her?
    • What happens if let them bang for half the game and then make a heroic comeback in the 2nd half?

    Let's move on to the good.

    Overall the premise of the story might have been done before but it's a fan favorite and people love a game with choice.

    The renders are pretty good, the scenes/animations are enjoyable, the art style is nice and the main girl is attractive you have everything you need in this department.

    The writing isn't bad either, some parts dip into the realm of being unrealistic where the MC is dumb and just accepts whatever lies they feed him but it's a porn game so it's to be expected.

    In general, whatever you decide to do going forward I think the game will be relatively enjoyable and worth at least 1 play-through of each path.


    For those that haven't played this title yet, give it a try you may form the same or very different opinions from mine and you would be doing yourself an injustice not to give this game its fair chance.

    That being said although I'm disappointed by the direction the game currently takes I think you're doing a pretty good job so keep up the great work.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Really enjoyable game. Look forward to future updates.

    The dev writes that English isn't their first language, but the writing is better, more mature, and fleshed out then many other games out there. There is an emotional impact being felt by the characters in the game and that's superior to many other games.

    There seen to be 3 plots with variants within them, but it seemed kind of difficult to parse which one you were in at the time. Hopefully this is resolved further in development. Love the routes. One issue I had was the rapid development of the infidelity. Wish it could be slowed down and spread over a longer time period or filling with more events that wear down the LI original relationship. There is a number for corruption stat but it's really unclear how this actually affects the events.

    RPGM... I'm usually not too enthused about this, but it works okay. No rollback or history means I sometimes skip a line accidentally and the small window size means I'm using Windows magnifier to play the game. Wish they utilized the interactivity of this engine by including more items in the world to interact or tell the story.

    Graphics of the scenes are pretty good. The models for the characters are good. The animations are kind of simple but get the job done.

    Will Patreon soon. This game needs more support and fanfare. Really happy with how much this plays with the heartstrings. Lots of potential, dev.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    I really like the NTR in this game. Lily is a realistic, believable character, and the setup is very nice. I like that there are elements of implied sex and not knowing what's happening, which is really the best part of NTR. -1 star because I wish there was a little more art showing Lily (even just doing normal stuff), and I feel like the many branch points make some of the scenes pretty inaccessible. This second point is a pet peeve of mine. Overall good game though!
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    I seldom leave comments on games but here i just had to do it It isthe best NTR game i have played so far!! Huge props for the whole game.
    It has many little eastereggs and so many paths to explore.
    I love the diversity of the possibilitys and the changes in the story dependign on your choices.
    I am a personal fan an now a supporter of patreon!.
    Only downside is the Graphics:/
    Nevertheless 9,5/10.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is really good, i really like this game. There are 3 routes in this game, the one I like the most is the NTR or Netorase route. I really like both routes so I hope I get to see more NTR/netorase scenes. For the shortcomings in this game, I think it's a bug when we are playing the game, so in the future I hope there will be no more bugs in this game... Good game(y)
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    I've played the ntr route (well, one of them), as I'm not interested in netorase :
    - This felt like ntr, and not the usual uninteresting western cuckold. There is even mystery so it's very nice, some use of phone calls for example to play with the idea of not seeing what's going on.
    - the choice of using rpgm isn't good for that kind of renders, I had to use a program to force the game to have a bigger screen, and the actions are kinda clunky, so some stuff is easy to do, while other is too hidden.
    - it goes way way way too fast from being a loving gf to a slut using the netori dude as a dildo. The main problem imo, because otherwise the ideas are sound, but the corruption taking like 3 days is too ridiculous (why the hurry?)
    - the woman becomes insufferable with mc in the ntr route I'm playing, and I mean, I can get the appeal of being bossy and it can even be really erotic, but that should be again, after a few weeks or month of corruption, not 2/3 days
    - I don't like the idea of using libido / love as some kind of route determining stuff. Would have been better to just have a corruption route, then a choice asking if the mc wanna be oblivious and continue down the ntr routes, or starting an ntrs route.
    - no sound, moaning or bed creaking should be a thing.

    So in conclusion, there is something here, but right now, it's early, despite some content being there, and some scenes being classic and pretty hot.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Note: I've only played the netorase route of v0.06 fix2.

    Okay, basic things out of the way first:
    - great model for gf,
    - grammar is quite good with just a few almost unnoticeable errors,
    - I like the options given,
    - gameplay is smooth, saving is quick which is something I need in an RPGM game,
    - graphics overall are pretty average for honey select, not bad at all but nothing special,
    - from the options I took, I didn't encounter any bugs.

    Alright, now for the reason I'm writing this review. In my opinion, the relationship between the gf and the guest develops way too quickly but it really makes up for it in the way the gf is written. She has most realistic response to the bf's NTR fetish (again, netorase route) that I've personally seen. She has a very realistic care for the bf and guilt for her actions (at least later on) and her feelings following his 'request' are so refreshingly believable. It actually reminded me of a previous relationship I had. No, we never actually got into that sort of thing, but I did let her know about my, uh, tastes and this story so far embodies what I feel would've happened if we did go further with it.

    Anyway, cool game. Would recommend.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    I love this game, I didn't find any big mistakes, but the great story behind it makes up for any flaws it may have. It has a very good character development, especially the girlfriend of the protagonist, there is a very good scene where she dominates him in a soft and natural way, not so abruptly, it is what I like about this game, the route you choose it will be well developed.
    my encouragement to the developer !!!
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    This game has a potential. As of now the game is not so appealing (interface, typos, bugs.), but the enjoyment of the story makes up for it. There are multiple routes for the player to choose, whether your preferences are netorare or netorase. Wish the dev improve the quality of the renders though (bigger pictures). Given how good-looking the character models are, especially the GF. 8/10
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    I played the game in the past and it had many bugs but now after the update it is much better and I am not facing any bugs. It's one of the best games I've played in terms of tracks and choices and I hope future choices continue into the story more. Thank you so much..
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Very unique story and 3D art,
    Not gonna lie but the story and the way you write the script/line is hot
    I occasionally fap to it and i am happy i guess, lol
    the time to go to Save is minus from me, made me to load from far away point
    I ll just leave some mark here
    Anyway thx 4 the game and updates ^^
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    It has bugs, but it seems to have multiple paths and I think they are well represented, is still quite early to say though, but so far it seems interesting, sadly there are no scenes yet :p but hopefully they will be good