Holiday Winter Game - Asking about a general Interest Reaction

A Bird

New Member
Apr 11, 2019
I am starting to develop this Game
And I am interested if the design is something that people would like
utilizing Sims 4 and Photoshop
Engine (Renpy)
Languages: English and German

The Game would be heavily depending on the actions of the Main Character
It asks the question how much we should Manipulate life Situations, take control, or just let things happen and playout.
It is about two Brother and three Sisters.
Cousins for each other.
They spent Time in the Family Holiday Home (former Home of the Grandparents).
Time après Christmas until New Year

The Actions of the Charter change the Situation.

Example in the Beginning they arrive at the house.
In the beginning the heating is of and the Girls are wearing all their Clothes.
The Protagonist starts the heating.
They Undress a little.
Then he starts a fire in the fireplace.
They undress more.

He has to decide what games they will be Playing in the next few days
Poker ; )
Building a Snowman
Twister ; )
Marie + Klara Christmas.jpg Marie + Klara Sexy Pjama.jpg Marie + Viola + Klara.jpg Marie Fireplace.jpg
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Well, you are likely to get comments on the art style.
Personally I prefer well done Daz, or good 2D art, but if you can't do either, you have to compromise somewhere.
Ultimately I don't care THAT much, as long as the "inferior" art is compensated by a good story.
But if you are looking to put it on Patreon or otherwise make money with it, I'd say that without excellent art, the story needs to be really fucking awesome.

When it comes to that, I have the following comments:
It is about two Brother and three Sisters.
Cousins for each other.
So, it's about the MC and his brother, together with their 3 cousins, who are sisters of each other? Why do you need 3 girls? The more characters, the more confusing things can become.

Time après Christmas until New Year
I actually like the fact that the time in the game is quite limited.
It also means that you need a quite quick progression, especially with relatively many characters.

Normally it will take a bit of time and effort before girls get interested in you, even more so when you are related so that you need to lower the general inhibitions and also the resistance against incest. Although with cousins it should be easier than siblings, but I assume you have also some action planned between the sisters (and maybe some gay/bi action between the brothers?)

So the lack of time will make it complicated to make it believable. You need a very good driver for the action and a better one than just setting the heating up to very high. ;)

Languages: English and German
Don't take it the wrong way, but you need to be careful with your English. At least get a proof reader.
Or alternatively, make the setting specifically German and have your characters "talk with a German accent".

I may seem critical but that's better than not giving a fuck and not replying. ;) This means that I do see potential, it just needs a bit more work. Good luck with the project!

A Bird

New Member
Apr 11, 2019
Thank you for your interest
I agree with your recommendations
The art concern. Is why I posted the thread.

The story is the reason i am interested in the project.
I write a lot. And it is the first story that would work well as a erotic game.

Thank you for the speed-build and the wishes of good luck