Reviewing v0.123
tldr: I did not find it to be a good one.
Gameplay: 1/5
The core gameplay is a test with multiple questions, that are multiple choice response. The scene progresses if you get it right. So, the whole gameplay takes you out of the game and into google or your own memory.
You can circumvent this by using the cheat mod, which in my opinion is mandatory to get enjoyment from this one.
I first tried it without the mod to get a feel for it, then with. Definitely more enjoyable with the mod. The mod just removes all choices except the correct one, making it a bit of a click next to see next experience.
Art: 3/5
Honestly the girls are cute and the art isn't bad. however, the scenes are rushed and very static, with few frames between changes to really reward the player.
Quantity: 2/5
There are I believe 3 girls at the moment with one scene each? Something like that. Very shallow. And there is a list of future girls, so the shallow one scene trend seems to be the plan going forward.
Eroticism: 3/5
The theme is pretty obvious. School. You get titilage rewarded for answering questions. Yep. That's the theme.
Enjoyment: 1/5
Even removing the multiple choice system, there just wasn't enough. Like being given a plate with a couple chips and no drink to go with it. Not enough to really drool over, but more could potentially be good.
tldr: I did not find it to be a good one.
Gameplay: 1/5
The core gameplay is a test with multiple questions, that are multiple choice response. The scene progresses if you get it right. So, the whole gameplay takes you out of the game and into google or your own memory.
You can circumvent this by using the cheat mod, which in my opinion is mandatory to get enjoyment from this one.
I first tried it without the mod to get a feel for it, then with. Definitely more enjoyable with the mod. The mod just removes all choices except the correct one, making it a bit of a click next to see next experience.
Art: 3/5
Honestly the girls are cute and the art isn't bad. however, the scenes are rushed and very static, with few frames between changes to really reward the player.
Quantity: 2/5
There are I believe 3 girls at the moment with one scene each? Something like that. Very shallow. And there is a list of future girls, so the shallow one scene trend seems to be the plan going forward.
Eroticism: 3/5
The theme is pretty obvious. School. You get titilage rewarded for answering questions. Yep. That's the theme.
Enjoyment: 1/5
Even removing the multiple choice system, there just wasn't enough. Like being given a plate with a couple chips and no drink to go with it. Not enough to really drool over, but more could potentially be good.