VN - Ren'Py - Honeymoon Island [v3.0] [TK8000]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    love the game
    An engaging game with immersive mechanics and rewarding progression. It strikes a perfect balance between challenge and fun, offering an exciting experience with depth and strategy. Highly enjoyable!
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Review for V3.0
    Honeymoon Island unfortunately doesn’t leave a strong impression. The storyline is confusing and honestly hard to get invested in—there’s not much depth, and it doesn’t do a good job of pulling you in. The plot feels all over the place, leaving you questioning what’s even happening.

    The characters don’t fare much better. The game relies heavily on the cliché trope of an older woman hyping up the MC to the younger women, but it’s hard to take it seriously when the MC looks more like a creep than a stud. His design feels off, making it hard to buy into the story’s premise.

    Flirting in the game is downright cringy. The attempts at romance and charm feel forced, with a lot of the interactions lacking any real chemistry. The clichés don’t stop there either, with situations like accidental body exposure or the classic “sleepwalking sex scene” thrown in for good measure. These tired tropes might appeal to some, but they just make the game feel lazy and unimaginative.

    In the end, Honeymoon Island is a cliché game. It doesn’t offer anything fresh or exciting, relying on overused tropes and awkward interactions. If you’re looking for something more original or engaging, this one might not be for you.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    What can I say, there's few Devs that write characters as well as they do.

    I really like the focused character-driven layout of the game. It feels more in-depth this way and I enjoy their interactions and learning about their motivation.

    So far, it's all very light. There is little conflict, but we'll see where it goes. I hope they continue this.
  4. 5.00 star(s)

    sk thunder

    Even though there isn't a lot of characters, Just only three up until now, this VN never felt monotonous. The conversations are very well scripted, fluid and enjoyable. Let's see what happens when they go to the mainland. I hope it will be even better although there are a lot of mysteries on that island. Also, I love the chemistry between the MC and his main love interest.

    The renders were good enough to keep me hooked up. The girls are very beautiful and lovely. I hope this VN will be very enjoyable in the future.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    I like some parts of the story and the minor mystery theres, the "sister/brother" stuff is also pretty decent, but it has a huge failure when it comes to the sister, MC takes her virginity/deflower with her fingers which is just a big nono in a porn game, just as bad as using a dildo on a LI to remove her hymen, the hole point of having a virgin and a girl with a hymen is to make a good virgin scene with pain and blood when MC fucks her for the first time, why dev dosent want that in the first sex scene shows how new dev is to this stuff, it had been better if the girl/sister wasent a virgin to start with so it dosent take advantage of having a virgin tag that just dosent deliver.

    The Aunt i could do without and not being a fan of big titted bimbos i dont really want to see her ass running around nude all the time, it only kills the mood, atleast nothing has been forced with her atleast not yet.

    Sister is more my type and i did like her, shes pretty hot and good build.
    MC though is ugly as fuck, like a porn star from the 80s all hairy and shit, its a pretty big turn off as well.

    As for choices there arent that many so hard to rate that part yet, but it does have sandbox which really annoying, mostly due to the fact that you have no clue what to click or where to go, like having to listen in on a conversation between aunt and the sister, you have to click randomly on stuff and hope to get lucky to find the right places to advance the "quest"

    Animations are a bit meh, virgin scene wasent much of a virgin scene and the rest is just a hand/blowjob so theres not much to come for yet really.

    Its not that bad a game, renders looks good, story is decent except the virgin part and the Aunt trowing her big tits in your face none stop, also dont really care to hear about Aunt talking about how she wants to fuck other people like MCs dad and such, so its a bit hit and miss with this one but might have some potential to become better later, so ill give it 3 stars for now and revisit when it has a bit more content.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a very hot novel with great visuals and a very good pace.
    I like both female characters, particularly the aunt, but the sister is pretty cute and the scenes with her are hot.

    I just wish the aunt wasn't so slutty and there was more build up with her to enjoy the progress and the taboo.

    The story looks pretty good with some mystery goind on, but frankly I care more for the action than the story which is often a detriment to the game when the author tries to get too serious, I hope this is not the case here.
    I'll be followng this one and hope for the best :).
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    It's a very fun game
    They made everything look quite "natural", so there's no need for corruption, and it's also not the typical "Let's slut up!!"
    I won't spoil anything, since the post doesn't have flags for the most part of the contents I enjoyed the most, but I believe that's because it's not necessary...
    I mean, things happens in the game in such a good pace, and no one really notices that thing scaled, because they scaled in a cute and natural way
    It's quite short, I'm really hoping for more content pretty soon
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    Decent game! Fun and good looking models except for the MC.

    When you use Dr. Disrespect as your model for the MC (known piece of shit cheater, pedo ) you're going to lose your player base real quick. I worry about the audience of the developer is going after
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Despite the dev being inexperienced, I ended up really enjoying this game.

    The general tone is pretty lighthearted. The plot is just an excuse for porn, but the scenarios are still super hot. I am a fan of exhibitionism/nudism so this game really appeals to me. The girls are hot and the dialogue flows well. There is obviously plenty of room for improvement, but overall I think this game surpassed my expectations given the disclaimers from the dev.

    Sure, the writing could be better. The game could be hotter if the MC/Ellen relationship felt more taboo. The excuse for nudity could have been better executed as well. But it's an intentionally silly porn game, so I genuinely don't think these detract from my enjoyment.

    The only real negative I have is the godawful model for the MC. He just looks so fucking goofy it detracts from the scenes. Even though the game doesn't take itself too seriously, I think he's too much.

    I'm excited to see the conclusion to the game, as well as what the dev can do with the experience gained in future projects.
  10. 5.00 star(s)

    Falco Falcone

    A pretty amazing game. I especially enjoy the playful mood which abounds. The whole adventure is very, very enjoyable and, in my opinion, well worth, even thus far, the five star rating I've given.

    The location is great, very well presented and the story is pleasantly different. The mc was, initially at least, a little quirky for my tastes and it took a while for me to warm to this character. However, as the story has unfolded I can see why he is like this. Also, as the story developed, it has made for an increasingly interesting and, again quite refreshingly different, relationship with his sister.

    His character is, at least, nothing like his appearance would suggest. The distinct lack of overt Alpha male is a relief and, as a result, he comes across as smart and unassuming yet self-assured and, despite the constraints of his apparent beliefs, nevertheless, driven on by the "island influence", open-minded and tolerant of his sister's impetuous sexual inquisitiveness and increasingly insistent pressure to "let loose".

    I'm sure I've seen the mc's sister before somewhere, but regardless, she is, to my eyes at least, especially in this tropical environment, absolutely drop-dead gorgeous. Her personality is really well balanced too and very accurately age-centric; being full of mischief yet neither too cute nor, given that "island influence" upon her, unduly I said, she's very well balanced all round...and highly likeable as a personality. Indeed she makes for a very refreshing and very sexy "leading lady".

    I'm really looking forward to future developments, but equally very sad to note that this title is having to play second fiddle to TK8000's main adventure. It's a shame because this has forced me to hold back, for the time being, from signing on to his/her Patreon. If, however, "Honeymoon Island" ever gets to take center stage, I shan't hesitate to lend what support I can not only towards so worthy and enjoyable a cause, but in thanks for all of the pleasure afforded me thus far.

    Please keep up the excellent work TK8000. From what I've seen so far, I personally think you're onto a winner...
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    I mean it's a pretty good game so far, the story's alright, but doesn't really hook me so far. I really like the look of our "best friend" I'm a big fan of more realistic/smaller body proportions, but I can't deny that even the aunty looks really pleasant, busty but not like some eldritch creature in certain other games on this site. All in all a solid game and a solid side project, big thumbs up

    I will probably play the game again when all chapters are available and the story will be hopefully finished or at least somewhat concluded, but until then I will patiently wait for my next boat ride to the island ️

  12. 5.00 star(s)



    This is a 4-star game for me since the script and animation are a little lacking, but I'll give it a 5 just to support the developer. The female characters are very attractive with decent chemistry between the MC, especially the sister (subjective), and the constant teasing is well done. I'd say the game is paced moderately and does a decent enough job of leading up to the lewd scenes without feeling too hasty. The story currently lacks depth, but there is potential for expansion depending on how much the developer wishes to elaborate on the mystery and religious (cult) aspects of the plot in the future.

    Overall, while this game may not be groundbreaking in storytelling, character development or visuals, it effectively accomplishes what it aims to do. There are games out there deserving of 1 or 2 stars, but this is not one of them. If you enjoy incest games with lots of teasing and a moderately paced gradual build-up, this is a game you shouldn't overlook.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Reviewing: V2.0

    I'm so pleased that the dev has decided to continue this game.

    For those who love a slow burn, this VN is probably not for you, as by halfway through the initial trial release, the main LI was permanently naked. That surprised and delighted me as, for some reason, I find her one of the most attractive models and characters I've found in a VN.

    The second release has a very decent amount of content, in terms of both story progression and lewd scenes. The cult that underlies much of the plot is being fleshed out nicely, and, although the dev makes no attempt at super-realism, this makes suspension of disbelief a lot easier. Revelations about the other main mystery are also handled deftly and with some flair.

    While the language contains a few 'clangers' from a native-speaker's perspective, they are far fewer, and less distracting than in most of the VN's I've read.

    I would have given 4 stars except for the 'Author's commentary' section at the end, which showed a much more detailed awareness of the project's lackings than I, nor any other review I've read, could claim to have.

    So, for me, a very comfortable 5 stars for potential.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Thus game has the best teasing element, I've played it multiple times and never got bored with it. Hats off to dev for giving us this majestic game. I hope the development of this game goes smoothly. It has the crazy plot but it justifies with enough substances to back it.
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    Fun premise, but the execution leaves a ton to be desired. The writing is insanely dull (the dev did point this out at the end of the update, tbf) and the porn logic goes too far/ruins any sense of immersion before it's had a chance to be created.

    The girl models aren't anything special, and the animations suck, but, and this is the weirdest compliment I've given to a game, the protag has the most realistic body hair I've seen on a male MC. Was nice to not look at the 9000th iteration of the completely hairless wax figure MC.

    Dev has said this is just a test game, so I'm not expecting much more from it.
    Likes: Aizar
  16. 1.00 star(s)


    Very cheap story/game lacking substance in story or animations.

    Story - 1/10 Braindead story about an island that supposedly makes anyone on it super horny, wow no originality whatsoever.

    Renders - 5/10 Graphics aren't bad, although the 70's porn star cheesy moustache and hairy chest look went out with the 70's.

    Animations - 1/10 Complete failure, a few looped two second sex animations, no quality when it comes to actually trying to portray any significant sexual experience. Just another throw in a couple loops and make it seem like something significant.

    Overall not anything memorable and pretty much a waste of time downloading. There are hundreds of cheap story/games like this, even if this is only the second chapter, seeing what a game is like at its beginning is a sample of what upcoming updates will most likely be like.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    I was surprised how good it was. I was expecting less content based on the size but compression of those images were done very good. Keep a good work. really nice start. I'm going to wait a little and if dev will keep working on this project and i will definitely support him on patreon.
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    Perfectly in the middle, not amazing but not bad either. It functions well, looks good, and isn't horrible to read. If the creator ends up taking this further, it could be solid. If not, that's okay too. Not much to fap too (it's very clear that it's a project used to learn) but still interesting enough.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game.
    I like the small scope with few characters that allows the relationship to develop without disruptions and how the isolation from the outer world allows the characters to behave as they normally wouldn't be able to.
    Reminds me of the game Lewd Island.
    The LI is nice. I like how she is innocent but horny and proactive at the same time.

    I hope dev will continue the story.
    I like harem and I liked the Aunt character so I don't mind if the game will be extended at some point (maybe even with Isabella) but I also don't mind if it's only the 2 siblings until the end.

    There were some things I didn't like.
    Like how they went through checking everything but didn't check whether the communication is actually working or not.
    Other thing was when the sister was sunbathing on the beach on the first day and got angry with MC for seeing her tits when she was the one who invited him to join her and knew he was coming. Not only was she accusing MC unfairly but it was also inconsistent to her behavior later on.

    However these were relatively minor stuff so in hope that dev will continue the game I give it 5 stars.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Very promissing game! I love it already :3 Beautiful renders and main Female character, incest and a lot of possibilities - keep it up dev, if u do - u will make really good game. Just keep the story not absurd :D