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Unity - HoneySun: Amelia [v20230918 Platinum] [HugPlay]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Really polished, great art, option for futa is really nice, but the gameplay is quickly tedious, gift giving is completely random, and theres very little actual content. It has a lot of potential but it's disappointing
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Very promissing need improvements but at this early stage is ok because the game loop can be polish down the line but the art and animation this good from the start are rare so they are very very welcome
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Good game, simple and clear, I just hope to reduce all farming animations time or even skip it, also I hope FUTA on MC will be an option in the next updates, because just extra penis without any other options to do with is pointless. Keep it up.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    I'll be brief: The game is slow paced to the point of grindiness, very much not interesting as a game and while the art is nice, it gets you bored way before you can get to the fun parts.

    If all your game can do to keep you entertained between "rewards" is several progress-bars, just make it a gallery.

    The art is okay, though.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    Decent graphics but very limited in the current version (a few sfw pics and 2 nsfw anims) and that's all this game has. Everything else shows a lack of vision and by the way it's built it shows exactly how much of a grind fest this will be in a completed version: talk 5 times with a girl, give her a gift and she gives you a picture until you get to the steamy part. You get the money for the gifts from a very unimaginative, boring, and tedious farming system that poses absolutely no difficulty in mastering in 5 seconds flat. You also get a ton of produce so you will quickly farm the most expensive plants and get rich. Boring becomes even more boring after you do it a few times and realize this is as entertaining as watching the grass grow... oh... wait... farming simulator. Aaaaah, I get it, I get it.
    The nsfw scenes are too difficult to get to for what they are.
    Dialogues, I stop reading after I realised they do not matter when I comes to affection, so no matter what you chose it's the good option, not the best (giving you more affection) which is a good thing because it's not good. It's not bad, but it's not good either.
    All in all a poor game with grindy mechanics and little reward currently, but judging from what we can already see it's most likely going to be more girls, each with the 4 photos and some sort of nsfw anim at the end of the grind.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    version basic
    good art
    very good animation
    great sex scene (i like how it shows you busting in both scenes)

    a few minor bugs
    pretty slow paced (the crops take a bit too long a lot of click wait click gameplay)
    gaining love/trust/whatever you want to call it is kinda boring at the moment
    this might just be me but i found it a bit hard to see the blue circles when first going to the garden/town

    Depending on how the dev takes the game it could either be amazing or boring.

    It definitely needs a bit of a gameplay overhaul such as
    :Making the farming a bit faster
    :Making gaining love/trust more engaging like adding scenes for when they plan to do something together or something like that
    :Adding more things to do

    Personally even with all the cons mentioned i still enjoyed the game and as it is still new most of these cons will likely be fixed

    its a promising game and you should definitely keep an eye out for future updates but as of now its not really worth the time keep in mind its still a demo and will likely get better overtime so id recommend coming back once its updated a bit more
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    Version Basic
    This game in it's current form is bad.
    I know that it is demo build, but as other users pointed out the gameplay is terrible. Everything is so slow taking care of plants takes too much time and is just boring. There is nothing to do besides talking one NPC and farming.
    The art on the other end is good if you don't mind it's ai generated, but in this build there is only one low effort scene. At least you can choose dick or vag for yourself or girl, but for now you are stuck with male body for MC.
    Story is meh, nothing special.
    Overall gameplay is bad should be changed ASAP and there should be more art.
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    - Smooth animation (1 of them)

    - Slow text, with no option to speed it up
    - Boring dialogue
    - Gameplay requires clicking, waiting a few seconds, then clicking again

    The foundations of the game are extremely poor, and as a result the game is only likely to get worse as more content as added.

    Unless there is an overhaul of the gameplay, do not touch this game.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Good art, smooth gameplay, good story and good scenes.
    I checked that the game has a lot of potencial and I'm really interested to see new patchs about him.
    Other thing that catches me it's the caracters and how the story connects everything to makes smooth and fun to play, the gardening mechanic need some improvement but it's on the path,
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    (Gold/Basic Build)
    Not off to a good start.

    +The art is very nice. Though you only see 2 girls in this version, they both look good, and the sex scene (singular) is nicely animated.
    +No bugs as far as I could find, ran smoothly and wasn't too PC intensive.
    +There's clearly been a lot of polish put into the game systems: UI, interacting, movement/farming animations, etc.

    -Probably one of the worst gameplay loops I've ever experienced. Each day: wake up, talk to the love interest exactly once, water or harvest crops, sell crops, buy new seeds, plant seeds. Repeat.
    -Farming system is completely shallow. I hope this is improved in the future, because at the moment, you just grow crops, sell all of them, then buy the highest tier seeds you can to plant. No complexity, no depth, just keep repeating with the highest tier crop until you have more money than you can spend.
    -Inane/pointless dialogue. You can only run through the MILF's "story" in this version. It consists of:
    1. Talk to her once a day.
    2. Pick a small talk option out of the 3 presented (With exciting topics such as "How old are you?" or "Do I have to do chores around here?).
    3. Once you've talked with her about 4 times, you can give her the exact gift she asks for (all others will fail, even if she mentioned liking them).
    4. Get a slightly raunchy SFW still image you can view on your in-game cellphone.
    5. After repeating the above 4 times, you get one animated sex scene with 2 parts, and no dialogue. And that's it for this version.
    -SO MUCH WAITING. Text takes about half a second to appear on screen for every single line of dialogue. Each step in the farming process (tilling the soil, planting, watering, harvesting) has about a 3 second progress bar for no reason. When you select a place to go on the map (the one available place) it has about a 2-3 second animation of your icon moving there. When you sleep, you just stare at your character in bed for about 4 seconds before the scene transition even starts.
    -Lack of content. This version is basically just an ad for their Steam page and Patreon, with the icons always on screen, and about a 10 second unskippable advertisement that tries to guilt you into wishlisting the game right at the start.

    Overall, I understand this is just a demo, but already the gameplay loop, the most basic part of the game, is in dire straits. So far the dialogue is bland and pointless, the farming system is slow and brain dead, and the game feels like the adult game equivalent of a scammy mobile app. I'll take a look again later if it gets more updates (or a more complete version), but as it stands the fundamentals of the game need some serious work.