Ren'Py - Hornycraft [v0.21] [Shadik]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Heck, that shiet is actually briliant, with hot scenes, dumb protagonist (actually, shouldn't there be NTR tag if Alex is fucking Piglins and everything around including horse?) and it can actually make you laugh, what else ya want?
    Well maybe more scenes with Endergirl, that nerd is hot af.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Looks cursed, is cursed, but also pretty fucking amazing. The minigames are unique and interesting. The grind (not that there is a lot of it) is fun and easily upgradable to the point where there isnt need for much grinding anymore. It's easy to know what to do, where to go and the scenes are pretty nice. Definitely worth the play.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Probably the sexiest versions of minecraft chars to date, plus a good story and not too grindy gameplay, my favourite being creeper and endergirl, and yes like any sensible person, imma just say fuck alex
  4. 3.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1134959

    The game has big potential but well...

    Scenes and characters are well drawn and animated.
    It has some nice sfx but needs more.

    It annoys me how grindy this game is.
    You literally have to get 24/7 materials for every task.
    Your weapons that you crafted and upgraded for hours turn into dust after a few mini games and you have to farm everything again.
    The mini games to get those materials are stupid and not really innovative.
    Like (The fishing game and the mob game).
    The wood game is just a fucking clicker i mean cmon man.
    The mini games get repetitiv really quick.

    I mean it has quite a lot of scenes right now.
    But i dont think they will take care of the grind to make the game more enjoyable. I wouldnt play it a second time to get through all the grind just for the scenes. 3 stars is still generous for this game.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Nice art style and pretty high concentration of nsfw scenes. Sadly there's not many of them due to the current state of the game (i've played in the 0.09 version)

    Grind for resources become boring after first 10 minutes, but i've played games that are MUCH worse in this regard
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    [ Review for version 0.9 ]

    : HornyCraft is the logical conclusion of a generation growing up playing Minecraft; the kids have grown up, and they wanna fuck the mobs!

    The Good:
    The art style is very cute, and I think it suits most people's tastes with only a couple of exceptions. Most of the character dialogue is either funny or cute, but with a few notable exceptions (see the Bad). The bright colour palette, and the straight up ripping of Minecraft assets does make this look like it could have been a near-official Minecraft spin-off... if it wasn't for the sex.

    The Average:
    It's a point and click game which, while competent, is not very engaging. The feedback for what you need to do to progress is lacking and very often you'll find yourself waiting for the next time slot to try an area again to see if you get new content. At least it's easy to get in to.
    The story of the game is very much relegated to many mini-stories attached to each love interest. It makes it easy to follow along if you're focusing down one character at the time, but once you've exhausted each LI's path there is literally nothing for you to do.

    The Bad:
    I really detest
    how the game handles Alex. I get she's supposed to be portrayed as being mean, but the MC veers straight into 'correctional rape' mentality the moment she's even a little rude. And Alex having a sex life outside of the MC is seen as an insult that needs to be take advantage of. The scenes where she is raped doesn't help either. Generally it leaves a very bad taste in my mouth, and I don't understand it's forced inclusion since other characters are actually handled well.
    The side-quests (or main quests?) of each character usually boil down to 'collect resource', and since the resource gathering system is tedious, progressing each character feels like a lot of effort for a small pay-off.


    > The game needs an overarching narrative, something to do that isn't directly tied to trying to fuck one of the LI's. Right now it keeps running into dead ends where everywhere you go leads to a "work in progress" screen leaving players nothing to do that matters.

    > The upgrade system is clunky, and resource gathering is arbitrarily mismatched meaning gathering each resource is always off synch.

    > Acquiring resources is so tedious (especially looking at you, wood chopping), and basically it's all mini games, which brings us to...

    > Many of the mini games boil now to 'click very fast' or 'click the correct spaces very fast'. It really breaks the flow of the game, and doesn't feel like it meaningfully adds to the experience. Consider revising, or removing them.

    > Revisit how Alex is handled. Being shoehorned into some punisher mode against her feels really off-putting, especially since there are scenes where MC and Alex have a good relationship.

    > While the Creeper and the Endergirl are interesting interpretations of a waifu version of the original creatures, they do look too creepy to be sexy, which makes their sex scenes not as nice to watch.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Okay I'm going to hell, or should i say nether (lol). I didn't know i needed to see slut alex or female creeper before in my life but im glad i did.
    Gameplay is super fun with minigames that are challenging at times but not annoying. Scenes are super hot. I would recommend it to my friend if i wanted to destroy his childhood and his chances of finishing NNN.

    Art 4.5/5
    Story 5/5
    Gameplay 5/5
    Fapability 5/5
    Music 5/5
    Originality 5/5
  8. 4.00 star(s)



    The art leaves a bit to be desired at times yet it's also one of its strong suits. It's got a tiny bit of a grind to it but then again you're playing a minecraft porn parody. What'd you expect? Cute girls, surprisingly solid animations, and an OKish amount of content at the momen.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Review status for version 0.08

    (y) Minecraft parody through and through.
    A really well done game for a short little amusement.

    I'm a huge fan of the artwork. :love:
    Both image-wise and animation-wise. The versions of the Minecraft creatures are super executed.

    The mix between grinding and progression has been very well realized here. You have to collect Minecraft typical resources, but they aren't such mammoth tasks that you lose interest in the process. The mini-games don't get boring either.

    :LOL: The style of the game completely hits my sense of humor. It just fits really well.

    Good work so far. Hope for more.
  10. 3.00 star(s)



    I gave this a shot because the reviews were glowing.
    Not impressed tbh.

    It's a bit grindy and sure, the grind uses various minigames that can be fun if you're in the mood for them.
    However, I found the reward per effort to be sorely lacking.
    That may just be because the game is still in development, but really I got bored enough to close the game so... ya.

    I recommend waiting to try this one. You might like it, but even so you will run into the development wall fast regardless.
    Likes: GaRbS
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Good system of playing, not really boring because of upgrades. It's better not to forget about them. Didn't understand why you removed slendermen(not sure of a name) out of game. Her picture looks quite pretty. Girls are awesome. Really liked a horse scenes, looking forward for new updates :)
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    I rarely become invested in visual novels and I think why I am very much into this game is because of the sense of familiarity to minecraft, nsfw content, art style that I really dig , and lastly just the way the author has written the story so far.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    This is spectacular. I should preface this review by saying I'm not a minecraft person nor do I review games often, but I had to speak up for this one.

    -It feels like an actual game! There a multitude of minigames that don't overstay their welcome. They are simple but you feel good doing them
    -The art is phenomenal. Every single character you interact with is insanely attractive in their own way.
    -There's a story. It's not much but each character has their own unique arc and it's a joy to go through each one.
    -Variety is the spice of life. Some characters like you, some don't. It's up to you to get them to like you (or themselves)
    -There's a decent amount of content. As of .06.1 I spent a good 4-5 hours figuring everything out on my own.

    Cons (these are small overall which is why I still gave it a 5 star):
    -The writing sounds weird in some areas. It's clear whoever is writing this, English is not their first language. I'd say 80% of it is good but 20% of it uses the wrong words or tone for what it's trying to convey. I suggest that the developer add an in game button to flag text that doesn't make sense and let people enter what it should say.
    -The animations are....hit and miss. As mentioned in the pros, the art is fantastic, but later on there's animations and it's clear the developer wanted to try different angles and positions but some of them look kinda awkward
    -The voice acting is fine but it's not correctly assigned for all the scenes. There are scenes where there are different speeds, and while there are voice lines for more intensity, sometimes they are not added so while the girl tells you to pound her brains out and she's doing the aheago face, she still sounds like when you were in the foreplay.

    Overall do not overlook this. It's excellent and cannot wait to see the next update.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Good, simple game:
    - It used to be pretty grindy on the first released but that improved a lot in recent updates.
    - Animations are pretty good imo, and don't worry, there's no blocky dicks.
    - Not a huge fan of how mc talks (primarily when Alex is involved, with the whole "turning her into your slut" thing), but I can look past that as dialogue is not the focus of the game.

    Overall, I'm looking forward to updates, and hope mc changes how he talks throughout the game or something, but again, story isn't a huge point of the game.
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    Review for v0.06.1

    Edit: Haven't actually returned to this, but according to the discourse the dev randomly inserted some transphobic content for who cares what reason. Regardless of your views, randomly inserting stuff like that into your game is some true degenerate shit.

    Right now, this is basically a gallery viewer with minigames. This does appeal to a niche and does the lewd parts well enough. The art has its charm, and it surprisingly has some decent animations.

    But that's kind of where the positives end for me. There's minimal plot and dialogue to get to the scenes, and I find the dialogue pretty awful. Gameplay is just a collection of easy minigames you repeat over and over. I'd be totally fine with a simple Minecraft porn game as not everything needs full blown plot and such, but I just don't find what exists here very good. The MC speaks like an incel, and Alex is the town bicycle that we are trying to "turn into our slut" which doesn't have a lot of appeal to me. I do like the monster girls though.

    I will say say some people seem to be blowing the grind way out of proportion. Once you get your bearings it takes like 15 minutes to get all the upgrades and items you need to complete literally everything, and it's not like the minigames are difficult.

    Last minor gripe, I always hate when we don't get an option to rename the MC, even if we are playing as Minecraft Steve.

    I don't think you're missing anything worthwhile by not playing this, but if you're into Minecraft porn I'd just say download a full save.
  16. 1.00 star(s)


    Extremely grindy game, there is almost no story and the art is average as its best . The existent 'story' seems to be pure retardation. I tried it because of the high ratings. I made a mistake.

    It can be good for Minecraft fetichists* (citation needed: who the fuck are they?) but otherwise is a waste of time.
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    Controls: Point and click. Multiple minigames.
    Interface: Ren’py dialogue, with overworld map.
    Plot: Nothing, it’s more a collection of questlines that end with sex.
    Characters: Very little we haven’t seen already. A mean redhead, a horny nerd, a shy cowgirl. Good enough to read, but nothing really interesting.
    Typos: Can’t remember any.
    Models: Probably the best part of the game, lots of body diversity, on high quality designs.
    Animations: Good.
    Background: As good as they need to be.
    Music: Taken from the source material.
    Effects: Taken from the source material.
    Voices: Sounds like they're stolen from real porn.
    Likes: GaRbS
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    A very nice game, with good graphics, humor and even gameplay! It’s very promising, with decent mechanics and a great potential for hours of fun. The characters are cute and weirdly arousing, love it!

    That being said, it lacks sex scenes: they are all really short and don’t feel very rewarding. Like the dialogue options “show me…” who are subdivided in several options and don’t give much to the player. But it’s still v 0.05 as I write this review, so I really hope the devs are motivated!
  19. 2.00 star(s)


    - concept is fun and unique
    - art seems good (theres not a lot at this point, but what is there is good)

    - this game is VERY GRINDY, so much so that it inspired me to write this review. Bypassing the grind with save editors is also not possible because the dev locked the save files. (At least on android).

    The grind is so bad I just stopped playing after a while, not fun. Everything needs resources and you only get very little every time.

    This game could be good, if the grind is reduced. I'll edit my review if that happens, but for now its a 2 star.
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    It's cute and unique so it's got it's pluses. A cow girl with barely any lactation was a bit of a let down for me. The unique art and reference to the source material make it a fun niche game though. Overall 3 of 5, probably 4 if you're a big fan of that source material.
    Likes: GaRbS