VN - Ren'Py - Abandoned - Hosting the Quarterback [Ch. 1-9] [kirsESS]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Hot Ntr action, definitely looking forward to more and will pledge for sure. Could use some more real time interactions with the Main character like the Mom Sister threesome scene, as the other narration being past tense sort of took me out of the moment. Don't be discouraged by the haters!
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    very poorly written, very slow, best thing I can say is the graphics are decent. it's also non-sensical, the story has zero flow and makes absolutely no sense.

    if you like NTR and being a cuck, but also really bad games about being a cuck, this game is for you.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    1. Finally a proper cuckold story without wasting too much time with the buildup. After the Jobeo attempts which seemed have been removed from this site, this is a welcome addition. Yes there are still many of us who are into this genre and no we won't go away. So take your whining selves elsewhere.
    2. Amazing detail in the images
    3. Story seems to a good mix of a couple of episodes of a famous porn website's "big cock bully" series :p

    1. Would love for more images. Right now there seems to be much more text than images. I assume as the dev gets more time and support he/she might add more images

    Keep up the great work!
    Can't wait to see the future chapters.
  4. 1.00 star(s)

    Mack Truck

    I feel compelled to write a review after reading a post from the Dev's of the novel. Clearly looking to advertise here on F95. They were not happy with the initial response from the community.

    I have no problems with any of the content/themes of this novel other than the utter lack of STORY. It is utterly without focus or thought put into it.

    The concept that you are the MC ,yet you tell the story of scenes you have NO way of witnessing. It follows no narrative. It's convoluted drivel. No character development. No emotional investment. Just a couple of images thrown at you without any rationale behind them, other than marketing on a couple controversial tags.

    reviewed version chapter 5
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    Hmm, this is a complicated one...
    The 1st few minutes I thought there must be a bug with the images, as there are no characters visible, just the background and text. There are more pictures (with characters) later on and I do like the characters and render-quality, but the shot selection seem rather random and not well thought out.
    The biggest problem however is the story telling and build-up.
    While the language is ok, there is literally no build-up and progression; the game just states how it is and the MC has to deal with it. No winning-over the girls or develop any relationship...
    The quarterback calls the MC's dick tiny, the mother sends him out for groceries and goes to fuck the stud. Seriously he does not even show the slightest interest while the mom drops to her knees... and so the sister 2 mins later.
    By the way, there are almost no non-sex renders and the "story" is told only by text and this "attention to detail" represents the game.
    The whole cuck theme lives and breathes with the emotional attachement to the characters and if there is no buildup or character development visible this is just bad.

    Honestly I think the game would be a lot better, if there were no sex scenes and just the suspicion of the MC, wondering about his families behaviour and noises in the night...

    I rate this game 2 (poor), for terrible story telling and good visuals (and poor selection)