VN - Ren'Py - Abandoned - Hot Mom Exchange Club [v0.04] [OnlyGoodGames]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    Skips any of the good content you are here for. Models are unattractive and bland. When making a decision, the game skips the scene and provides a one-sentece summary of what you allegedly experienced rather than letting you actually experience it.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Bad idea for a story. Very few people would consider playing this game. I bet majority of people veiwing this thought it would be incest. Look incest people is gonna hate and your not gonna get enough people to show up for this kind of story. Go back and make it incest and don't offer up your own family and just fuck other moms as well as your own. Make it a netori kind of NTR and have a milf harem. No lesbian content please.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    These women look like Men.
    Look I am not asking for Ultra Beauty Super Model Miss Universe looking milfs, Atleast make them look like women ffs.

    Or give an option to cover faces of these bitches with a towel or something while the mc fucks them.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    I find it hilarious that this is under "Only Good Games."
    If you are an actual illiterate monkey then this is the perfect game for you. In all seriousness, yes I know that this is an unfinished game, but it is incredibly integral to this review to make that clear. In most story/choice based games, the plot tends to follow along with whatever you do, yet every choice is inconsequential and makes no sense in the grander scheme of things.
    I don't think this game is fated to be terrible, but serious reworkings are a necessity. It was incredibly confusing playing this game, and each choice just felt randomized and disappointing.

    Sincerely hoping this game gets the justice it deserves, because it does look promising as a concept and characterwise.
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    At the current state of this game, it's not enjoyable. No story and the player is forced into random scenes that makes you confused. If the developer would take the time to gather some of the advice that people are willing to give, then it might be able to turn out as a better game. As of right now, only a zero star game, sadly though, can only leave it as a one. Good luck with the project and hopefully it'll become a better game in the future.

    100% honesty.
  6. 2.00 star(s)

    Master Z of NTR

    typical game of someone trying to be a dev
    I understand that people need time to learn but if you don't have time to waste, don't play it yet. wait for new updates until it becomes a decent game.
    fun 0/5
    action 0/5
    nudes 0/5
    graphics 0/5
    potential 3/5
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    Absolutely awful. The game simply DOES. NOT. WORK. You get thrown into the story with absolutely no setup or introduction, playing a character who literally does not even have a name, and at the end of every scene you have to make a completely blind decision between 2 effectively random options with no idea of what the consequences will be- and most like, those consequences won't matter. I chose to go home after my psychology session, rather than go to the mall and be a creepy asshole to my psychologist, and yet every times the subject came up again the game treated me like I'd been a creepy asshole to my psychologist at the mall. And then there's the ridiculous notion that the protagonist will do anything to get into the titular MILF-fucking club, including hooking his mother up with some kid he's never met, but turns down the nymphomaniac MILF neighbour when she comes onto him. That's just STUPID! There are no transitions between scenes, no continuity, the story makes no SENSE. I was looking forward to some hot sex with the genuinely authentic-looking older women in the game, but it's just so BAD that I couldn't stand playing it any longer.
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    I dont know why but i gave this one a try and i regret it.There are so many things wrong with this game that i dont know where to start,actually i do EVERYTHING is bad in this game : the renders,the story makes no sense,you jump around from one scene to another without any transition at all.its just plain bad.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    It has potential, but it is in serious need of TLC.

    So, the good parts first:
    - I like that the MILFs actually look like real MILFs rather than what passes for MILFs in other games (ie 20-year old women models with extra big boobs). The models still look good for the most part as well.
    - Highlighting imperfections in the characters is also a nice concept to play with. It's a bold decision that I wish more developers would keep in mind; not every character needs to look like Megan Fox.
    - Likewise, I think some of the smut scenes and teasing have the potential to be really good.

    There are, however, a lot of things that the developer should work on.

    - First and foremost, hiring a writer. I can tell that English is not their first language, and it makes the dialogue read awkwardly.
    - Everything is extremely abrupt. There is really no pacing whatsoever. It seems more like a series of one-off scenes from Pornhub than a smutty Renpy game.
    - There's really no cohesiveness. Scenes abruptly change to things that have nothing to do with what just happened and the non-sequitur storytelling can get jarring. Worse yet, there are branching paths but none of them really make sense, and sometimes reference things the player hasn't experienced.

    I'm not a huge fan of the concept of the player having to offer up their mom, but it can be looked passed to some extent if the rest of the material were promising enough. If the developer works to correct some of the flaws I mentioned, this could have some real potential.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    i think it has enormous potential, it has a very brilliant and very arousing idea behind and i can only hope to see more of it in the future.
    the renders are pretty nice, more or less what one can expect an amateur milf to look like, i really like the diversity in shapes and sizes, i think it´s good to have variety for every taste and preference. things look pretty anatomically correct.
    i would've given it 5 stars but Sophie´s face really is manly. extremely manly i might add. hope the dev will make some plastic surgery on it. i mean, it cannot go worse than that... :)))
    also the story jumps randomly and abruptly, one can´t really make sense of what´s going on and where you went or where you are, now you´re at home with your mom, next slide you´re with a shrink but i really chose to go to the park or something like that but hey, it´s only version 0.01 so can´t really make a big deal out of it.
    yeah, all in all can´t wait to see what´s next. really excited of the idea behind this game. wish you the best, dev!