Unity - Completed - House of Lust [Final] [Kogoeruretasu]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Although the art style and gameplay are good and gameplay-wise it's not worse than other games of this genre, the major turn down is the inbult "phone home" functionality: the game accesses some Google documen upon launch without your consent and who knows what it sends there.
    Worse still, if it fails to do so (due to lack of internet connection or Google's unavailability (if you're Chinese)) it won't launch at all. I had to install Windows 7 on a virtual machine to be able to play this, as it wouldn't launch on Win10.
    This left me bitter about the poor decisions made by the developer. Use at your own risk.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Plot/Concept: You're trapped in a house for a poorly explained reason, and you have to escape.

    Gameplay: side-scroller, where you randomly get chased by enemies, and have to try to hide before you get fucked.

    H-content: very lackluster; the art is alright, but there's nothing more to any scene than a one second looping animation, and maybe a little jizz at the end.

    Somebody might be able to enjoy this game, but that person definitely is not me. Also, Pro-tip: the gallery has a button to unlock all the scenes, which would be a helpful tip, if the scenes were worth watching.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    TL;DR: This game lacks in everything but the art department but that does not include animation in there, and otherwise has no redeeming features.

    Here's the sticking theme of things. The art style is nice, but the everything else is crap.

    The art is nice, but the animation is crudely done by someone lacking familiarity with motion or weight, and doesn't do any sort of interesting perspective or poses (seriously every scene faces either directly to the left or to the front), making pretty much all nsfw scenes feel lacking. It looks and feels like a bad imitation, and even basic stuff like running cycles is stiff with parts of the characters blending together.

    The scenery is nice, but the puzzles are basic and unmemorable. Cum on statues, cum on paintings, run around aimlessly, become tired in seconds and be rendered immobile should you choose to run. This boy needs to do some serious cardio.

    The character design is nice, but they are all very underutilised and nothing exciting is done with them. There is no game over scene where the character that caught the PC has a special scene with them in their personal lair, and they do not display any behaviour beyond find man, chase man, rape man. They don't even seem to actively patrol the mansion searching for them, they just chase on appearance.

    The setting is nice, but nothing interesting is done with it. It's a mansion that has fat boobed "monsters" that are just kind of... there. There's no big reveal, no boss fights or unique scripted chases, no other innocent people trapped in this mansion for them to fall victim to the ""monsters"" later on. Oh there's probably a story to it all but who cares, I doubt the machine translated english would tell me anything useful.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    This is a side scroller, hide & seek, reverse rape game where u need to solve some puzzles to progress throughout the game

    +pixel animation: wouldn't say it's top notch but decent enough to enjoy

    +easy unlockable gallery: there's a clear button in the gallery that unlocks all animations. so, u can enjoy the game without having to fail on purpose to obtain the scenes

    +easy to solve puzzles: if u have gamer instincts, most of the puzzles will be easy to solve

    +big boobs: liked the character designs, they are nice to look at

    +many save points: convenient

    -too much boring masturbation: there are many animations solely for masturbation. it's the least exciting sexual act to see, even worse, the protagonist has only one masturbation technique. it'd be more fun if the protagonist can be more creative when it comes to jerking off his wiener.

    -map would be nice: lost in the mansion, hence no map, but it would have saved some trouble while trying to find where the nearest closet was. idk, jogging my memory while playing h games isn't fun.

    -too intuitive puzzles: the puzzles can be somewhat too intuitive, and don't give enough information to solve them.

    -generic progression, less narrative: the only logical reason why u should do something is to 1. open the next door and 2. find a key to the next door. that's why there's no need for narrative to connect the events, so it makes the story or the lore almost to non existent.

    -can't full screen: there's big screen option i can use but not full screen, this is important because u can't see some important dialogues such as keys for running(it's space) even in big screen, or maybe it's just me having this kind of problem because i have a small monitor, but i think this is a problem that some may have.

    -un skippable dialogue: i kept spamming z and accidentally said yes to the temptation...twice

    *buggy: one door in the gallery room is a bit buggy, there can be few bugs in the games as well, but it's not that much of a problem because of save points
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    If there\s anything better than reverse r|pe shota gameplay, let me know.
    This game\s art is very reminiscent of games like fobs, and succubus affection which I am a big fan of.

    While it does play out as a soft horror game, the settings lets you turn up the brightness to give it less of a scary atmosphere
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Review for Final version

    Pretty good H game with high focus on breast content. The gameplay mechanics are pretty forgiving but simultaneously engaging. My only real gripe with the game is some of the puzzles. About 50% of the puzzles are obtuse, requiring you to either fail the puzzle or stumble upon the answer with little direction, the other half are well thought out and fun.

    The game also struggles with a firm sense of direction. But as you get used to the layout of the mansion, it becomes easier.

    + Fairly short (1 hour or so)
    + Decent amount of content (5 main enemies, 2 scenes each. Plus 2-3 one-off enemies with 1-3 scenes a piece.)
    + Monsters have a variety of mechanics to play around, but none are super overwhelming
    + Good art
    + all scenes are fully animated
    + forgiving mechanics (full heal at every save point, 1-2 save points in each wing of the mansion. Most enemies can catch you 3 times before game over)
    + You don't need to game over to get most CGs, but there's like 3 enemies in the latter half of the game that have the ability to one-shot you.
    +Most enemies have a pretty cool design, with notes scattered throughout giving fun-but-vague hints on what they look like/how to deal with them

    - some of the puzzles are stupid, specifically the two involving statues - Answers to both statue puzzles:
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    - game struggles to tell you where to go early on, forcing you to wander aimlessly and interact with almost everything
    - enemy spawn rate can feel overwhelming at first, but most enemies can be avoided by going through enough rooms or hiding. Also, having 3 hits on most enemies makes it easier to just allow yourself to tank a grab, finish the animation, and go back to exploring.

    Overall, pretty solid game. I like the art, I found the gameplay loop to be enjoyable, and none of the puzzles stumped me, though I got a lucky guess on the gas room puzzle and accidentally stumbled across the answer to the other statue puzzle while interacting with everything in the first 5 minutes or so. Even still, I think they're fairly obtuse, and both can be brute forced via save scum.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    It's an interesting small game with focus on big tits.
    Not much to say about it: it's short and sweet, animations are well done though the "puzzles" rely for the most part on backtracking.
    The memory room has a cheat built in to unlock everything, so it's good even if you don't want to play the actual game.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    [Public version (xx.05.23)]
    Very cool, but I don't understand how to play.

    -Story, Originality
    You are in some boob horror mansion.

    Very nice 2D pixel art.

    Some sounds and h-sounds.

    Played it for 5 minutes and didn't know what to do next.

    Runs okay.

    Didn't see any.

    Cool animations.

    -Voice Acting
    No voices.

    Didn't see any mistakes.

    -Amount of content
    Some h-scenes, but I didn't manage to find them all.