VN Ren'Py House of Shinobi - [Development Thread] (UPDATE 3 - Navigation/Exploration)


Jan 27, 2022

(09/07/24) Update 2: Technical Demo playable in your browser over at . Or downloadable . Can you beat the developer's score?
I would love to hear about your best attempts after you spend a few minutes playing. It'll be helpful when it comes to balancing!
Also, I may or may not be running a competition with free Patreon subs for the highest scorers at some point in the future!

(05/07/24) Update 1: Web-Playable Story Demo posted over at but I strongly urge you to download and play the or version instead! There's a few problems with Ren'Py's web builds that will hinder the browser-experience!

Greetings all,
I am new to this forum so please excuse any formatting shenanigans etc.

For a few months now I've been spending most of my afternoons working on an ambitious project of mine. As I am nearing an initial release, I am now ready to share some information as well as some concerns with you all!


First, a few words about my game.

House of Shinobi - is a game that borrows its world and characters from a familiar universe... but with a dark twist!

A few years have passed since the canonical events of the original work. You find yourself in the shoes of the protagonist, living under the same roof as your mother and sister. The shinobi world has taken a sudden paradigm shift towards imperialistic ideals. You, as the protagonist is given a reason, or an excuse, to act as you see fit. Will you walk the valiant path to protect those you love? Or will you let yourself sink into an abyss of reciprocal hatred and violence.

I am keeping things intentionally obscure when it comes to the setting but I might provide some much needed context in a follow-up post soon!

The game is developed in Ren'Py but is intended to be anything but your typical VN (counter-intuitive, I know!)
I've provided various methods of engaging the player with gameplay elements that do not water down to endless clicking to get through dialogue. A sandbox themed exploration will be present while omitting the typical grindfests that generally accompany its usage.


One of the reasons why I've started working on my game is because I found most similar games to be either incredible verbose, or incredibly un-game-ified if that makes sense.
With my game, I strive to find balance between story-telling, gameplay and engagement in a way that most games I've played failed to deliver. And while writing might not be fucking Shakespearean, I still pay enough attention to it to make scenarios that are believable and arousing!
You can expect a lot of the tropes found in most incest games like groping, night-visits, perversion, rape etc.
Relationships will of course be optional and extreme fetishes that might be present will be avoidable by choosing a different path. e.g (Good vs Evil)


Now in regards to my concerns....
The connoisseurs amongst you can probably wager a good guess where my concerns lie after taking a look at the above.

For starters, there's the obvious concern of building a game drawing heavy inspiration from popular media....
There's a very obvious "borrowing" of a certain universe and it's characters as you can plainly see.
My game's story takes the original work's universe and turns it upside down on its head. While the characters and their relations are intended to be the same (*Cough cough*, wincest)
Their motives might not align with what you are originally familiar with.
But even though my game parodies Naruto's universe into a much, much darker place, it probably infringes copyright on just about every level.

Other than that, there's the concern regarding darker/heavier themes of sexual content...
I devoted a lot of effort into writing a story where non-consensual acts are at least somewhat explainable. (You'll find out more when an initial version releases soon), but even so... I am not sure Patreon would appreciate the uuuh... extreme degeneracy that can be found in my game.

With that being said, I am aware of similar games that delved into both of my concerns, be it copyright infringement or non-conventional fetishization that have managed to find success and stay above the surface.

I was wondering what sort of measures I could take prior to my initial release to mitigate as much risk as possible. I'd appreciate anyone's opinion on the matter and I hope to see you playing my game some time soon!


Initial Story Intro Demo: | |
Technical Demo: Web: | (Can you beat the dev's score?)​
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Jan 27, 2022
1) Are all these images AI generated or Drawn by yourself?

2) is it going to be a VN / RPGM with animated scenes or just still images?

3) I don't mind Incest or NTR but can you you not take characters from the famous, popular and loved anime and their character. Just don't make them into NTR or incest. If you want to show them having sex it's great but only have them with the partners they have in the anime not with other characters. (This is just my opinion so others may have different opinions)


Re-posting my reply to this guy's concern as I think those might be common questions!

1) I share a lot of the negative sentiment around AI when it comes to art. That being said, we are living in a world where plenty of talented developers/writers/thinkers would never have the financial means to support their creativity were it not for AI. In that regard, I've committed a lot of time trying to perfect my use of AI and along with my limited art skills, I spend a lot of time on "after-care" trying to deliver a consistent, non-abomination like result. As mentioned, this is currently my only course of action if I ever wanted to release a product. The end-goal would be to be able to finance art through potential earnings from the game!

2) Ren'py Engine but I'd hesitate to call it a VN. There's sandbox elements and plenty of alternative methods of engaging the player with unique gameplay elements rather than endless clicking to advance dialogue.

3) While relationships will be optional and configurable, the game's premise is written with incest in mind. NTR will be completely avoidable if you choose to do so. The writing is done in a way that allows the player to choose his own path when it comes to most of his "love interests".
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Jan 27, 2022
The game now has a name, and a logo... of sorts? (First pass / WIP)

I present to you, House of Shinobi

Coming up with a name was not an easy task. For starters, I had to avoid referencing either the source material's name, or the
incestuous nature of the game within the name itself.

And so, House of Shinobi is born.

Drawing some inspiration in more ways than one from "A House of Dragons" and its predecessor "Game of Thrones", I saw it fitting to follow suite, as both my game and the aforementioned works contain fiction that dabbles in themes of political unrest mixed with incestuous relationships.

I hope the name isn't too stupid :ROFLMAO:
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Jan 27, 2022
I've been contemplating going over the setting/premise of my game in a text post here, but I though it might be better to deliver the complete experience via an introductory release of a "Story demo version" of my game.

I have updated the LINKS section of the parent post.
Please note that this is NOT intended to be a demo, but simply an introduction to the story. It contains less than 5% of the content included in my 0.1 version, to be released sometime in this month!

I'd love to hear initial thoughts/feedback/opinions on:
-Art and CG quality/consistency
-Sound mixing

Or just in general, anything you might think is worth discussing!

Initial Story Intro Demo: /
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Jan 27, 2022
Welcome to the first of many Dev-log updates I'll be posting in the next few weeks!
In this post, I'll give you a quick overview of one of the central game mechanics of .

House of Shinobi is ultimately a game of choices. Each choice you make, however small is intended to have some sort of impact on your experience. To put things into perspective, the initial 0.1 release coming later this month includes more than 300 choices.

What does that entail for you, the player?
Let's start by describing the 2 types of characters present in House of Shinobi

First, the main characters:

Each of the (3-initial main characters) have various stats that can affect your interactions. Throughout the game, almost all choices you make will either negatively or positively affect one or more of their attributes. Subsequently, the story, dialogue and scenes you'll be able to experience will vary based on your approach.

It's important to note that relationships can flow both ways, be it Love or Hatred. You'll note on the following screenshot (Don't mind the massive schlong) how the MC possesses unique stats different than those of female characters. The MC's attributes will determine his demeanor throughout the game:
Main Character attributes​

Every attribute allows for unique gameplay interactions that allow you to approach scenarios in ways that resonate with you.

Besides the 3 Main Characters, you'll also encounter characters not particularly central to the story, AKA - "Side Characters".
Unlike Main characters, side characters won't possess unique attributes. Instead, your approach towards them will largely be affected by the main character's attributes and your choices.

The end goal is to allow the player to follow their own unique path. If you enjoy lovey-dovey approaches, House of Shinobi has you covered. Don't be spooked by the "Hatred" attribute. You'll be able to get through the game without engaging in any uhh... darker indulgences.
Alternatively, if you are a sadistic, depraved, perverted fuck, you'll probably enjoy some of the sickening shit you can do in House of Shinobi if you let yourself sink into Hatred!

PS: I've uploaded a web version of the Story Demo over at but I strongly urge you to download and play the or version instead! There's a few problems with Ren'Py's web builds that will hinder the browser-experience!


Jan 27, 2022
Will there be pregnancy?
No spoilers but uuh, women's fertility play a pivotal role in the premise of the game's story. Even the initial story demo I uploaded has a scene very early into the game that implies pregnancy. At the same time, I don't want to promise the world when it comes to the main girls. Don't expect to be able to impregnate your M/S an hour into the game :ROFLMAO:


Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2020
Welcome to the first of many Dev-log updates I'll be posting in the next few weeks!
In this post, I'll give you a quick overview of one of the central game mechanics of .

House of Shinobi is ultimately a game of choices. Each choice you make, however small is intended to have some sort of impact on your experience. To put things into perspective, the initial 0.1 release coming later this month includes more than 300 choices.

What does that entail for you, the player?
Let's start by describing the 2 types of characters present in House of Shinobi

First, the main characters:
View attachment 3801903

Each of the (3-initial main characters) have various stats that can affect your interactions. Throughout the game, almost all choices you make will either negatively or positively affect one or more of their attributes. Subsequently, the story, dialogue and scenes you'll be able to experience will vary based on your approach.

It's important to note that relationships can flow both ways, be it Love or Hatred. You'll note on the following screenshot (Don't mind the massive schlong) how the MC possesses unique stats different than those of female characters. The MC's attributes will determine his demeanor throughout the game:
View attachment 3801905
Main Character attributes​

Every attribute allows for unique gameplay interactions that allow you to approach scenarios in ways that resonate with you.

Besides the 3 Main Characters, you'll also encounter characters not particularly central to the story, AKA - "Side Characters".
Unlike Main characters, side characters won't possess unique attributes. Instead, your approach towards them will largely be affected by the main character's attributes and your choices.

The end goal is to allow the player to follow their own unique path. If you enjoy lovey-dovey approaches, House of Shinobi has you covered. Don't be spooked by the "Hatred" attribute. You'll be able to get through the game without engaging in any uhh... darker indulgences.
Alternatively, if you are a sadistic, depraved, perverted fuck, you'll probably enjoy some of the sickening shit you can do in House of Shinobi if you let yourself sink into Hatred!

PS: I've uploaded a web version of the Story Demo over at but I strongly urge you to download and play the or version instead! There's a few problems with Ren'Py's web builds that will hinder the browser-experience!
Wait then there would be only two main lis with dedicated stories?


Jan 27, 2022
Greetings one and all!

I am posting another demo here, this time exploring a core gameplay-loop of "House of Shinobi"
You can play it , or

In this demo you'll stumble upon two side characters ( to learn more about side-characters)

Meet Obo and his wife Yoru!(Looks familiar?) Their relationship might not be what it seems at first. You'll find out more once the initial version of HoS releases later this month.

For now, let's focus on the task at hand. In this technical demo you'll be attempting to prove your worth to Obo.
To do so you'll have to perform to the best of your abilities in Obo's renowned ramen restaurant.

Your performance will be pivotal in both, your economical well-being as well as the state of your relationship with Obo and Yoru.
The better you perform, the more likely you'll be to uncover Obo and Yoru's secrets!

If you play through this technical demo, I would love to hear your feedback on how difficult or easy the game was for you.
And as a fun little challenge, try beating some of the high-scores you'll find listed within the demo itself.

Beat mine and come back here to rub it in my face, or where I'll be posting frequent updates and sneak peeks!

Who knows, maybe there'll be a little competition with a few rewards for those who want to scratch their competitive itch!
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Jan 27, 2022
Wait then there would be only two main lis with dedicated stories?
Not quite. There are multiple side characters with their own paths. You'll see an example right on my previous post!
Unlike Main characters, side characters won't possess unique attributes. Instead, your approach towards them will largely be affected by the main character's attributes and your choices when it comes to their corresponding stories.


Jan 27, 2022
Intro to game mechanics V2 - Navigation/Exploration
Greetings all,

As I am wrapping up development of the initial release (To be released within the next 14 days)
I am ready to share with you some more information in regards to a pivotal system that'll be present in "House of Shinobi"

I've stated before that this is NOT intended to be just another VN where clicking through endless dialogue would be the primary 'gameplay' element.

As such, I've been working on implementing a sandbox aspect to the game that'll play a crucial role in how you engage with various characters and events.

In combination with the , Navigating the game world will present you with different options at different times, based on your stats.

In this example, you enter Hinata's room to find her perhaps prepping for another one of her sweaty workouts...


By using the action buttons in the middle left of the screen, or by hovering your cursor over her you can initiate various interactions with her or other characters you may come across within the various rooms/areas of the game world.

The circular icons at the bottom left represent different rooms you can visit within your household. A green dot should help you keep track of rooms where potential actions could be taken.

Of course, you'll also have access to a world map:

The world map allows you to navigate to places that are outside your household. Every location presents opportunities to meet new characters or find new events.

Besides navigating the game world, you'll also have opportunities to explore certain areas, potentially uncovering secrets, or hidden items.

The particularly perceptive players among you, might even be able to piece together information that will prove to be helpful in your adventures...
screenshot0021.png With that, I am going to wrap up this devlog update. Expect another one before the game's initial release within the coming days!

If you haven't yet checked out the or the you can do so by following the links!

Lastly, if you are interested in keeping up with "House of Shinobi", future updates and sneak peeks, ! (If you do, I'd love to hear your feedback and ideas!)
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