Unity - Completed - How a Retired Strategist Saved the Country [v1.08] [tomadan]

  1. 4.00 star(s)

    Bob Bee

    Overall 4/5, A strategy game focused heavily on resource management. You get this game for the gameplay, other aspects of this game like visuals, story, characters, and h scenes are mid to meh

    Gameplay 4.5/5, an addictive gameplay loop of strategizing and managing a base and its resources with the goal of defeating every enemy that comes your way. It does eventually become repetitive but the short length prevents it from being boring

    Characters and Story 1/5, they really don't matter, they exist for the gameplay

    Art and Visuals 2.5/5, a lot of reused assets, not bad not good.

    H Scene 2/5, I couldn't care about it, skipped most of it and the once I read through wasn't worth, visuals were good at best, nothing more.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Absolutely outstanding game.
    Yes this is a real game, not just a fap time.
    Tutorial: Made extremely easy to understand the mechanichs of the game.
    Charachters: Different, cute and attractive. It's mainly focussed on lolis, but there are a wide variety of charachters. Their backgrounds are short but they make a nice introduction for the charachter.​
    Gameplay: Simple at first look, deep after time, it's engaging and every game feels different. I would have played this game even without ero content.​
    Ero-content: Great, different, it does not bore. A nice trophy for your strategic battle you just won. Also if you do certain optional objectives you can unlock the next scene of you favourite girl.​
    Overall: I didn't had this much fun since a while.​
    Thanks for making this game, I absolutely loved it.​
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Fun little game for what it is, you build a settlement, upgrade buildings, build army and beat the ennemy to get one H-scene and a little bit of story, simple and easy and not that bad a grind really.

    Graphics are decents as well even though it is censored, there is a patch to remove it but i couldent get it to work without having it install on steam, tried putting it in game folder as devs says but it just dident work no matter which folder you drop it in.

    Animations are good but still not that many H-scenes, one for each girl in one position but like i said for what it is its not a bad game, fully voiced and somewhat decent background music.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    How a Retired Strategist Saved the Country [v1.08]

    It is an original strategy and management game, with simple but very fun and addictive mechanics, it has an acceptable amount of content (around 6 hours if you want to unlock everything). It consists of a well-explained tutorial and the technical aspect is fine.

    The story doesn't hold my attention, you end up skipping the story in order to enjoy the gameplay.

    The music is fine, although sometimes a little annoying, and the graphics could have been improved a little in terms of adding things that can give more life to the game, as everything is a bit static and takes away some grace.

    In the H section, it consists of quite a few good quality animations, but the variety is somewhat scarce in terms of scenes for each girl and also has censorship.

    It's a shame, because with 1 or 3 more scenes per girl the game would have improved a lot, but in itself it is a good and very entertaining game.

    I give this game a 7.8 out of 10.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Story ?/5: I don't know, I just skipped it, it is in the lines of a desperate woman asking for a help after some invaders came to her village, everytime.

    Gameplay 4/5: This is the reason I would like to recommend this game, it is surprisingly good. Like a strategic game, you would build some houses and farms and then build your army and you can use researches and later when you progress enough there will be more facilities you can build.

    Hentai 3/5: I forgot it existed, it just a collectable reward after the long combat and even though it is animated but short and not satisfying but maybe that's my own taste.

    TL;DR: I recommend this game for its gameplay if that's what you are into then go ahead and enjoy, but not for fapping or story for sure.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    this game is pretty solid. the gameplay is addicting and fun to figure out, and the h scenes also have pretty good voice acting and animation. story is meh, dude was retired, got ask to save people and when he did, he fucks the women.

    this is one of the few games where I have more "I wish this were added upon more" than "I wish they didn't do it like this" or "why the hell is it like this?".

    really hope they make a sequel/"bigger" version of this because the foundation is already there