I know most things in Ren'py is style based, so lets say for the sake of discussion that I want to have a top_margin 100 and top_padding 100 on this page:
Example 1
Example 2
Both examples are great since one is a regular system page, the other a custom wiki containing 3 screens. So, how would I on these pages place:
style ???????:
top_margin 100
top_padding 100
or must I do something else?! I am at a total loss here. In HTML I would just have made a <BR><BR> at top of each page and be done with it, but Ren'py sure love to make something easy not so easy
Example 1
screen file_slots(title, tip):
use game_menu(title):
style_prefix 'slots'
style pages_button is menu_button:
xsize 150
style pages_button_text is menu_button_text
style pages_group_button is menu_button:
xsize 60
style pages_group_button_text is menu_button_text
style pages_group_hbox is menu_hbox:
align (.5, .5)
spacing 10
style pages_hbox is menu_hbox:
spacing 30
xalign .5
style slot_button:
xysize (config.thumbnail_width, config.thumbnail_height)
style slot_frame:
background 'menu_frame'
padding (4, 4, 4, 4)
style slot_grid:
align (.5, .5)
spacing 30
style slot_image_button:
align (1., 0.)
offset (-2, 2)
style slot_prompt_button is menu_button:
xysize (150, 50)
style slot_prompt_button_text is menu_button_text:
size 14
style slot_prompt_frame is menu_frame:
align (.5, .5)
background 'menu_frame_opaque'
fit_first True
padding (25, 35, 25, 25)
xmaximum 650
style slot_prompt_hbox:
spacing 50
xalign .5
style slot_prompt_label:
xalign .5
style slot_prompt_vbox:
spacing 20
style slot_prompt_warn_button take slot_prompt_button
style slot_prompt_warn_button_text take slot_prompt_button_text
style slots_button is menu_button
style slots_button_text is menu_button_text
style slots_fixed:
fit_first True
xalign .5
style slots_label:
xalign .5
yoffset 25
style slots_label_text:
bold True
style slots_text:
color '8b94aa'
style slots_vbox:
align (.5, .5)
spacing 30
define config.hyperlink_protocol = "showmenu"
screen wiki_MuadDib():
tag menu
use game_menu(_("Muad'Dib")):
text _p("""
Muad'Dib /ˌmuːədˈdiːb/ is a species of desert mouse on {a=showmenu:wiki_arrakis}Arrakis{/a}. It is
also the name for a constellation of stars and is taken as a name by Paul Atreides.
{a=showmenu:wiki_index}Back to Index{/a}
screen wiki_index():
tag menu
use game_menu(_("Wiki Index"), scroll="viewport"):
# text _p("""
# • {a=wiki_MuadDib}Muad'Dib{/a}{p}
# """)
style ???????:
top_margin 100
top_padding 100
or must I do something else?! I am at a total loss here. In HTML I would just have made a <BR><BR> at top of each page and be done with it, but Ren'py sure love to make something easy not so easy
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