This place is a great place to start.
Some advice (feel free to discard):
- This forum *can* get brutal. Before you release your first public release it's worth getting friends, family and enemies to play it. There's lots of great Discord communities dedicated to these kind of games (I quite like
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, as it's newb friendly (and so less likely to flame you on the spot) and would be a good place to find some early beta testers). Get some testers, iron out the worst of the kinks (well, bugs... leave the kinks), and you can release.
- This place is great. Other places to look at include and There's also a bunch of opportunities if you can deliver a HTML5 playable version (like Newgrounds, for example).
- Once it's up; just be a nice person. Sometimes this is hard; you're having a bad day, or some poster is just being an idiot. But negativity breeds like bedbugs; in your thread always approach each poster assuming they have the best intentions. And if you do that and you *still* hate their guts, don't respond.