How hot the redheads are in a VN correlates to how good the VN is


Well-Known Member
Aug 23, 2018
I'm not saying just because the redheads in a game are hot, everything else is irrelevant and the game is good solely because of hot redheads.

What I'm saying is that usually it's:

- Hot redhead: good game that turns out to be a banger

- Ugly redhead: terrible

-No redheads: Game might be bad, game might be good but it's going to feel kind of stale or mechanic

Added bonus:

- Hot redhead but the dev changes her appearance in later updates for the worse: great game that just falls off

I half-jokingly use this rule of thumb from past observations to determine whether I'll give a new VN a shot. Is this crazy and completely unfounded? Don't tell me I'm crazy! You're crazy! Think about it!

Questions? Concerns? Discuss.


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2018
there might be a slight possibility you just have a thing for redheads.

I feel like the redheads are always the same character. this one:

4E046 copy.jpg
Aug 16, 2017
As a fellow pornoisseur of redheads I totally get this. A hot redhead will enhance any VN. Bonus points if she's kooky or a little unhinged. Redheads gotta redhead after all.
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