VN - Ren'Py - How I Became the Bodyguard of the Saintess! [v0.7] [Lunardis]

  1. 5.00 star(s)

    Wolf the conceit

    this easily became a new favorite, infact it easily makes it to number one on the list, finally a story worth listening to, a game that is actually focused on the story and not a horny mess, there isn't alot of sex scenes, thankfully, if you are just here for a quick fab, and dont care about the lore, then don't bother, go find some stupid beastial space futa fucking simulator, or whatever other nonsense that you are into. don't give a game low rating just because you completely neglected the story and skipped to the sex scenes and absolutely have no fuckin clue what's going on
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Really enjoyed this one.

    *Note this review had the INC patch installed*

    I usually find it hard to get attached to the world engine used in these games so if I do try em I'm hoping for the story and world building to carry my experience. I usually stop trying to get into these types of game if the characters are one dimensional, horny ass mfs where there is no build up, not much background and the main character is just as 'plainly' written that ends up with his massive harem. That's just not immersive in terms of what I look out for.
    Pleasantly discovered that the game boasts some decent to deeply written characters, backstories, lore and likeable characters. Sure, plenty of moments where the main character slips into the tropes of a horny young dude but it's never overdone and it really did help me actually like the main character more.
    Now, in terms of the patched content, I have to say that this is one of the better stories of a B/S relationship. Due to story reasons and of course their relationship, the sense of taboo, restraint, attraction and love really blossoms throughout the story and as of the last update at the time of the review it is extremely satisfying to see the progress of such a relationship.
    For the story/action/general writting, I would say that it is decent, over the top yet believable, it's the anime style of things so if you like that type of stuff you might end up liking it much more than I did or you might be more critical of it. I'm indifferent to most action scenes in these types of games so it was just there as additive but I will say that I am looking forward to the story's conclusion.
    Anway, top stuff, hope this project reaches its full vision.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    What can I say. This game is proficient at what it wants to achieve.

    It's a bog standard, run-of-the-mill, cutsey, super sweet story about a normal guy that has all the super heroines (and villainesses) fall for him, because... uhhh... just because.

    If that makes you gag, better walk away. There's nothing here in terms of depth or conflict or anything but PG0 level story telling.

    But if you want that, knock yourself out. It's the same as the million such stories before it.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    Never lost interest in a story as fast as I did with this one. An interesting idea for a plot gets completely squandered for a "tweeeeeeest" that is supremely boring and turns the whole thing into another generic hero story.
    If you want adult stuff, forget about it, you dick will be in your pants the entire time because there is barely any, and what scenes are there don't have any impact and certainly aren't worth the setup time.
    Girl specific routes in VNs aren't unusual and it's possible a harem route would be introduced, but the girl selection isn't great,both design and quantity wise. The bigger problem with this though, is that the routes are developed in parallel and currently only two have any kind of content at all, so if you happen to like one of the other two, or even one of those that do have content, you can never know if the next update will bring any content for you, a pretty transparent tactic to milk more money from waiting patrons.
    Visually, it's koikatsu, so don't expect anything amazing or particularly pretty.
    A miss for me, despite the early interest I had in it.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    So many 5 stars reviews so i expected alot more from this.

    Story 2/5
    In any case i did enjoy some of this story about MC being a normal dude that has a superhero sister, its a fun concept and its done pretty well in this one, to me its just a bit to much of a slowburn, chapters arent short so its alot of reading which is nice enough but theres barely any rewards in the form of H-scenes, 3 chapters and there has been nothing, first small scene is at the end of chapter 4 to give you an idea of how game is.

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    This game can barely be called a AVN, the hours and hours of dialogs, chapter after chapter and theres just nothing when it comes to H-scenes.
    To make matters worse you have to pick a path after chapter 4 as to which one girl you want to go be with, yes one girl... so dont expect to finaly fuck the girls you like nono just one and only maybe....

    The way its done is even worse, each future chapter will get content with the girl that is most voted on, so if you like the princess or commander theres 0 content with them and you cant play on unless you pick someone else, its has to be the most idiotic way to progress a game, dont think ive ever seen it like this before in any other games, i mean why wouldent story just go on with all 4 girls like it has been doing since the start and add sex scenes and story for all 4 at the same makes a slowburn game into an extrem slowburn where you have to wait for the girl you like and if the girl you like is never voted on you have to wait untill game is finished, its just a really really bad way of doing it in my eyes, my guess is its a way to milk more money out of the supports to draw then game out even longer.

    It also effects the main story in a huge way so game is really being split into 4 diffrent games with diffrent stories, i dont really like that either its feels weird and makes the first 4 chapters almost pointless since it changes so much that in one story MC will become the ennemy, which i funny enough find to be the best story even though i never liked the witch but i hated more that the knight where following orders blindly since they are the ones in power and the minister cant do shit since no one can stand against them and the sister which makes it that more idiotic that they dont put the minister in her place, it would be so easy to do no matter how much blackmail shit she has it wouldent matter people know who protects them and it sure as fuck isent the minister....

    Girls 2/5
    Theres just not much to come for, 4 LIs only so that also means diversity in builds is poor as well, not even Millestone or Emma is a LI which is proberly the best looking ones of all of them and the only one with smaller tits as well, so thats a big fail in my eyes, so theres nothing to come for if you like smols.

    Animations 2/5
    The animations are ok but there is barely any of them in the game and they are also very short and it feels like game should just have been made with no sexual content instend, virgin scene is also shit you dont see anything no pussy not even a dick, guess they dident want to show blood or i dunno but it really just is one let down after the other, it really feels more like softcore porn then anything else.

    Music 4/5
    Music is pretty good since it changes alot so it dosent get boring, its still all normal tunes nothing special but still better then the average one tune games.

    Choices 2/5
    Theres just a very big lack of choices in this game, so 99% of the time you play, it will feel kinetic and the choices you make means close to nothing untill end of chapter 4 where you have to pick a girl which is the only choice that really matters in the game.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    The concept of "what if you are just an ordinary guy in an Isekai/fantasy world" (even though at the end you the MC are not so "ordinary") really fascinates me, and the dev manages to deliver a fantastic story with the inclusion of distinctive and interesting characters (especially LIs). Really looking forward to see how the story will play out in the future.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    One of my favorite stories out of all of the games I have played. Play this one for the plot frfr. Very good characters and quite funny, though the H scenes are few and far between (and a bit shorter than I would have liked).
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Underrated gem for story-first lovers!

    Warning: if you are looking for a bangie bang then your disappointment will be immeasurable and your day will be ruined. There are H scenes but they are like 4 chapters down and are naturally introduced with realistic buildup.

    1. Writing is above average and it's infused with good humor, sound effects, and facial expressions.
    2. Action scenes are badass! Characters have depth and it's not a fuckshow. It takes like 4 chapters for first scenes to show cuz its being done realistically.
    3. Music, animations, and renders are done beautifully.
    4. Play v0.5 and it's plenty long (8+ hours).
    5. Plot progression is marvelous along with revealing important details.
    I would like more choices for more engagement but it's not a deal breaker for me.

    Verdict: Pick up if you are looking for a slow-burn fantasy tale with memorable cast of characters! It's plenty long and very deserving of a read :)
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    This is one of the rare games, where you dont care about the Porn aspects.

    I originally wanted to play this game becaus it had beautyful renders and the premis also sounded not bad but I did not expect anything like this.

    This is a really interesting story with alot of unexpected twists and personally I have to say that it is more interesting than most of the mainstream media. Especially its humor is something that I have never seen in any other game.

    All the renders and Charachters are beatyful and feel like they actually belong in this world. All the H scenes dont feel out of place, but feel like they belong exactly where they are. The whole world progresses naturally and the plots flow fluently into each other.

    The only thing that I dont like is that you can not romance all the Girls at once and create your own Harem, but this would not work how the world and story is setup. It is the right call for the Dev to not make this a Harem game (even dough I wish that the possibility would exist)

    This is a beautyful game with an incredible Story and you wont be disappointed playing it. Just dont expect to directly jump into the H-Action, it is relatively slow pased but you will always get some eye candy.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    I had this on the shelf for a while, guess I wasn't too interested in the initial premise of being randomly close with the most powerful character for no reason. (The patch helps have things make more sense)
    However as we got past the initial building chapter, the characters and settings started to flesh out and stand on their own. The characters grew on me and I started rooting for the characters and their desires. Some of the moments and reveals also got me smiling to myself which is sometimes hard to do if you don't build enough background to care for the characters and the setting of the world.
    Got to the current end where choices have to be made, unforunately the choice I would have made is not implemented yet but glad to see that those decisions branch the story in a meaningful way. Overall, I got enjoyable experience and something I would recommend.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    For the longest time this story had me worried I would be dissapointed for spoilery reasons. Basically that it wouldn't peak in the way I wanted it to.

    However, chapter 4 completly won me over, I loved the result the buildup has lead to, story went pretty much where I was hoping but better.

    The slow-burn romances + slow-burn story with a currently satisfying way of paying off the story-points it builds up as well as the characters is what currently makes this game great.

    I adore all the characters, to the point that I was quite dissapointed when I got the first choice where I realized this would be a branching romance and not harem.

    It's probably the right choice for the type of game it is and the story it tells. However, with how much this game has made me like all the characters, I just feel like im letting the other characters down whenever I play and pick someone else. It doesn't feel right. They are all too precious and deserves mc's love.

    The main negatives with the game currently is in the lewd department. It is slow-burn which I appreciate, but with the newest update we do finally have some actual H scenes.

    And I was a bit dissapointed. The animations are very generic illusion ones. The buildup for the actual scene is non-existent as it just kind of starts (though I get why it happens that way, it's dissapointing). The dirty-talk mainly non-existent. The length of the scene dissapointing. The climax of the scene didn't rly feel like one at all. And finally there are no sfx during sex-scene. no moaning, no "other misc" sfx.

    However, those were the first h scenes in the game. And plot-wise it makes sense for the lack of buildup. If the next scene after this has a great buildup, they add sfx, and we get some h-scenes that are less vanilla later and a bit more interesting and importantly with an actual climax, preferably also with unique animations, but I can settle for just the other stuff mentioned (know unique animations can be tricky). I will forget that the first ones were dissapointing. And maybe those can also be reworked with the improvements that doesnt change the plot.

    Finally just another positive comment about the writing: the pacing of the story is really really good compared to the average game on here. The story is constantly setting up the next highlight, executing on it, summarizing the consequences and moving onto setting up the next thing, all the while setting up stuff on the side here and there. It doesn't waste days with padded content, it doesn't get lost on the way to telling it's story (as so many games do), and it pays off plot-points just before you start to feel like it should get there already. It doesn't rush, it gives everything the right amount of buildup.

    Of course the story itself is cliche-anime inspired stuff. But it's executed to a very good level. And personally I'd play plenty of anime / over-the top fantasy games if you just execute it well.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    This VN is similar to a shounen battle manga in plot which isn't necessarily bad because it doesn't use it as a crutch. It might be generic but the story telling and writing is good enough that it didn't bother my enjoyment ( and I've watched way too many generic battle animes). Most of the characters feel human and although they are archetypes, they are still their own characters. Also there's a Tsundere so this game was gonna get a 5/5 anyways.

    Renders and characters models are good as far as koikatsu goes. MC doesn't look half bad (which is good since you'll see him quite a bit) and proportions in general are good. Magic effects are too cheezy and quite good.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is amazing, the story is gud and pacing is just right, art is nice and I'm a big fan of the soundtrack. Grammar is a bit lacking though, needs to be proofread better.

    Still game was greatly enjoyed, cant wait for the next updates!
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    I really like the story, it's refreshing to have a main character which isn't all powerful and has to earn his place in comparison to the much more powerful characters like the sister or knight commander.

    The characters are really interesting, the motivations are relatable and their relationship to the MC (especially the sister) is really wholesome.

    There aren't alot of H-scenes in game yet but this will probably change with later updates.

    Renders are from Koikatsu so you know what to expect.

    One nitpick I have though is that sometimes the punctuation is missing, can be a bit annoying if you care for that.

    Overall I would recommend everyone to try this game out.

    Version played was 0.4.
  15. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 5144788

    How I Became The Bodyguard Of The Saintess
    Version: 0.3.5
    Type: VN - Heavy Story
    Content: Medium
    Pacing: Steady
    Plot line: Main Charm Of The Game - Darkness vs Light - Saintess/Knights vs Monsters/Criminals
    Setting: Extraordinary Childhoodfriend (Saintess) but ordinary MC - Curse of Union - Can't go too far away

    Character Models: Really Good
    Personalities: Main Charm Of The Game - Masterfully rendered - emotions, thought processes and subconcious acts perfected

    Music: Awesome - really immersive
    Animation: None yet but great diaporama
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Played till the latest version and really liked the general vibe of the game, the story is good, characters are good, and the MC, he is quite unique, like the poker face attribute and how he carries himself. Game is still in the early stages but eagerly waiting for future updates and i wish you the best to carry on with this wonderful work.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    How I Became the Bodyguard of the Saintess! [ v0.3.5 ]

    Don't play this game if you are looking for lewd scenes. There is not a single lewd scene yet. You can see nudity of a Li only in ch3 but only for a few seconds that's it for now. ( But you expect lewd scenes in the upcoming updates). But if you like story driven games play this one you won't regret it. Loved the story. Renders are koikatu. Not a big fan of it but recently started playing few. But I loved this one. Render quality are normal in the first chapters but you can quality is increasing in next chapters. I absolutely loved the fight scenes in the ch4. They are nicely made. There is also sound effects another positive thing for me. MC is an ordinary gut but he is cool. By living with saintess he unknowingly gained power. This version ended on a cliff hanger. I'm waiting to see more of action since now Mc realised his power.
    My fav characters are Alyssa and Melope they are tsunderes.

    + Story
    + Humor
    + Fight scenes
    + Renders
    + Sound effects
    + Fair amount of content

    Overall I enjoyed the game. This surely a gem. Keep up the good work dev looking forward to next updates.

  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Honestly one of the better written VN out there, and one of the few that I see as not needing the hentai scenes to be interesting. The characters are all well distinct and serve there role in the story perfectly fine. Sure there are alot of tropes (Saint being a Hashirama-type character, mc being "ordinarily special", politicians being slime bags) but tropes exist for a reason, cause we like them so much.
    Likes: Éama
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    English: 5
    User Interface: 4
    User Experience: 7
    Art: 7
    Dialogue: 6
    Story: 7
    Opinion: 7

    I very much enjoy this one. To the point where I almost don't want to review it. (At the time of writing it's in version 0.3.5) It does the typical anime-feels thing, but it does it well. What I mean by that is, usually, the stories on here that try to emulate an anime or manga are insufferable and practically cringe-worthy. But I'm never mad at this one. There are a LOT of places that need improvement, but the story and writing style are decent. What's, of course, holding it back is the stiff, almost robotic, translation and completely default RenPy UI. I gave the UI one extra point for the custom main menu, but its still the terrible default one that ships with RenPy and default fonts as well. Which implies laziness. But for whatever reason, I still like this.

    As of right now, there's not a lot to the story. MC Boringpants is the older brother of "The Saintess." An all powerful girl that helps protect the world from evil. But no one takes anything seriously, ever. It's a light read and actually humorous. And not in the "LOOK I'M MAKING A REFERENCE TO SOMETHING" type of way. Most of the, I really don't want to call them "jokes," humor is situational. Which is a breath of fresh air. And it's not constant so it doesn't overstay its welcome. Anyway, I'm getting off topic, MC is the Saintess' older brother and at a party, he jumps in to save her from a spell that binds them together. Forcing them to be close to each other until the spell can be removed. And to cover up that fact, Angie, the Saintess, volunteers MC to be her bodyguard. "Hilarity" ensues. I use quotes there because it's not that funny, but I chuckled at least once.

    To elaborate on my number values; The English translation gets noticeably worse with each subsequent update. There's tensing issues and words that just aren't in the right order. If that gets worked on, I'll be happy. As I said before, the UI is bog standard default Ren'Py. Changing a few images and more than one free font can go a LONG way. The UX is default RenPy as well, so it works but nothing's changed at all. The Art is above average KK renders, but in at least one scene, that I remember the center "plus" is still in the image and was jarring. (during the match between Saki and Theresa) The Dialogue is alright, it suffers from the translation and EVERYONE comes across as robotic, not just the emotionless MC. I like the story, it's light, simple, and decently developed. Not perfect and is very "This is totally an anime" which, me being a weeb is fine but I'm also tired of that vibe, do with that what you will. And overall I like it, update the UI and get a Native English editor and I'll happily come back and change my rating.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    I am thrilled with the quality of the writing and animation. There are some minor spelling and grammatical errors (the one that stands out to me is 'pole' instead of 'poll' regarding chapter 5). The characters are well written. I'm looking forward to the PM getting her comeuppance.