Developer decided to change what the game originally was which is a story to multiple endings!
Game forgot story to create four different endings! This ruined the story and it lost focus after the stupid choose your path bullshit at the end of the chapter. It's like them awful if books I tried to read as a kid the story was lost in the if you did this...
4 different endings is NOT a story focused game! It lost the entire story when it went into the if endings. I lost interest in the game at this point before that this game really had a solid plot with an awesome story!
1. Game Play: 2/5 (originally story focused but you can't have a 4 ending story focused game. A story has ONLY a single ending so it lost a game that is story based)
2. Art: 4/5 (Art was good and scenes were good)
3. Sound: 3/5
4. Animation: 5/5 (battle scene was epic before it lost it's focus)
Once game made you choose a heroine the story was gone.. the entire damn plot was gone as a story. It went from a 5 game to a 2 game. Developers need to stop changing what a game is in the middle or end of it keep it consistent.
You can see lack of interest in the game as it was when you see the last review is 7 months ago.
Game forgot story to create four different endings! This ruined the story and it lost focus after the stupid choose your path bullshit at the end of the chapter. It's like them awful if books I tried to read as a kid the story was lost in the if you did this...
4 different endings is NOT a story focused game! It lost the entire story when it went into the if endings. I lost interest in the game at this point before that this game really had a solid plot with an awesome story!
1. Game Play: 2/5 (originally story focused but you can't have a 4 ending story focused game. A story has ONLY a single ending so it lost a game that is story based)
2. Art: 4/5 (Art was good and scenes were good)
3. Sound: 3/5
4. Animation: 5/5 (battle scene was epic before it lost it's focus)
Once game made you choose a heroine the story was gone.. the entire damn plot was gone as a story. It went from a 5 game to a 2 game. Developers need to stop changing what a game is in the middle or end of it keep it consistent.
You can see lack of interest in the game as it was when you see the last review is 7 months ago.