How movie / series accurate do you want parodie games?

Mr. TurTur

Jun 12, 2020
Hey Ho,
I'm working on a small parody game.
i'm faced with the decision to make the main house faithful to the original or to alter it a bit.
I wouldn't be able to work every room into the story in a meaningful way and it would save me work.
On the other hand, it might be important for fans to be able to explore the place completely.
For context it is about a laundry room, a baby room etc.

Whats your opinion on that ?


May 4, 2022
As someone writing a parody game myself, I try to be as faithful as possible, but don't let it get in the way of how I want to tell the story.

If someone wants it exactly as the original, they should just watch/play the original.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2018
I would think the whole idea (for fans) of making a porn parody is working close to the original character relations, instead of doing something else. otherwise it's like an ac/dc tribute band playing only Kiss covers. The people come to see ac/dc, not Kiss.


Engaged Member
Oct 2, 2017
I think changing minor things is fine and most people would expect that in a parody. Unless the original was NC17 at a bare minimum or X rated, you're going to have to change stuff to make it naughtier anyway. I wouldn't contradict any lore that is central to the theme of the original though. The characters should look at least somewhat similar to the original and have at least some of their original personality intact.

Using Xfiles as an example, if I were to make an adult parody of that, I would basically keep everything the same except that I would tweak it so that no matter what they were investigating, it would always end with whatever they were investigating fucking either Scully, Mulder, or both. And of course Scully and Mulder would both be fucking each other as well. So no gross opponents like slime monsters or whatever. Anything like that would be replaced by something like a hot alien or a mermaid or some other opponent you might actually want to see a sex scene with.


Active Member
Jun 26, 2017
I don't play many parody games, but in most cases it depends on my attachment/interest in the particular series. If it's a series I simply find somewhat enjoyable, it doesn't matter a whole lot as long as it somewhat resembles the universe from the series itself. Series that I generally enjoy, and/or care about however, I never expect a perfect copy as everyone interprets things in different ways, but I do want it as recognizable as possible.

That said, the one thing in parody games which REALLY turn me off are the characters, especially in character driven source material. Idk why, maybe I'm too much of a nerd, but it really bothers me when certain characters talk or act out of character in parody games. Hence why I don't play many parody games.