How much of content that you preferred for early game version?

How much of content that you preferred for early game version?

  • Shit-ton of content

    Votes: 21 26.3%
  • At least 1 sex scene

    Votes: 26 32.5%
  • Some voyeur/sexy scenes and no sex scene

    Votes: 6 7.5%
  • Prefer story more than scene(no or few scene)

    Votes: 19 23.8%
  • Any

    Votes: 8 10.0%

  • Total voters


Game Developer
Jul 26, 2017
just like topic said.
How much do you prefer for game version 0.1 or early?

For me, I prefer story setting with some scene in it rather than amount of content.


Engaged Member
Mar 25, 2018
IMO it does not matter, because not all games have the same scenario or type of game play. Unless you want to break it down to each type of game first, any choice in your poll would be pointless.


Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2017
This is a difficult question with no hard answer for me, what i will say is that it needs a combination of both quantity and quality, i would go as so far as to say a first release needs to be quite a lot larger than what you'd expect for an update, now i'd be willing to have less 18+ content than be stuck with "tease" content in an early version, voyeurism is great, voyeurism as a way of delaying content isn't.

The boring answer is whatever works for the format of your game, if your going for a sandbox style game then you need X rated content from 0.1 IMO becasue that it the purpose of the game, to provide X rated content, if your going for a story based VN then you need story in the 0.1 and the X content can come in when it fits in that story, in a lot of ways a 0.1 is a mission statement, "this is where i'm going, this is what i'll be doing on the way", of course it's not that simple but if i played a game and the 0.1 focused on rough sex or BDSM and then never did anything with those themes in the rest of the game i'd be pissed. ok, that was an exaggeration but you've got to do what's right for your game, you shouldn't tailor the content to try and achieve instant traction, a game is built on a 0.1 release not defined by it, if that means less sex in the early parts and more later for story reasons then that's fine, if it means an orgy on day one and then some dry spots later that is also fine, make the pace work for your story, don't make the story work for the drip feed.
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Resident Lesbian
Aug 22, 2018
I prefer a first release to show me the characters and give me an idea of the plot and everyones place in said plot.

Not bothered about sex scenes, plenty of time for those as the game builds. Sex without context is just watching porn and I can go anywhere for porn, i'm here for something more.

That being said, unless it's someone I know that's just starting or releasing a follow up project, I don't bother with new releases anymore.

If a game gets to about 5 or 6 updates then i'll try it.

Far too many abandoned or half arsed games being released and i'm sick of the sight of trope filled, cliche riddled shitty incest games.

Other people are my Guinea Pigs. I wait a few releases and see what's being said and what tags have popped up.


May 14, 2019
and what tags have popped up
If there are just a few tags and they are "Big Tits, School Setting, Incest" - immagonnapass.....

I think you would be wise to make the most of your overview description as well. If I see "you are a young man who moves in with his mother and sister."... you are not "really" telling us about your game, but you are also telling us a whole lot at the same time.

If it has a good story, interesting setting, compelling characters, and English spelling/grammar that doesn't make me wince, I'll give it a go.
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Game Developer
Jul 26, 2017
TBH, I got curious about amount of content in v 0.1 should provide.
As for me, I'm currently develop my game right now. If anyone interested, here is overview of my game
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Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2018
The way I see it, the main purpose of a first release has two objectives: Sell and Get feedback

Sell: you want to show enough content to show the player why they should be interested in your game, to give them a reason to not delete your game after playing it, to make them think that they should keep an eye on your game and watch for more updates

Get feedback: you want to show enough content in order to see what works and what doesn't. If you think your sex scenes may be a weak point for you, show at least once (it doesn't even has to be related to the story and how far you developed it yet, you can't just say "I wanted to include a sex scene but the story isn't so developed yet so here it is"). The same works with everything else.
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Sep 3, 2018
Depends on the way the game is set up

if you are going for a slow burner then you would be looking at a few teasers to build up the tension

if you going for something a bit more fast paced then bang in some sex scenes early

but the important thing is which ever avenue you take any scenes teasers or sex need to be coherent with the story


Active Member
Game Developer
Dec 25, 2018
The Ferengi Rules of Acquisition say:
20. Now is better than never. Although never is often better than *right* now.
39. Some content is better than no content.
67. If you have nothing to show - show nothing.
45. Expand or die.
184. Release early, release often.
314. Haters gonna hate, potatoes gonna potate.
404. When no appropriate rule applies, make one up.

Oshitari Azumi

Who's the strongest Nobbu?!
May 23, 2017
I'm limited in my choice here, but really for an adult game I would at least like to see at least 1 smexy scene, maybe just as the boneworks of what people can expect from the game's development moving forward.


Game Developer
Nov 7, 2017
The way I see it, the main purpose of a first release has two objectives: Sell and Get feedback
This, in any case that's how I see it. Show the soul of your game.

If you plan to include a story then show some plot teaser at least. Try to introduce your characters with something that fit in your plot. Don't just put something like "So here is Anna, This girl is Eloise, this one is charlotte, the one in the back is Danielle and your mom is Julie.", I'm pretty sure the name is the last thing people wanna know about your characters.

If your game is going to have some game mechanics then show something that already works or the beginnings of those mechanics or, at least a preview, even if you have to fake it (but be aware of your skills to make it after that).


Game Developer
Apr 6, 2018
It depends on the game....but I like to see some of the story/characters (and like others said with real background.....without the background the girls are just dolls) and some sex scenes. It doesn't have to be a lot, but imo there should be some, for at least a couple of reasons:
1- Slow burners are fine, but I want to see whether the XXX content can be worth the wait.....some devs might just never add that content or add poor I'd be like, what? I waited months for this? No, imo a dev who's not showing much either isn't serious about making an NSFW game or could be a scammer.
2- I hate and despise H games that have tons of grind/silly dialogues/pseudo writing and very little in the way of content.....
I agree with other posters: I need an interesting story or interesting characters (otherwise I could have watched normal porn), but let's be honest, those are rare. More importantly, grinding mechanics and endless dialogues meant to be funny (but in reality just meh, or the kind of silliness anybody could write) do not make anything interesting, imo, they are just tools employed to disguise a fundamental lack of anything interesting to say....and to waste the player's time.

I'm in pre-development with a game of my own (still creating a fictional version of the future, filling a notebook with maps, lore for different races, characters, main plot, possible side-stories etc)

It's an ambitious project but I will eventually produce a short demo and see what the response is...if there is interest I'd love to continue and complete the game, if not I will use the plots I have for a novel (maybe erotica, maybe just a techno-fantasy thriller). I have a good plot, imo, and a very interesting, detailed setting. I wouldn't want to waste them.
Anyways, next I plan to produce a brief trailer (for a few glimpses of my fictional future, finished the script for that one yesterday)
and of course the demo.
Since my game aims to be a combination of a VN and a sandbox trainer/dating game (with relationships that can lean more toward romance or domination depending on the player's choices) I want to create a demo, regardless of how long it takes, that contains the beginnings of the overarcing saga but also the option to have fun with the first girl/girls to join the MC's harem, and maybe to have some lesbian sex since that will also be big part of the game moving foward.
Obviously I'm not going to try to cram every fetish and character in a short demo, but yeah, I want to create something that at least showcases all the main elements.


Engaged Member
Oct 2, 2017
For an early version I'm looking to see if I like your renders, find out how the mechanics work, meet your characters, and find out if I like your writing style by seeing whatever background story and dialog you have in place. Sex scenes for an initial version are really optional to me. It's appreciated if there is at least one character who puts on a show for us early on whether she's an exhibitionist, a slut, or just forgot to close her bedroom curtains one night but it's not required.

Even if the primary characters in your story start off conservative enough that a sex scene involving them would be out of character you could still set up a voyeur type scenario for them. Maybe MC takes his girl out to a restaurant and goes to the bathroom to wash his hands and walks in on a girl giving some guy a blowjob in the bathroom. It may be entirely irrelevant to the story or it might be a significant character. It might just be a way to confirm to the player that yes there will be sex and here is proof that I know how to create a satisfying sex scene.

I would rather not see a bunch of stuff flagged as placeholders. I want to see some finished content, not a shell of a game where nothing is finished. Don't show me 20 characters who have no dialog and no means of interaction. Don't give me a map that shows 20 different places where literally nothing happens. I would rather meet just a few characters who have actually had some development and have access to a few locations that actually have some content completed for them.

I have no problem with a new version of the game requiring a restart because you added more stuff to the very beginning either. I find it puzzling how many people seem not to like that. I can see trying to eventually get the early section of the game to a state where a full restart is no longer required but if that takes 6 months or whatever that's fine with me.
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Active Member
May 10, 2017
The best way to do it is a lot but you don't just dump it all out of the blue, you shill the fuck out of the game, marketing is not done enough. You post images, make polls and try to get discussion going so when the game does land people are aware and invested before they even start playing.

I think people avoid new games because they expect to get blueballed.

Droid Productions

[Love of Magic]
Game Developer
Dec 30, 2017
The best way to do it is a lot but you don't just dump it all out of the blue, you shill the fuck out of the game, marketing is not done enough. You post images, make polls and try to get discussion going so when the game does land people are aware and invested before they even start playing.

I think people avoid new games because they expect to get blueballed.
Yeah, it would be nice to have a "playtest" area, for people who specifically want to test out demos. Then once you post it in the general forum, people would expect more than just a 3 min "alpha".

For my game I went for a target of ~2 hrs for the first release. I wish I had the ability to follow Being a DIK and going even further.


Engaged Member
Oct 2, 2017
Easy answer. Show all your potential.
This is actually the perfect answer to the OP's question. Whatever you put in your initial release, make sure it's enough to show anyone who tries it what you're actually capable of. If there's not enough content for people to really get a good taste then it's too soon for a release.

Canto Forte

Post Pro
Jul 10, 2017
You have to be theater short novels writer to make animated plot and 3D characters!
You need the drama and the short bursts of steam <lots of skin, teases, bare bosoms,bare bums>
If you can offer 5 minutes of WWE / MMA with bare tops and bare bottoms you have yourself a blockbuster!
Sex has to be all over. It has to be sex up to the moon!
Remember DAZ does short animations BY ITs OWN!