Tutorial RPGM Ren'Py How to Access All Dialogues in RPG Maker Games (English and Japanese)


Feb 6, 2018
In this thread you guys will be learn how to get access to all dialogues in RPG Maker games.

Why would you need that? For me I would like to invest my time to a game where it fit to my tastes. And accessing the dialogues is a one of the most prominent ways to do that so.

(You can also take a look at the overall quality of the translation as well)

For the games that are already translated we will run a small prompt. Here are the steps;

  • Open your file location access it from folder and follow this path www>data


  • Type cmd hit enter than write this promt: copy *.json merged.json


  • Now you will see the combined version of the all Json files names as the merged.json. Open it with any text editor and type ctrl+f and search any key words you would like to search.


This method works with many file extension such as .ks, .rpy works with rvdata files too but it's better to open rpg maker xp and VX games with translator++ and extract the dialogues in to excel.

This doesn't work with unity games (I don't know where the dialogue files are located in that engine)