Tutorial How to Access Certain Protected Adobe Director Asset Files


The Hentai Witcher
Jun 2, 2018
So a lot of you might not be familiar with Adobe Director but basically this program was like an alternative to Adobe Flash and was some what similar to it in the aspect of it using a timeline. Anyways enough about that. First you'll know you're dealing with Adobe Director files if it's containing any of these file types.

File types
  • .dxr Adobe Director Protected Movie - Supported by dirOpener
  • dir Adobe Director Movie
  • .dcr Shockwave Media File
  • .cxt Adobe Director Protected Cast
  • .cst Adobe Director Cast
  • .cct Adobe Director Compressed Cast - Possibly supported but if not theres another possible method below
  • .xtra Adobe Director Xtra Extension - Not Supported by dirOpener
  • .mmdr Adobe Director MMDR Data
  • .mv95 Adobe Director for Mac Video
  • .md95 Adobe Director for Mac Data
  • .md93 Macromedia Director 4 Data
  • .md03 Macromedia Director Data
  • .swa Shockwave Audio
  • .w3d Adobe Shockwave 3D File
  • .x32 Adobe Xtra File
Sources: ,

Now to open these files you will need two things. Adobe Director 12 and dirOpener. I'll provide the links below. Unfortunately I could only find the trial for Adobe Director 12. If you find the full version please share it here as that would be great. Anyways either download the attachment or the link for dirOpen and download either the source link or my link for Adobe Director trial. The mac version isn't included in the reupload since this process is impossible without Windows being involved or possibly a compatibility layer like WINE on Linux since dirOpener is only available on Windows.


Reupload is in attachments.

Adobe Director 12 Trial
View attachment dirOpener300-850-1-PC.zip

If the file if you want to open is protected you'll need to decrypt it using dirOpener. The program is pretty easy to use and has a GUI so don't worry about needing to type any commands though one thing to note is that for some reason if you select all support file types from drop down menu after you click open on the main tab it won't pick up files so don't use that option!

Not sure if dirOpener works with .cct files but in the event it doesn't you can try what this one person recommended on reddit.

To open protected CCTs in Director, create a movie, add a Cast to it, making sure to check “external”, then open the Message window and run castLib(2).fileName = "". A file picker will open and you can choose the CCT file. Then in the Cast window, click on the second tab for the external cast you added and you will see the contents. Note that scripts are compiled in CCT files and cannot be viewed, they appear as empty.


Just open it with Adobe Director after making sure its not protected and it should work. Providing all has gone well, now you just need to learn how to use Director if you have never used it before.