How to change individual choice menu colors in Renpy


New Member
Aug 4, 2021
So as the title says, I've been looking into how exactly to do this, but there's little to no information explaining it, and the renpy document has me even more confused.

I'm trying to implement specific color changes on the choice menu (not the entire choice menu) . A very basic example would be good choices being blue and evil choices being red.

(Choice 1 requires you to have an overall goodness stat at a certain point)

(Choice 2 requires you to have an overall evil stat over a certain point.)

I already know how to code requirements in the menu, but what I can't seem to figure out is how to get those individual choices colored.

Sorry if this is long winded, I just don't want any confusion, I'm pretty bad at explaining shit I can't figure out, if anyone can help me understand this I would greatly appreciate it.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Oct 5, 2020
If you're looking to just change the color of the text in choices, that is simple enough, just add {color=#f00} before your text of menu choices.
You can also set up variables for colors if you use them often enough, e.g.

init python:
gr = "{color=#00c000}"
red = "{color=#f00}"
blue = "{color=#00f}"

If you're looking to have a custom background for each choice or something more customizable, you'd probably need to create a custom screen.

Also, you're better off posting such questions in Dev help.
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New Member
Aug 4, 2021
Awesome that worked, thank you. I don't know why I didn't think of putting it before the text, I kept trying to put it literally everywhere else, I appreciate it. And sorry for posting in the wrong spot, I'll keep that in mind if I need any help in the future.